Can food work as a medicine? Can it be nutraceutical food? Can we prevent diseases with the consumption of fresh and nutritious food? Famous Ann Wigmore created the Hippocrates Health Institute. Ann Wigmore promoted her experience when she healed herself with living food. She consumed herbs and sprouts and made the great Rejuvelax.

Her lifestyle inspired thousands of her followers. People found out that real food can help rid themselves of many problems associated with the body’s well-being.
Nutraceutical food is full of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and proteins that give the body full support for living a balanced and healthy life. The deficiency of nutrients creates diseases that interfere with quality of life.
The nutraceutical food from the past
Older generations remember when fresh milk was delivered in bottles or farmers’ markets were a place where you could buy fresh food and meet your friends. Small business was a critical part of human lives. The pharmacist knew families. The family doctor took care of a few generations.
Most of the families gathered at the table and ate homemade food. They had soup made from homegrown chicken with vegetables from the garden and meat from the butcher.
Tea with herbs, picked by hand in the meadow, the honey, and garlic, when somebody catches a cold, helped go through disturbances. Nutraceutical food gives nutrients needed for the body.
Of course, people had diseases, but not like today. Obese people seldom saw. Stress-related conditions were random.
Now people return to old habits. However, they do not have enough time to prepare food at home. It requires time management to find the right food items that are nutritious and fulfilling.
Do you pay attention to what you put in your mouth?
Do people take great care of their cars and dogs? They refill vehicles with fuel, which is required for a particular type of car. They pick the best food for their furry friends.
How about themselves? How many men and women analyze the quality of the food?
Usually, the taste of food wins over quality.
We choose pizza over nuts, seeds, organic meat or fruits, and vegetables. Many people know that the food in fast food chains does not have nutritional value. This particular food is processed. Vitamins and enzymes disappear.
I know that pizza or chicken from the fast-food chain can be addictive. Processed food has chemical substances that make us feel wanting more and more.
Changing habits
Habits are second nature. People must have a strong will and motivation if they would like to change practices.
Popular weight loss programs use actors and pleasing eye settings to motivate customers and invite them to subscribe.
If we consume processed food, we do not have enough nutrients to keep our bodies shape.
We must take good care of our bodies in the same way we care for our cars. We must eat food full of vital nutrients.
How o change habits?
Visualize the picture of your goal
Write down steps from the start to the end
Be flexible during change
Find a team of people who have the same problem as you.
Nutraceutical food could give you vital nutrients needed for the body’s performance.
How about you? Do you have an opinion about food choices? Do you think that food could be helpful as medicine for us?
This is so true. I was watching a documentary the other day called Food Matters and it talked about much of this. We really have become a society so rushed and time sensitive that we want quick, fast food. Personally, I should eat better but many times what taste good, and is easy wins with a busy schedule. We would all be much better off eating healthier foods. Do have any tips on how to get started?
I have plenty of tips. Unfortunately, I do not know you as the person. I am not a doctor. I am veterinarian. Ex-veterinarian now. It is best to reach out for doctor who treats the patient as whole. My favourite doctor is Carolyn Dean, M.D, N.D. She has a Wellness program which offers many valuable articles about mostly all requirements of health. She is great as the human being and as the professional. You can check her website:
Overall, it is pretty simple to take care of yourself. It does not matter how are you busy are. I think that you have your lunch break and some time when you got up in the morning.
The water on the empty stomach after sleep helps body remove waste. I prefer at winter time to drink hot water. Breakfast is important, a real one. No chemicals or preservatives. Proteins, green drinks give the energy for the start of day.
At the lunch time you can have soaked overnight and cooked beans at your office. It is tasty and healthy. Some of Himalayan salt will give taste. There are plenty of glass containers where you can keep meal or snacks for lunch. If you would add Spirulina to your diet, you would be fulfilled with all vital nutrients.
Nuts, seeds, organic meat and fish will give your required proteins and some of nutrients.
All the best, Nemira.
i really love your post and i think you are right. I am trying to change my habits but sometimes is difficult because of the lack of time of…just the way life it is. To be honest I am doing nice progress in the last period of time. As you say…it is more and more difficult to find real healthy food but I turned my attention to nature in the last year. I think nature can provide us everything we need for a healthy nutrition.
Do you think the old way of life it would me much better?
I have to say that I live in a place near a forest, I don;t know many things about nature but I try to learn. I already learned to find various types of tea for example.I take eggs and vegetables from a neighbor which has his .. I am on the right way.Don’t you think?
