A gut bacteria for the brain is a bunch of friendly creatures that can make our lives miserable or blessed with clearness and sharpness of mind. The gut bacteria for the brain have exciting connections.
Bacteria lived in the human gut a million years ago. The body is colonized with an enormous amount of bacteria. These bacterias have a significant impact on our health.
Benefits of Gut Bacteria for Brain
1.Gut bacteria produce neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and GABA.
The neurotransmitter dopamine is responsible for messages between the brain and various body cells.
The neurotransmitter serotonin helps deliver signals from one brain area to another.
GABA or gamma-aminobutyric acid is a chemical which helps relax the mind and prepare it for sleep.
2. Gut bacteria influence anxiety and depression.
Stephen Collins, a scientist from McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, discovered that bacteria lactobacillus and bifidobacterium could reduce anxiety-like behavior in mice.
Human beings carry these strains of bacteria in their guts too.
3. Gut bacteria may produce neuroactive chemical such as butyrate. The butyrate associated with reducing anxiety and depression.
4. John Cryan, the neuroscientist from University College of Cork in Ireland, points out that some of the gut bacteria can activate the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve is the main line of communication between the gut and the brain
Can you imagine how important it is to have healthy gut bacteria?
5. Microbiome, a bacterial ecosystem, is closely linked with the immune system. The immune system influences mood and behavior.
You see that the gut bacteria for the brain offers many benefits.
The Connection Between Gut Bacteria and Type 2 Diabetes
Dr. Max Nieuwdorp, a researcher in Amsterdam, found out how to reverse type 2 diabetes. He did fecal transplantations for 250 participants in the studies. Diabetes was reversed, changing the constitution of the gut bacteria. Is it not fascinating?
The Role of Environmental Factors
Researchers found that our genes are responsible for about 10 percent of human diseases. The rest, 90 percent, were influenced by harmful environmental factors.
According to Dr. Perlmutter, “the gut microbiome is 99 percent of the DNA in your body, and it is highly responsive and changeable based upon lifestyle choices, most importantly our food options…”
The Gut Bacteria and Autoimmune Disease
Autoimmune diseases are famous for inflammation. When somebody has a leaky gut, he or she could be more able to get one of the autoimmune diseases. A leaky gut happens then substances from the bowels leak into the bloodstream. Not so much fun, yes?
LPS or lipopolysaccharide is a chemical which covers particular bacteria groups in the gut. When LPS shows in the bloodstream, and plenty of antibodies are around, it means that people have a leaky gut.
Dr. Perlmutter describes successful stories about patients which had great results after using some techniques. These procedures were probiotic enemas or fecal transplantations. It sounds scary, but if people show improvement after these procedures, it is fascinating.
How to Nourish Gut Bacteria
In Perlmutter’s book Brain Maker: The Power of Gut Microbes to Heal and Protect Your Brain for Life, Dr. Perlmutter delivers a message on how to protect and nourish gut bacteria.
1.The Caesarian section can be the trigger to the risk for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The risk having autistic child increases twice. The child can struggle with allergies, type 1 diabetes and obesity. The researchers from Yale University developed the technique which helps the child get mother’s bacteria.
2. Breastfeeding helps the child to improve bacteria in his gut through skin contact.
3. The usage of antibiotics has side effects. Some groups of bacteria change after using antibiotics. One Firmicutes group get bigger and increases the risk to obesity. Animals get bigger when they fed with antibiotics.
4. According to Dr. Perlmutter, sugar and high-fructose syrup increase the growth of disease-causing bacteria, fungi, and yeast. Fructose causes many problems, such as inflammation and leaky gut.
5. Dr. Perlmutter does not favorite GMO food. Gut bacteria prefer normal food, which was consumed million of years ago. Glyphosate, which is used on GM crops, has been found to alter the human gut bacteria
6. Probiotic foods help gut bacteria stay in shape. Sauerkraut, Kefir, kombucha, and fermented vegetables provide nutrients for the body and gut bacteria.
7. Prebiotic fiber such as dandelion greens, jicama or Mexican yam, onions, and leeks create the environment where gut bacteria is in the best shape.
Gut bacteria is vital for us as the guard and provider for good health. Having healthy and flourishing microbiome means that our minds will be sharp, the metabolism fast, the immune system will protect the body from invaders.
