mRNA vaccine glory and downfall is a real horror story in history as the biggest genocide. Vaccines saved the lives of many people. mRNA vaccine is a different thing. Why do people have more and more doubts about what?
How much do we know about mRNA vaccine?
According to the Nature website, the mRNA vaccine is:
The use of mRNA has several beneficial features over subunit, killed and live attenuated virus, as well as DNA-based vaccines. First, safety: as mRNA is a non-infectious, non-integrating platform, there is no potential risk of infection or insertional mutagenesis. Additionally, mRNA is degraded by normal cellular processes, and its in vivo half-life can be regulated through the use of various modifications and delivery methods9,10,11,12. The inherent immunogenicity of the mRNA can be down-modulated to further increase the safety profile9,12,13. Second, efficacy: various modifications make mRNA more stable and highly translatable9,12,13. Efficient in vivo delivery can be achieved by formulating mRNA into carrier molecules, allowing rapid uptake and expression in the cytoplasm (reviewed in Refs 10,11). mRNA is the minimal genetic vector; therefore, anti-vector immunity is avoided, and mRNA vaccines can be administered repeatedly. Third, production: mRNA vaccines have the potential for rapid, inexpensive and scalable manufacturing, mainly owing to the high yields of in vitro transcription reactions.
mRNA vaccines-a new era in vaccinology
Sounds very nice, but how is it in reality?
Doctor Byram Bridle is a pro-vaccine and highly respected medical professional. However, in the video below, he opens up about dark secrets:

An update. The video is gone.
As you see, there is no safety, as experts told in the article from Nature above. This spike protein goes anywhere where it wants and does interfere with our vital organs. Overall, everything is essential in our bodies. Who needs problems when this spike protein disturbs blood vessels and sticks to tissues like the cactus in Arizona?
You can watch more information about the tricks of this vaccine in the video below:

These experts are:
- Byram W.Bridle, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Viral Immunology
- Dr.Ira Berstein Family Physician, Health and Wellness Consultant
- Paul E. Alexander, Ph.D., Health Research Methodologist Evidence-based Medicine Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact McMaster University
- Harvey A. Risch, MD, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology Department of Chronic Disease Epidemiology Yale School of Public Health
- Steven Pelech, PhD., President, Chief of Scientific Kinexus Bioinformatics Corporation
- Michael Palmer, MDA
- Bonnie A. Mallard, PhD., Professor of Immuno Genetics Department of Pathobiology University of Guelph
This technology is not at its best when you think about human health.
Overall, is it about our health?
mRNA vaccine journey
Hmm, let’s see what Microsoft Research offers to the public.

Remember Dr.Byram Bridle’s explanation about the spike protein travel path? It does not stay on the shoulder. It goes to the organs and vascular system. It crosses the blood-brain barrier.
Microsoft Research guys talk about interfering with DNA and making it susceptible to any programming. They promise to rid of cancer, flu, or other nasty diseases. Isn’t it wonderful?

An update. This video is forbidden by YouTube. Why? Fortunately, you can see the screenshot that shows the intentions of people who do not care about other people.
How does it look for you? These vaccines, mRNA vaccines, can do tricks with your DNA. You do not have any influence on it. You do not know that it will be with your precious body.
There is no reason to say that your body is yours and you are not a slave. It is the 21st century. If you have problems, you go to the doctor and another doctor to find out what is best for you and your family.
mRNA vaccine is not the same vaccine as flu or chickenpox. mRNA vaccine changes your DNA, making you dependent on Big Pharma.
Why? You cannot take it away once you get spike protein into your body. It sits quietly and does its dirty and harmful job. It replicates and goes on a rampage into your organs, vessels, and brain.
It is nasty that it is an experimental thing. Usually, it takes 12 years to approve a new drug. Now it was an emergency.
From what? From lethality less than 0,4%? You would tell that PCR tests show infections. Nope. The test inventor of the Nobel premium laureate Kary Mullis often said that it does not differentiate a dead virus from a alive one.
Do you know that we have around 39 trillion bacterial cells in our microbiome?
Do you know how many viruses live in our bodies right now?
Biologists estimate that 380 trillion viruses are living on and inside your body right now—10 times the number of bacteria. Some can cause illness, but many simply coexist with you.
Viruses Can Help Us as Well as Harm Us
The site scientificamerican.com explains clearly about our renters. Yes, they use our bodies. They do not pay rent. However, they can do evil and good deeds for us. It depends on how we behave and how we take care of our health.
The explanation about viruses

Why do we need to be afraid of one common virus when we have trillions of them inside now?

