Cancer is a disease that makes shiver most everybody who has met somebody who went through these scary times. It is no fun to have all procedures that make people weak and susceptible to other wellness problems.
According to Dr. Thomas Seyfried, cancer is first in the USA. Previously, heart diseases were at the top of all diseases.
Fortunately, Dr.Thomas Seyfried offers a solution to deal with cancer when he explains why cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease and shows how to deal with that.
Do we need to go over the rainbow?
It is a lovely expression writing about lethal consequences such as dying from this disease, but it is no fun when your loved one struggles to prepare and survive treatments.
Thankfully, Dr. Thomas Sefierd, in conversation with Dr.Malik, provides a different perspective on this chronic condition.

Information from Dr.Thomas Seyfried
The doctor recognizes cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease.
What does it mean?
It means that cancer cells use energy that is produced differently from healthy cells.
Cancer cells use fermentation energy; they do not use oxygen. Fermentation was used 2.5 billion years ago when the planet did not have oxygen.
Otto Warburg from Germany wrote about that in a summary paper in 1956. Before it, he was a German scientist spared from death during Nazis times because he knew how to deal with cancer.
Hitler was afraid of cancer because his mom had it. He kept Otto Warburg alive to get help if this disease would get him.
What is the fermentation process for energy for cancer cells?
Cancer cells prefer anaerobic( without oxygen) sugar conversion to acids, gases, or alcohol. Sometimes it happens in the presence of oxygen but without using it.
It is funny, but it reminds me of the process of winemaking when the wrong proportions of berries and sugar turn wine into an acidic drink.
Strange choice for cancer cells because being in an acidic environment does not bring any pleasure. However, it is their choice.
What does it mean?
It means that cancer cells prefer the energy from the fermentation process rather than from mitochondria as healthy cells do.
According to Dr.Thomas Seyfried, ” …the oxygen, consumed by cancer cells, is not used for oxidative phosphorylation.”
You would ask, what the heck is oxidative phosphorylation?
In layperson’s terms, it would be the process when healthy cells use enzymes to get ATP (energy molecule).
There’s more to chew on, but we’ll be able to leave it this way for now. If you would like to learn more about that, here is a link.
Okay, what is further with these cancer cells?
Cancer cells’ oxygen consumption is linked to ROS(reactive oxygen species). It is opposite to healthy cells that get energy in mitochondria from ATP synthesis.
These reactive oxygen species cause genetic damage in the nucleus.
What is more that cancer cells use glucose and amino acid glutamine as fermentable fuel.

These two items are essential for cancer cells. It lets them develop and synthesize new DNA, RNA, and proteins.
Glutamine and glucose are fermentable fuels for cancer cells.
What does help grow new abnormal cells?
Nitrogens, part of the glutamine molecule, prompt the making of new DNA, RNA, and proteins. Carbons from glucose participate in the growth of the metabolites required for fast cell growth.
What does it mean?
It means that if glucose and glutamine are taken away from the diet because of are fuel for cancer cells, these poor things will starve and finally die.
Cancer cells cannot survive without fermentation.
Additionally, Dr. Thomas Seyfried accentuates the importance of evolutionary biology. It is difficult to understand why cancer cells attack the body and multiply so fast if you do not know biology.
To avoid cancer cells, you must remove fermentable fuels and transition to non-fermentable fuels.
Fermentable fuels prompt rapid growth and have waste products such as lactic acid and succinic acid. These waste products interfere with immunotherapies and radiation.
Fortunately, if these fermentable fuels are taken away, cancer cells will die, and the person can transition to a Keto diet.
It does sound easy way, is it not?
Dr.Thomas Seyfried mentioned one patient who had brain cancer nine years ago, and today he manages his health pretty well without chemo or radiotherapy.
Of course, it is not a day job to stay away from this metabolic disease.
Dr.Thomas Seyfried advises staying on a Keto diet, exercising, and fasting intermittently.
Besides, he recommends using a device for measuring the glucose ketone index.
Cancer is not a death sentence if you research it and follow scientific information from Dr.Thomas Seyfried. This doctor has done extensive research and improved many people’s lives who otherwise would be damaged by toxic therapies.
The doctor acknowledges these practices but prefers removing food from cancer cells. Without fermentable fuels, cancer cells cannot survive, and they die.
It is not a new information. Otto Warburg was a genius scientist who discovered that cancer is a metabolic disease. He was valuable at these times because of his research and achievements in getting rid of cancer.
Dr.Thomas Seyfried and his team expanded treatments on how to avoid this unpleasant disease without taking drastic measures. The conversation between Dr. Ahmad Malik and Dr.Thomas Seyfried explains how it can be done.