Hello, Cristina. Of course you are on the right track. You consume a real food: free cage organic eggs and vegetables. You can have notebook and register your emotions, feelings about your body. You will notice that you are more and more alert about yourself. I am addicted to chocolate. I know that I can live without it and it is just a habit, not a need. What I need is magnesium. When people are deficient of nutrients such as minerals or vitamins they take advantage of foods who have these nutrients. Unfortunately, these components as in my case magnesium is surrounded with sugar and other additives. I do not win when I have chocolate on breakfast.
It is great that you live close to the forest. The nature is a free gift for us just we forgot it. You can find a peace when you walk surrounded by the nature. If you have garden , you can grown your own spices. It takes time to change habits but it is doable. Most important, what it pays for us back with good health and clear mind.
Good luck in your journey towards well-being, cheers, Nemira.
Thanks for very bright and hopeful post. You are absolutely right that our bad habits are the main enemies. Eating habits, smoking habits drinking habits, gambling habits. All those are not diseases but a bad habit. Sometimes it is difficult to change habits on their own, and we need some help but your simple advice is a good beginning.
Hello here. It is not easy to change habits as you told but it is doable. When people would know how to do it, they would be more eager change themselves. Sometimes we can not imagine consequences of our habits. Sometimes we do not pay attention till something goes wrong. We put on the scale food from casual store and food from farmers which is natural and unprocessed. Our health is most important asset in our lives. Being informed what helps us to survive and flourish gives us choice to choose from many options.
All the best, Nemira.
Yes I totally agree with everything you have said here. If we made the effort to eat the right foods all the time. There would probably be less health problems. I used to get colds all the time, but ever since I started drinking green with garlic I cant remember the last time I caught a cold. Do you have any foods in particular that have healed you?
Hello, Melanie. It is great that you discovered your own things which help you to feel well. Many doctors stated that if our immune system is strong, the body can take of itself. Unfortunately, stress, pollution, processed food, sedentary lifestyle keeps us out of balance. There are more things such as genetics, but it is scientifically proven that surroundings and lifestyle are main reasons if we would be in a good shape or we will feel miserable. I think that nobody wants to be restricted with something as diabetes or heart diseases. Unfortunately, it happens. Following advice of famous doctors such as Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., Dr.Joseph Mercola or Dr. Oz, we can stay away from many troubles. We will understand that the right nutrition is a key to our well-being.
All the best, Nemira.
I love your website. Lots of great content. I am also an animal lover. I live in Hawaii. I remember as a young kid my mom put fresh noni fruit in a glass jar with a lid on and she would let it sit and ferment in the sun for a few months. I remember smelling it and tasting. It smelled awful. Tastes really bitter. Now I’m in my 30’s and im getting into drinking noni juice. It’s so great for your body. Nature is the number healing medicine. You have lots of helpful tips in your blog.
Hello, Joanne. Thanks for mentioning Noni. This fruit helped me a few times when I got into trouble. I wrote about it in my My Personal Healing Story. I like the taste of this fruit. Maybe it is different from yours because it is fermented in the cold temperature, not as your mom did. Noni’s taste reminds cheese mixed with lemon. I could eat it every day. Noni juice, especially if it is made in a processed way by high temperature, does not have value as Noni fermented in a cold way. Enzymes are lost by 120 degrees of Fahrenheit. It means that we do not get all beneficial nutrients from this miraculous fruit. Of course, there are some traces left but if you pay price for the Noni product, be sure that you would get a best option.
When I read in books about herbs, fruits, vegetables, I wonder why people do not choose them to help themselves. We have a lot on our plates already such as mortgages, tuitions, care of children, parents. We need to be healthy in a way which is offered for us from mother nature. We simply forgot it.
I hope that people would consider advice from naturopathic doctors or doctors who offer simple ways ho to stay healthy. Prevention is the key if we do not want be miserable and weak.
All the best, Nemira.
People nowadays think the taste more from the healthy side of foods. Myself also in that capacity like others but what I have found when I start on a journey of working in entrepreneurial than 13 to 15 years being fixed-income earner, I give myself a chance and not in hurry anymore to be more choosy and pick the right good food.
I always look up to site like your’s to find different kind review and idea finding foods that could help improving my health
Hello here. All choices have consequences. All people are perfect examples of the choices. It works in every area of our lives. It is the same with food. When we concentrated on what is good for our bodies, not for our taste buds, we would win in a long run.The right food gives us a building material four our bodies, a fuel for the move on and complete tasks. Junk food is good for few minutes till we eat it and later on we want it again. Junk food is just a ballast, empty substance without vital nutrients. Our bodies starve. We see consequences as decreased vitality, obesity and so on.
All the best, Nemira.