Spirulina is a nutraceutical food, and like all wholesome foods is better to take it at least three hours before sleep. Spirulina digests quickly and does not create a burden on the body. Alga helps remove toxins from the body and is beneficial during fasting.
Does Spirulina energize the body?
Spirulina has all the essential nutrients that help the body to perform all needed actions. The easiness of digesting Spirulina does not interfere with the time when people go to sleep.
It is the opposite with heavy food that is common for late dinner. People eat meat, and it requires longer digestion time. Spirulina assimilates very quickly and does not create a burden for the human body.
The quality of Spirulina
The quality of Spirulina is essential. If you take Spirulina without knowing where it came from, you can be poisoned or get nausea. It happened when Spirulina grew in waters without proper lab testing and quality checking in an accredited lab.
It is best to take Spirulina from a dependable source that can guarantee quality and has a way how to check production processes.

How much can you take of Spirulina during the day?
It is best to take Spirulina in tablets or put powders into a milkshake. Taking six tablets daily, which would be 3 grams of Spirulina per day, is advisable.
There is no need to get more of Spirulina because of the knowing that the body does not need over excess of this alga.
According to Robert Hendrikson, one spoon a day of Spirulina can eliminate the deficiency of iron that bothers the whole world.
Wrapping up
Spirulina gives energy, but it does not keep awake as it would be with coffee or energy drinks.
Nutrients in Spirulina help the body to perform its primary functions, especially keeping metabolism in check.
The low calories of Spirulina keep the stomach in a light state without creating any burden as it would be with steak and a pint of drink.