Magnesium for obesity is a beneficial mineral. The research shows that metabolic reactions in the body require vitamins and minerals. They work as cofactors for many enzyme systems.
When the body lacks minerals and vitamins, various symptoms show up. For example, if the mouse with obesity genes lacks vitamin B, it becomes overweight. When vitamin B is sufficient, the mouse stays in shape.

Scientists found out that magnesium influences gene expression. When magnesium is sufficient, obesity genes do not make progress and stay still.
Abdominal obesity
Abdominal obesity is influenced by magnesium. The belly fat correlates with magnesium deficiency.
How does it happen?
When magnesium is deficient, the mineral does not help the cell accept glucose coming in. Cells that do not respond to insulin and do not open for glucose to go in are insulin resistant. Glucose levels rise in the blood, and more and more insulin is produced.
Dr. Carolyn Dean points out the research from The Magnesium Factor by authors Seelig and Rosanoff. It shows that half of the insulin in the bloodstream is pointed at the abdominal tissue. When people are on a refined sugar diet, the abdominal circumference becomes more prominent, processing more insulin.
I did not meet anybody who would carry extra weight and be on a diet like a rabbit or horse. These guys do not consume soda drinks and do not like fast food. Processed food and sugary beverages harm the body, stripping away minerals from sugar metabolism.
Magnesium deficiency is associated with chronic inflammation. Conditions related to obesity, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and osteoporosis, contain symptoms of inflammation.
Everything is connected
You see how everything is connected. The lack of magnesium in the body triggers obesity, followed by chronic disorders. A poor diet, such as processed food and soda drinks, does not have minerals and vitamins. These foods stripe magnesium too. The body, deficient in nutrients, cannot perform well.
It is a vicious cycle that can be stopped by changing lifestyle and diet.