You can avoid many problems associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and MS if you will take care of your guts.
The serotonin, a neurotransmitter is a chemical which related to the feeling of happiness. Serotonin found in the gastrointestinal tract and central nervous system. What does it mean? It means that if gut bacteria is in good shape, the digestion and absorption of food goes smoothly. Serotonin is not affected by toxins which occur when food is not absorbed. It is funny how our mood depends on many factors. In this case, gut bacteria plays the important role. Besides it, the gut bacteria for brain plays the important role producing neurotransmitters.
Elisa says
I had no idea that bacteria produced neurotransmitters! That is way cool to know! I can see now why it so important to keep the gut healthy.
I try hard to keep sugar low in my diet, like you said, but it is so hard! Does eating the probiotic foods counteract that at all?
Nemira says
Hi, it depends how much sugar you consume. Sugar is bad not just for digestive system as great food for yeast and creator of bad environment for gut bacteria but as trigger for many unhealthy conditions.
You can help gut bacteria eating probiotic foods such as yogurt or fermented vegetables.
Margarita says
A unique view on the friendly bacteria, Nemira. Maybe, that’s because you are veterinarian 🙂
Fecal transplantation, never heard of it, very peculiar. Would you say bacteria plays such an important role in dogs too? Is there any way to increase bacteria population in dogs? Mine just won’t eat vegetables, only meat, butter, eggs – completely carnivorous, unfortunately…
Nemira says
Hello, Margarita. Being veterinarian it is easy for me to grasp all scientific explanation in the books or articles. The gut bacteria are not bugs or cockroaches. These tiny microorganisms lived with us million years successfully. The gut bacteria used feel good to comfortable surroundings in our bodies. Unfortunately times changed. Antibiotics, chemicals, processed foods showed up. Our body tries to adapt to changes but it does not work. Plenty of chronic adult diseases showed up.
What is wrong with fecal transplant? Of course, it is not beautician procedure but if you can rid of diabetes, I think it is a great thing. Do you know what colonoscopy is? Before this particular procedure, bowels must be empty of stools. When bowels are empty, the doctor can explore inside world of intestine.
It is similar with fecal transplant. When bowels are empty, they are filed with the healthy content from a healthy person. These facts are from doctors who performed these procedures. What is most important that fecal transplant helped rid from diabetes. Is not it wonderful?
All the best. Nemira.
P.S. Sorry, I did not find information about gut bacteria regarding dogs. If I will find, I would be happy to write about it. Overall, dogs are dogs. Sometimes they are smarter as humans when choosing right way of living.
Rosa says
Hi Nemira,
I’ve never heard of gut bacteria, in fact I would have never thought that gut bacteria would be of any benefit to the human body or brain.
Although I would have to say that I have heard that some bacteria is good for the body though I’m not sure what that bacteria would be.
The other thing you mentioned is that people have been known to have a leaky gut, which sounds scary to me. That’s another I have never heard of before. Makes me wonder how that happens. But in your article it sounds people do improve.
Thanks for sharing that information.
Nemira says
When I read articles about gut bacteria, I was fascinated learning maybe hundredth time about our body what everything is connected. Conventional medicine treats us as cars. Something is broken, we got a new part. Unfortunately, consequences occur such as inflammation or allergies happen.
If you think about different parts of our body: gut and brain. It seems that they are on the opposite sides. What can be in common between different parts of the body? It seems that we do not know anything about ourselves.
Our body is a miracle and can perform in the best way if we do not harm it.
All the best, Nemira.
Carlton Gonder says
Thank you for writing such an interesting article. Additionally, was literally drawn in to read by the title . Honestly never really knew the correlation between gut bacteria and the brain.Also, had no idea of the role it plays in our health and metabolism every day. Was wondering if you have any suggesting on what is best for PTSD stress related from the military?
Nemira says
Hello, Carlton. Yes, the gut bacteria has relationships with brain. If bacteria flourishes, our mind is bright and sharp. When bacteria is gone or damaged with antibiotics, we have a problem. I heard about this connection few years ago, but just now I found few articles where the importance of gut bacteria was explained.
You asked about PTSD. I am not a doctor. I provide the information gathered from scientific magazines and books written by researches and doctors. Anyway, I looked for this condition. EFT helps a lot. EFT is a technique which work as acupuncture, just without needles. EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques. You can find instructions how to do it on the http://www.mercola.com. Just type in research bar PTSD and plenty helpful links will show up.
