The soda tax is good because everybody addicted to soda drinks would start to think about why these fees are higher than before. Nobody likes it when prices go up. However, high rates do not mean that the item or product is of good quality. After all, nobody will be harmed if soda sales would go down.
Why do soda drinks require tax?

I hope that you know that soda drinks contain plenty of sugar. This sugar is not brown or molasses. It is white sugar striped from minerals and other nutrients — taste buds like a pleasant feeling. Unfortunately, the body has plenty of problems.
Tax on soda would help people to stop and think about where to spend the money. Soda drinks are addictive, but they do not have any nutritional value; they only pave the path to obesity.
It is not a surprise that in North America, the obesity skyrocketed. A few generations ago, people were in shape and did not get diabetes as often as now. We can blame parents or the government, but it does not help get rid of problems. We must know that we are responsible for our choices.
If you want to drink soda drinks where sugar is hidden, but you get eight spoons of sugar in every can, the consequences are dangerous. It is terrible for us, families, and health professionals. Doctors could spend their valuable time treating other diseases.
Unfortunately, it is not easy to get rid of bad habits. Happily, soda taxes cause turmoil, which makes people think why these taxes on soda got up.
One of the main reasons that people get diabetes is a sinful lifestyle. Overeating, a sedentary lifestyle, and the lack of nutrients create an avalanche of problems. It seems that people do not want to be in bad shape, but on the other hand, individuals seldom look for information and ask questions from knowledgeable health professionals.
It does not need to be in this way. Of course, there are other problems. It isn’t straightforward. However, by watching over diet, getting off from the coach, and consistently following the advice of excellent doctors, people could change everything for a pleasant outcome.
How are soda taxes good?

Soda taxes bring light to things that are not new. It shows the magnitude of the problems. Soda drinks do not bring wanted results to people. Addiction to sugar is a common thing for people.
What is harmful to soda drinks?
Significant amounts of sugar in soda drinks strip bodies of minerals. Magnesium is removed with waste because the body needs minerals to utilize the harm of sugar.
When the body lacks magnesium, the body’s metabolism suffers. You can read more about magnesium’s role in the human body.
The mechanism of sugar harm
Sometimes, it is not easy to grasp why sugar harms us. I like sweets, especially chocolate. Thankfully, I understand the reason, and now I know why I was addicted. I am cured now.
There are steps in the sugar mechanism
- The meal or can of soda with eight to ten spoons of sugar inside reaches the stomach
- It stimulates an insulin response from the pancreas
- Insulin normalizes blood sugar levels
- When there is too much insulin, the levels of blood sugar go down, and sugar goes into the cells
- The low level of blood sugar causes adrenaline
- The adrenaline from the adrenal glands stimulates to raise blood sugar back to normal.
- Constant usage of sweets and sugary drinks exhausts the pancreas and adrenal glands.
- Albeit there is too much insulin, which is stimulated by soda drinks, cell’s receptor sites shut down.
- It leads to insulin resistance. It means that insulin can not transport sugar into cells.
- Sugar cannot get into the cells where it is turned into energy
- Sugar becomes elevated in the blood, which damages the eyes, heart, and kidneys in adult-onset diabetes.
Soda drinks do not bring well-being to our bodies. There are plenty of risks, such as obesity, the lack of minerals such as magnesium, and diabetes. The soda tax will remind us that we can choose better options to indulge ourselves.
When the body goes out of balance, who will be responsible for the latest consequences? There are plenty of examples that show that the wrong lifestyle and poor diet do not lead to a joyful life. It creates just misery. Of course, we enjoy a few minutes of excitement, but after that, we do not fit into the airplane seat. Let’s not feel sorry about soda taxes and think about how to preserve the most valuable asset: health.
The Chicago newspaper, Chicago Tribune, followed the ups and downs of debated sugar taxes. Few informative articles showed up about reasons why these taxes will touch residents and sellers. “Philadelphia’s soda taxes offer lessons,” “Doomed soda tax was never about our health,” and ” Cook County retailers cheer soda tax repeal” painted the colorful picture of various points from the view of customers, sellers, government officials, and journalists. What do you think about how it ended? Despite durable pieces of evidence that sugary drinks harm most vulnerable people in Hispanic and African-American communities, taxes did not go up.
Of course, adults want to make their own decisions. People who drink these sugary drinks are addicted to them from childhood. More significant prices will not stop them. Instead of a rational and constant explanation about harm, the offer to increase taxes on soda drinks showed up. Sellers did not like it and fought back. They won.
“(Taxpayers) will continue to cover the rising costs of treating the chronic diseases caused by drinking too many sugary beverages while also seeing cuts to health care services for our most vulnerable communities,” Elissa Bassler, CEO of the Illinois Public Health Institute, said in a statement.
Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 12, 2017
It is a long journey from realizing that nobody else will take care of you. Only the understanding that health is the most critical asset will change the situation.
You and you can make decisions regarding everything. Companies that produce these drinks do not want to lose clients. It is a business, nothing more. However, tobacco companies print on packages that smoking is harmful to our health. Maybe it will happen with sugary drinks?
Saudi Arabia has one of the highest rates of diabetes in the world, because of the high amounts of soda they consume. Remember, they are not allowed to drink alcohol. This is why they turn to soda drinks in order to celebrate their life. In fact, according to a study from 2010, the risk of developing diabetes is 26% higher for people who have one or more sugary drinks each day. By the way a can of soda contains 15-18 teaspoons of sugar. Thanks for speaking the clear words and bringing some light in an industry that literally is poisoning the consumer. So taxing soda makes definitely sense when you consider the high amounts of costs type 2 diabetes puts on the health system.
Hi, Robert. I did not know about Saudi Arabia, thanks for letting know but I know for sure that addiction to sweets is a real thing. Adults can take care of themselves, but children who adapt to this dangerous lifestyle from the little age suffer most.They can not choose that is good, and that is wrong because adults show bad examples. Sometimes I think that it is done on purpose for the benefit of some particular industries.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.