How do you stop cravings for food? Magnesium is the answer. Of course, if you do not eat at all and starve yourself, minerals will not save you from misery. Food cravings can happen for everybody depleted of vital nutrients, especially minerals such as magnesium.
What is good nutrition?

Proper nutrition includes minerals, vitamins, proteins, amino acids, fat, and fatty acids. We can live just with proteins or be eating only fats. A body is complex; everything is connected and can not exist without each other. What do I mean? I mean that if we do not provide the body with some of the vital nutrients, the imbalance happens.
You see people who have some problems. Some of them are obese, some are sad and have anxiety and panic attacks, and some crave food or have allergies. It does not happen from somewhere. When the body does not get nutrients problems start to bother us.
Food cravings happen when the body lacks nutrients, especially proteins, vitamins, and minerals. It tries to fulfill with junk food that is full of chemicals and triggers chronic diseases and obesity.
How is our diet good?
I wonder how many of us would lift a hand and say that he or she gets everything that the body needs from food? There are Paleo dieters, vegans, vegetarians, Atkinson diet, or Mediterian diet followers. Do you think that they are happy with the outcome? I doubt it because the food does not provide enough minerals for the body to function well.
The soil is depleted in most areas of North America. Nobodys mineralizes the land. Maybe there are some exceptions, but the primary food on our tables comes from giant fields. These fields get Roundup, not minerals. Sorry, but it is a harsh reality. Thankfully, some states have woken up and made laws to protect citizens from chemicals.
What is more, when we do not get minerals, we have from fifty to seventy percent of chronic illnesses. The magnesium deficiency, the removal of the refining process of vitamins E and B6, which are vital for magnesium absorption, makes us crave depleted nutrients.
Why do we crave food?
When we eat food without essential nutrients, we consume dry food. We get calories, not active ingredients, which make our body move and flourish. The body recognizes the lack of minerals and other minerals. It is expressed through a constant craving. We consume pancakes, sweets, cookies, or white bread, but it does not benefit us. These empty calories, mostly total sugar, turn to the fat, the enemy, and the object of sorrow. We are always unhappy and miserable. We reach again for junk food to satisfy cravings. Unfortunately, it helps gain weight but does not help the body get nutrients.
How to change the situation?
The answer is information that you can find in Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book The Magnesium Miracle. She gives a perfect example of comparing a few products. The rice bran, weighing 1.8 ounces, contains 400 mg of magnesium, while 54.25 ounces of doughnuts must be eaten to get the same amount of mineral. I think that it is a sad picture because we lack information. I liked sweets, too, but after the usage of magnesium, my cravings disappeared.
How do you stop cravings for food?
We must eat food which is rich in magnesium and other minerals. Protein-rich foods such as meat and fish and foods such as wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, sunflower seeds, kelp, pumpkin seed, and sea salt will provide magnesium. Of course, it will not be enough. Supplements such as ReMag will help fill the void.

Eating organic food, giving priority to raw or gently steamed food, will provide you with vital nutrients. The body will get most of all the ingredients. You will eat less, and you feel faster and fuller.
The proper choice is to join a community-sponsored agriculture(CSA) cooperative buying share in a local organic farm. You can share products such as fresh vegetables, fruit, chicken, lamb, or free-range eggs.
Giving your body wholesome food protects you from food cravings. Think about it because you do not need it anymore when you have everything. You are content.
A significant addition to the body’s wellness is Dr. Dean’s Total Body ReSet bundle. You can find the information here.
Have you ever experienced how to avoid food cravings? I would be happy to read about it here. Please leave a comment below.