Dr.Carolyn Dean’s ReMag liquid magnesium is absorbable at a 100 percent cellular level. ReMag is organic, pico-ionic, stabilized magnesium ions of atomic size. Magnesium ions are 86 picometers in size. Gateways to the cell are 400-500 picometers in width. Is it easy for Dr.Carolyn Dean‘s ReMag liquid magnesium to reach cells and provide benefits? The magnesium works uniquely when nothing else can deliver these results as ReMag does.
How is it real?
ReMag liquid magnesium is manufactured using proprietary technologies. It would be interesting to know how ReMag ions separated and stabilized. However, it is a business secret. I could compare it with Coca Cola which does not give the recipe for favorite drinks. All companies and homemakers have their secrets: patented products and tomato sauce.
Magnesium can not be patented because the mineral is from Nature. Nature does not limit access to her creations. We forget gifts and abilities and how to use them for our well-being.

I heard funny wishes to patent wild plants that have healing abilities. Thanks to the wisdom of governments, it did not happen.
Can you imagine patented dandelion? I think that foxes, rabbits, and bears would have a great laugh.
Good or best?
Okay, Magnesium comes in various forms. You know the most popular magnesium citrate. It is cheap and works just fine. Previously, when I did not know about ReMag, I was content with magnesium citrate.
Overall, it is funny to try something better, and you do not want to return to the previous conditions or usage.

For example, if you drove a noisy car for a few years and now have a chance to drive a flexible and powerful vehicle. You went for a few days, you like it, and you can have it. Would you return to the old car?
It is the same with food, bad habits, or company. You do not want to let it go when you try something good.
Dr.Carolyn Dean‘s ReMag is a product that can not be changed with other forms of magnesium. You would ask why.
- ReMag is 100 percent absorbable
- ReMag goes straight to the cells
- ReMag benefits the body quickly thanks to the quick absorption
Other forms of magnesium are not 100 percent magnesium. These types consist of magnesium and a second part, such as acid. It means that these forms must be splitting in the stomach. The acid goes somewhere else, mostly as the ballast to the body. The magnesium attaches to proteins that carry it to the bloodstream, tissues, and organs.
Do you see a difference?
Do you see a difference between magnesium forms such as magnesium oxide or magnesium citrate, which must go through the digestive system, and ReMag, which is immediately absorbable? If you sip water with ReMag, magnesium will reach cells through the mouth. If you spray ReMag on the skin, the skin will absorb ReMag at 100 percent. Why? ReMag is pico-ionic, liquid, atomic size stabilized magnesium ions.
Dr.Carolyn Dean’s ReMag benefits
Our body consists of millions of cells. These cells need magnesium for metabolic purposes.
ReMag brings benefits to the body fast and efficiently. Magnesium goes straight to cells, saving energy used for digestion and transportation.
How is magnesium important to the body?
- Magnesium acts as a cofactor for adenosine triphosphate( ATP)
- Human proteins contain 3571 magnesium receptor sites
- Magnesium protects against the excess calcium entering and leaving cells
- Magnesium regulates ion channels
- Magnesium is part of RNA and DNA structural integrity
- Magnesium deals with neurotransmitter activities
- Magnesium prevents calcium from harming nerves
- Magnesium is the cofactor for over 700 enzyme reactions and metabolic functions in the body.
How does magnesium help the body?
Magnesium helps the heart
Magnesium helps the heart in arrhythmia, angina pectoralis, weak heart muscle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and blood clots.
Magnesium helps muscles
- Magnesium aids in muscle cramps, spasms, tingling, and twitches.
- Magnesium helps smooth muscles in retinal blood vessels
- Magnesium prevents spasms in fallopian tubes. In this way, sperm may reach the egg.
- Magnesium aids menstrual cramps.
- Magnesium can ease cramps of the sphincter muscles in the esophagus, stomach, intestine, and bladder.
- Magnesium Helps Nervous System
Magnesium aids in cases such as
- Migraine
- Depression
- Mood swings
- Dizziness
- Nervousness
- Cerebral circulation problems
- Low blood pressure and poor circulation when the autonomic nervous system acts in the quiet mode.
- Magnesium decreases the release of stress hormones
- Magnesium Helps for Pregnancy
Magnesium deficiency correlates with miscarriage and premature birth.
Please read the blog Magnesium for Eclampsia here.
Magnesium aids for kidneys
Stones are painful when they are in the body. I do not mind if rocks lay on the beach, but I would be disappointed if they resided in my kidneys. It is painful and disrupts the delicate work of organs. Stones are in the kidneys when magnesium is deficient, and calcium overflows cells. If this situation is constant, the formation of rocks occurs. It is the reason why sufficient magnesium is so essential for overall well-being.
Magnesium is vital for athletes
Magnesium prevents the buildup of lactic acid after exercise.
Magnesium for osteoporosis
Magnesium supplements help in the cases of osteoporosis. Magnesium reduces calcification close to joints after hip replacement.
Magnesium aids thyroid
Magnesium regulates calcium absorption and utilization in the body. If calcium overcomes limits, thyroid hormones decline. Without magnesium, calcium can disturb many functions in the body.
