Magnesium and sugar are different things. Both magnesium and sugar are items that we eat. However, they work in different ways. Magnesium is a good guy. Sugar is terrible when we consume too much of it. I read that sugar works as a narcotic. It doesn’t sound delicious. However, if we count how many spoons of sugar are in one can of soda and how much we drink every day, we are addicts.
Sugar depletes magnesium along with other minerals. Magnesium deficiency can lead to 65 health conditions.
Magnesium and sugar are not friends
Overdosing sugar brings our bodies to a state where plenty of dangerous conditions occur. Cakes, soda drinks, and processed food contain plenty of sugar. This white substance can cost us the best that we have: health.
Nancy Appleton, on her website, lists 146 conditions that occur after excessive use of sugar. I read that sugar can make changes in mental health. Mild memory loss, anyone? It sounds harsh, but sweets used in large quantities lead to terrible conditions. I like chocolate, dark chocolate. However, I want to quit. However, I feel how it’s hard to avoid this temptation.
What does sugar do?
People who consistently eat refined diets, such as white bread, cakes, cookies, and donuts, have elevated sugar levels in their blood. The sugar is quickly absorbed because it is easily digested. The insulin rises to take the excess glucose from the blood to the cells. This condition will call for a fast drop of sugar in the blood. We call this condition hypoglycemia. Adrenaline shows up to make sure that blood sugar is not too low.
When blood sugar is too low, the person can lose consciousness. No fun, yes? Usually, adrenaline is produced when a dangerous situation occurs. What is the danger here? Too many cookies or soda. We do not think about consequences.
Consequences are diabetes, obesity, chronic diseases, and so on.
Dr. Abram Hoffer, in a nutritional research report, stated:
The refining of sugar removes 93 percent of chromium, 89 percent of manganese, 98 percent of cobalt, 83 percent of copper, 98 of zinc, and 98 percent of magnesium.
Refined sugar does not have many vital minerals and vitamins. To keep up with organ systems requirements, the body needs to dig into reserves. What will be after that? Mineral and vitamin deficiencies. Mainly, it happens when we do not eat any vegetables and fully absorb mineral formulas.
People need more information about sugar
Ms. Nancy Appleton did a great educational job writing about sugar in her book Lick The Sugar Habit. On her website, www.nancyappleton.com, she points to 136 reasons people should avoid sugar.
Individuals can get hemorrhoids, varicose veins, arthritis, osteoporosis, emphysema, and depression. When I read Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. the book The Death by Modern Medicine, I was astonished at how nothing was done to solve these problems. I wonder, if people knew what it would be like after following sedentary lives and eating junk food, what would they do?

Not everybody has a strong will, as Rafael Zuniga has. He did a fascinating job losing weight and changing habits. How about people who want to escape from reality by enjoying sweets?
Magnesium and sugar do not go together as beneficial nutrients. Magnesium is an essential mineral. Sugar does not play any vital role in our lives. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds have some sugar. However, this sugar reaches our bodies in a different form. We do not consume it in significant amounts.
Sugar drains minerals from the body. Magnesium becomes deficient if we consistently consume sugary foods and drinks — there are two ways to help ourselves.
- Stop eating sugary foods.
- Replenish the body with magnesium
Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame are dangerous to us, too. Let’s think about our well-being because health is the most precious thing on Earth besides time.
How about you? Do you like sweets?
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