Yes, you can use magnesium supplements for sleep, especially if you have exercise or are overtired. Magnesium calms nerves, relaxes twitchy muscles and you can reach deep sleep. Besides, magnesium reverses age-related neuroendocrine, lowers inflammation, and relaxes the body.
Importance of sleep
During sleep, people rest and get their strength back. Most organs rest, and cells rejuvenate and prepare for the next day. The brain needs sleep too. Concentration and ability to cope with various situations increase after a good sleep.
Why do people lose good sleep?
There are many reasons why people cannot sleep. Stress is the main reason why people cannot relax properly. They overthink and try to solve problems at night instead of having a good rest.
Additionally, some conditions interfere with sleep quality. These conditions are
- Alcohol
- Constipation
- Heart disease
- Hormone shifts
- Heartburn
- Nighttime cortisol surges
- Pain
- Pounding heartbeat
- Depression
- Dementia
- Arthritis
- Caffeine
- Bad recovery from exercises
All these conditions are associated with magnesium deficiency. It happened to me a few times when I awoke at night feeling terrible cramps in my legs. It was a painful experience because of my inability to stretch my foot.
I did not understand at this time the reason for this unbearable pain. Later on, I learned that magnesium deficiency causes cramps in the legs.
Of course, what kind of quality can you expect when your legs are in pain?
Do magnesium supplements help with sleep?
Magnesium helps to relax, relieving muscles. However, not all supplements are the same.
For example, magnesium oxide will keep you awake all night. Why? This supplement absorbs only in the 4% range. It means that you get only a minuscule portion of magnesium, and the rest goes down the drain.
It is not fun to visit the bathroom often instead of resting nicely in bed. Laxative effects of magnesium oxide overcome positive effects on sleep.
Is a magnesium supplement without laxative effect?
Yes, angstrom minerals and pico-ionic liquid magnesium supplements do not cause laxative effects.
Magnesium ions are so small that they reach cells directly, avoiding the intestines where all fun starts, I mean diarrhea or something similar.
Magnesium angstrom minerals and pico-ionic magnesium work similarly. However, pico-ionic magnesium is twenty times more condensed compared with angstrom minerals. It is apparent that you will get more potent doses of magnesium if you pick pico-ionic liquid instead angstrom minerals.
Wrapping up
Magnesium helps with sleep because of its ability to relax muscles and calm nerves. Picking the right magnesium supplement will help you avoid unnecessary spending time in the place where kings walk.