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. recommends magnesium for depression in her book The Magnesium Miracle.
I hope that you will find these resource helpful. Both doctors are longtime researchers, practitioners and promoters of healthy living.
All the best, Nemira.
Bev. says
I’m glad I took the time to read this article. I’d heard of gut bacteria before, but certainly not in relations to the brain, guess that proves I can stand to learn lots more. I had no idea, but, after learning how bacteria can activate the vagus nerve, which is the central line of communication between the two…It’s now making more sense to me. Also, it was interesting to find out that Diabetes are closely connected to the chain of things. I didn’t quite understand what this doctor did though, “the fecal transplantations”…just wondering exactly what that is? But I get it that he was able to reverse Type 2 Diabetes by changing the course of action, somehow. Wow, this all sounds so interesting. Diabetes II is one of my worst enemies. I’m so trying to delete all the sugars and starches from my diet. How do you feel about the Gut bacteria/Biotic supplements…Will they help? Are they compatible with most medications? By the way, thanks for sharing this information.
Nemira says
Hello, Bev. I understand your interest regarding this issue. I explore health related topics ten years already. I am fascinated with findings in all areas where well-being for humans is concerned.
So called fecal transplantations sound disgusting because the imagination can take over. We can forget that these procedures are performed by scientists and medical personal.
Do you know what the enema is? In this case the colon is cleansed as before colonoscopy. Your bowels are empty. The amount of healthy stool from the healthy person is transferred to yours. The gut bacteria in your bowels will be in a good shape and will perform her tasks as supposed to be for a healthy person.
This fecal transplant is called a bacteriotherapy. This procedure is not brand new. It existed long years ago. Just now when humans have more and more problems with health, doctors introduce unharmful procedures which help people stay in a best possible shape.
Gut bacteria does not interfere with medications because it lived in human bowels million years ago. Antibiotics destroy gut bacteria as you know.
Besides it, Dr. Carolyn Dean M.D.,N.D. offers magnesium supplements for diabetes patients. You can find her products at Amazon.
Bev says
Wow, now that’s deep… “Fecal Transplantation” , thanks for explaining this, I can see how it works now, Personally I think I would shiver from the thought of this being done to me…lol. But it’s great it has worked for many, that’s really awesome. Thanks for your reply.
Nemira says
You are welcome. I think that the health is the most important thing. This information is from doctors who have experience in this area. They recorded results. It means that we do not need to lose hope. Of course, the prevention is key to the health. However, if something happens we can reverse situation to the good with the help of doctors.
All the best, Nemira.
Matt's Mom says
Yes, I this makes me think of Parkinson’s. My dad has this, and the last time he visited I made him buy some probiotics for his gut bacteria, because I read that all patients with this disease is low in a few different bacteria’s. This in turn causes them to have less Dopamine. I went online and tried to find a good brand for him, I’d be curious to know what you recommend? Anything I can do to help him with his Parkinson’s, I want to do. This seems to be key.
Nemira says
Hello here. I am sorry to hear about your Dad. All diseases are no fun, especially when your loved ones suffer. Parkinson’s disease is not lethal but people can break bones when they fall. The life quality is low. Would you like to check website www. mercola.com? This doctor is outstanding as the Dr. Carolyn Dean. He has plenty articles where everything is explained in a simple manner. He could have the advice to you regarding your Dad.
All the best, may everybody in your family and around you would be healthy and happy. All the best, Nemira.
Josh Ellery says
I’ve been told by several scientists and health professionals online that the small intestine is like a second brain to us. I’m not sure if those probiotic supplements work, have you tried them before? They’re supposed to increase gut bacteria.
What you said about serotonin is really interesting too, there are way too many harmful environmental factors going on like pollution
Nemira says
Hello, there is some truth but our gut flora acts as the second brain. It is proven by scientists and is called ENS ( enteric nervous system. It seems that gut brain comes from the same embryonic tissues.
What is fascinating that the ENS has plenty of tasks such as keeping moving food in the needed direction regulating muscle cells constrictions.
I think that the saying that you are what you eat is a right one. Junk foods and people become miserable, obese, and unhappy. There are plenty to explore and I have more material coming on this topic.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.