Diabetes is in 7th place as the most deadly disease in the USA. These numbers get higher when more people are addicted to a high-sugar diet. Magnesium for diabetes makes a significant difference in improving living conditions.
What is it, diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disease. This problem occurs when insulin can not open cells. You would ask why. Cells need glucose for energy. Insulin opens up the cell membrane, allowing glucose to create a point.
There are three types of diabetes.
Type I diabetes
Type I diabetes occurs mainly in children. After suffering a viral infection of the pancreas, insulin production is disturbed. Children require insulin injections.
Type II diabetes
Individuals who are obese after fifty are prone to develop diabetes. However, the insulin produced can not open the cell membrane for glucose to come in. Insulin levels are higher, but cells cannot react to insulin. Cells are resistant to insulin.

Gestational diabetes
Glucose intolerance develops through pregnancy.
Symptoms of diabetes
Symptoms of diabetes are:
- Excessive thirst ( polydipsia)
- Excessive urination (polyuria)
- Excessive eating ( polyphagia)
Enormous urination removes sugar and magnesium from the body.
Complications of diabetes
- Nerve damage
- Atherosclerosis
- Heart attacks
- The damage to small lord vessels in the eyes and kidneys
Magnesium for diabetes
All these complications happen when magnesium is deficient. Dr. Carolyn Dean describes the results of studies about the incidence of diseases in her book The Magnesium Miracle. These studies are called the Harvard Nurses Health Study of 85000 women, the 43000 men in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, and the 40000 women in the Iowa Women ‘s Health Study. The conclusion from these studies was that people with the highest magnesium levels in diets had the lowest risk of developing diabetes.
It means that magnesium for diabetes is essential as the factor helping to avoid this chronic disease. Magnesium supplementation can prevent nerve damage in diabetics and cardiovascular risks.
Insulin depends on magnesium. Insulin is secreted from the pancreas with the help of magnesium.
The magnesium opens pathways into the cell for glucose. When magnesium is deficient, the sugar stays in the blood. When sugar levels become elevated, symptoms of diabetes show up.
Magnesium deficiency leads to impaired cell production, difficulty functioning of energy storage and utilization, and cellular replication and repair.
Magnesium for diabetes is vital. Magnesium plays the role of the mineral that improves insulin response, enhances glucose tolerance, and lowers the stickiness of red blood cell membranes. The Sooner we start magnesium supplementation, the results will be better. Without magnesium, more significant damage could be done to the body.
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