Magnesium is an essential mineral. Without magnesium, we will have more and more problems. We have plenty to think about, such as how to pay the mortgage, deal with squirrels, or have more time for ourselves. Health is the most crucial asset over time. We can be in excellent shape with Dr.Dean‘s ReMag liquid magnesium, the best innovative product. You can read more about ReMag here. Do you know something else? Please leave your thoughts below; I would gladly read and answer.
Tried to copy some of this article BUT COULD NOT…WHY?
Planning to by your liquid magnesium and wanted to send info on it to a relative.
All online articles are very poorly written…so I kept looking for a good one.
Hello, Aryn.Sorry for the inconvenience. This content created by author and is protected by copyright.You can bookmark it and add to your reading list or to your favorite list.In this way, you always can find this article. If you want to send this article to the relative, you just copy and paste the link in your email. He or she could read all information and maybe will find something more beneficial for the wellbeing. I am glad that you interested in magnesium because this product is unique and works in multiple ways.All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Is ReMag good for inflammation? Arthritis?
Hello, Karen. Yes, ReMag helps the body to deal with inflammation. Dr. Carolyn Dean in her book The Magnesium Miracle cites findings from Life Science that magnesium deficiency causes” cartilage damage, defective chondrocyte biosynthesis, aberrant calcification and a weakened effect of analgesics.”
Another study points out “that the lower the dietary intake of magnesium, the higher the incidence of knee osteoarthritis”.
Magnesium is a simple mineral vitally important for the bodily functions and metabolism. ReMag helps to deal with magnesium deficiency thanks to the 100 percent cellular absorption.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
ConsumerLab just published A review of magnesium supplements and they found that ReMag contained 0.56 µg of lead in 1/2 teaspoon. I was very disappointed by this finding because I found ReMag to be a very convenient magnesium supplement from a supplier that I thought was reputable.
Thank you for asking – I have contacted the manufacturer, and below you’ll find their response. The summary is that they were failed for a child’s dosing in California, but they are disputing this finding. According to New Capstone, the makers of ReMag, the product has to be and remains safe for adults and children according to FDA standards and international requirements. And the product remains safe all around the world.
Thank you so much for asking. Have a great day!
Hi again. Because of my admiration for these products and wish that you could see how everything happened with ConsumerLab when they pointed about their findings, I post the reply from wonderful and knowledgeable customer service:
Consumer Labs failed Lot 0219-16 ReMag- for exceeding the lead allowance – not for the FDA or for dietary supplements – but for groundwater, as established in 1986 in California Prop 65.
The Lot – 0219-16 – was tested as LOWER than the acceptable level of the FDA by half – because we’ve gone out of our way to remove lead from all our products – but since they do come from the earth – they are going to have trace – and that’s what a microgram is – trace levels of lead in them.
So anyway, here’s where it gets interesting –
On the CL website they put these words:
When testing for lead, ConsumerLab uses the State of California’s Prop 65 limit, above which a warning label is required on products sold in that state (the only state to have such a limit). That limit is 0.5 mcg of lead per daily serving. However, based on settlements of cases of lead contamination in California, which have allowed somewhat higher amounts in products with inherent contamination issues, ConsumerLab allows somewhat higher amounts in products not marketed for children that contain minerals, whole parts of herbs, or for which serving sizes are 5 grams or more.
So – it’s weird. Because they say that they ALLOW higher amounts in products that contain minerals – and disallowed ours.
So, since we are safe – and always have been – we are actually conducting our own investigation of the products tested to determine if our product was, in fact, high OR if they took an exception to our product because we have a child’s recommended dose on the label – so, in other words – we do take exception to their report.
So where we are now:
1) our products are all FDA regulated and proven safe, 2) We’re already removing tons of lead and heavy metals from our raw materials and will continue to do so, 3) we are still not sure of the cause of the ‘failure’ since all the other products could have passed with higher lead counts than the Prop 65 .5mcg standard allows 4) we are doing an investigation of the process so we can confirm the testing mechanism and 5). Once we know what the actual concern is we will most likely end up asking Consumer Lab to issue a clarifying statement to put our customers at ease once again.
Does this make sense? Do you see why we would take exception to their report? Does it help you understand that our products are actually safe as they always have been?
I have wasted nearly $1000 on previous magnesium products before Remag. I will NEVER stop using Remag!! It is changing everything for me. Within 2 days I noticed a reduction in body tension that I didn’t know I carried until it was less. I don’t feel as cold all the time. The biggest change, Praise God, is my sleep. I have reduced my sleep aid by 75% because of Remag. I no longer wake up during the night. Before I would wake 1-5 times per night. My heart palpitations have also decreased significantly. I’m only 2.5 months in & look forward to further improvements to come. Dr. Dean is truly onto something!
Thanks for the feedback because of Dr.Carolyn Dean’s enormous job regarding the creation of these real and working products. Did you read her book The Magnesium Miracle? She tried to reach the highest levels to educate about the benefits of magnesium that stay in the body, but nobody listens to her. Magnesium oxide, which absorbs at 4%, and the rest goes down the drain, is a perfect solution for somebody who calls the shots. I am happy for you, may everything for you and your family would be well. Other Carolyn Dean products are good too. Be healthy and wealthy, regards, Nemira.