What are the benefits of reading a good book in terms of health?
Depending on the content, you get various benefits when you read a book. For example, reading the book Lord of the Rings, you experience multiple feelings, such as friendship, the taste of adventure, the joy of being in a different world, and living a life of heroes.
Other books give you information that comes from decades or hundreds of years. You immerse into the inner world of people who lived before.
A good book provides a safe environment from the outer world. People calm down, relax, and can get uplifted emotionally after experiencing the positive story. The peace of mind after a good read keeps people in balance with their bodies.
When you read books, you forget about your problems, especially if the writer can pull you into the story. You calm down, relax, and live in the moment when you follow the characters.
Your fear will be gone when you will read about the achievements of people who have been in worse situations than you.

Besides, you can laugh, which is healthy for the body. All your muscles relax, and your mood improves. And later on, you can remember situations or phrases, and you smile again. Positive emotions bring benefits such as good sleep, calm behavior, or, just simply speaking, the ability to evaluate problems and find a way how to deal with them.
Why do we not feel relaxed many times?
People have plenty of tasks and plenty of fearful thoughts that are only thoughts. Programs on TV do not encourage to find solutions and do not provide tools on how to relax. The information is biased and does not inspire one to have positive thoughts.
How can you relax when you hear about food shortages, diseases, wars, or corruption and lies from politicians?
There is no salvation on TV or social media. Do you remember you laughed so hard that you could piss your pants? Yes, it is relaxation when your body is free from fear spasms and live in this moment. Of course, not everybody does like that, but things happen.
I think it is better to piss your pants when laughing hard compared with harmful bursts of anger or panic attacks.
How about books full of information?
Books that provide facts are boring for ordinary people. Of course, if you read a book such as the records Guinness, you can have a lot of fun. For example,

when you watch this video or read the Guinness record book, you will be entertained.
The opposite would be Carl Sagan’s book Cosmos. It is fun to read; however, it is an informational and compelling story.
Final words
Books enrich you in different ways. They expand your view into the world; they give you a place where you can be another person when you engulf in the lives of characters pictured in stories. Books can console you and provide a haven from the turmoils of the outer world. You relax, calm down and rest because your mind is occupied with stories. You forget your own problems when you escape into world of imagination, phantasy or depiction of adventures.
If you have analyzing mind, you will relax with scientific books, which will show discoveries and achievements in various topics.
Of course, you cannot read all books that are in the world. Choosing diligently, you will benefit immensely from people who know more as you.