Magnesium for angina helps beneficially. Magnesium is an essential mineral. Magnesium deficiency leads to sixty-five conditions such as angina, anxiety and panic attacks, blood clots, brain dysfunction, cholesterol elevation, etc.
What is it, angina?
Angina happens when the lack of oxygen for the heart muscle and the buildup of carbon dioxide and other metabolites create pain in the chest region.
Pain can be mild or piercing, the feeling of pressure or fullness. This condition scares people.
How does angina happen?
Coronary (heart) arteries spasm and block the entrance for oxygen and nutrients. The heart does not get essential items and suffers from them.
Mostly, angina happens after exercise, heavy meals, stress, or lucid, vivid dreams.
There is another type of angina. It is called Prinzmetal’s. This angina happens at rest, without stress or exercise.
Doctor James B. Pierce, Ph., assumes that Prinzmetal’s angina occurs when people are deficient in magnesium. It happens in fifty percent of cases of sudden heart attacks.
The doctor, James B. Pierce, discovered that magnesium works better than nitroglycerine for his chest pain.
He observed that chest pain occurs after a busy and stressful day, a long drive, or negative emotions.
Risk factors for angina
What does cause angina? Knowing the reasons and triggers for various disorders, we can use prevention tools.
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- Magnesium deficiency
- Hyperlipidemia
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Diet weak in nutrients
- Type A personality
- A family history of coronary artery diseases
Diagnosis of angina
Doctors perform procedures such as
- Electrocardiogram
- Exercise tolerance test
- Coronary angiogram
Common recommendations
After diagnosing angina, the recommendation is the following:
- Cease smoking
- Watch after diet
- Lose weight
- Control blood pressure
When cases of angina are complicated, stents are used to open arteries to remove the arterial blockage. Bypass surgery is performed to circumvent blocked arteries.
The best option to escape angina
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., the author of The Magnesium Miracle, prevention is the best treatment for angina.
By choosing the proper lifestyle and diet, we will avoid consuming junk food, a sedentary way of spending time with TV or playing video games. Sugar, alcohol, and junk food do lack magnesium. That is worse because it depletes magnesium. Add to these bad habits drugs, and you will have the ticket to problems.
Why? Drugs are famous for consuming minerals, in this case, magnesium.
Prevention tools
Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends using ReMag, which is 100 percent absorbable at the cellular level of liquid magnesium. Supplements that are friendly to the heart, exercises, and watching over nutrition will support us.

Let’s wrap up. Nobody wants to change habits. If somebody does, they barely take action. However, when we know that we can be healthy and live meaningful lives, we can get a grip and check out our lifestyle.
Magnesium is an essential mineral for angina. Dietary supplements such as ReMag, exercises, and a diet rich in minerals, vitamins, proteins, fatty acids, and enzymes will provide strength for our bodies in the same way as they will for the heart.
We can spend our time better helping others and reaching goals. Without a healthy heart, there is no fun.
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