Okay, let’s go back to the mRNA glory and downfall. The prize was at the beginning when people were scared in the same way as it was during radio translation many years ago.
Do you remember that?
On Halloween morning, 1938, Orson Welles awoke to find himself the most talked about man in America. The night before, Welles and his Mercury Theatre on the Air had performed a radio adaptation of H.G. Wells’s The War of the Worlds, converting the 40-year-old novel into fake news bulletins describing a Martian invasion of New Jersey. Some listeners mistook those bulletins for the real thing, and their anxious phone calls to police, newspaper offices, and radio stations convinced many journalists that the show had caused nationwide hysteria. By the next morning, the 23-year-old Welles’s face and name were on the front pages of newspapers coast-to-coast, along with headlines about the mass panic his CBS broadcast had allegedly inspired.
War of the Worlds by Orson Wells
Is it a coincidence?
Yes, it is, but it is similar to what is going on now. Panic, mass hysteria, foggy thinking, the absence of analysis, and anger against everybody with different opinions.

It shows how it is easy to manipulate people. Nowadays, tools are a thousand times more powerful to persuade human beings into something beneficial for the few hundred so-called “elite.”
The downfall
- Spike protein inside mRNA vaccine damages organs, tissues, and vascular system.
- Graphene oxide nanotechnology does not help stay healthy. It is good for surveillance.
- Graphene oxide enables vaccine transmission. In short, it is shedding. A vaccinated person infects a healthy person.
- FDA did not approve this vaccine. It is only for emergency

That said, it’s worth repeating that the FDA can only grant emergency use authorization for a pandemic drug or vaccine if there’s no safe and effective preexisting treatment or alternative. Since there are several such alternatives, the FDA is legally required to revoke the emergency authorization for these shots.
Dr.J.Mercola’s article
You can read more about risks and side effects in the official Pfizer protocol.
What kind of emergency?
It would be funny to think about this emergency, but knowing the enormity of deaths, A Nightmare on Elm Street seems to be the most excellent movie compared with these murders.
You would think that I am slightly crazy, at least. Not yet, thank God. However, knowing that the PCR test is fake and when people contract Covid, which is only seasonal flu, makes me sad. Why? Because of harm from these mRNA vaccines
The treatment is available. You can check it here and here.
How about deaths in hospitals?

Do we know side effects after a few months or years?
Nobody knows about the lurking dangers at 100% because of the lack of time for clinical trials.
Dr.Sherri Tenpenny explains it perfectly in conversation with Reinette Senum.
Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi provides more explanation about what is going on in your body after jabs
There are two main damages to the body after jabs:
- Blood clots
- Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)
Blood clots can lead to stroke or heart attacks.
ADE leads to autoimmune diseases.
Here is a clear explanation of how does immune system works:

Besides this straightforward explanation, Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi provides more information on why a current situation can have horrible consequences.
Here is an article from Dr. J. Merola’s website. Previously, you or somebody else could go to Mercola’s website and search for information.
Sadly, doctor J. Mercola experienced the regime’s taste in the same way as in China, North Korea, or the previous Soviet Union. He can post articles for 48 hours, and they will disappear. Otherwise, it could be worse.
Why? Follow the money. The French used to say something like that it is not easy to explain: search for women. Forget it. There is no sensitivity, subtlety, or empathy, only a cold, complex, and stinky bunch of orcs with a few Saurons who want to destroy humanity.
Testimonies from victims of shots

Side effects of the vaccine
Here I will present what is going on when somebody gets a real shot. What do I mean? According to people who count how dangerous batches are, 1 of 200 will get the dangerously poisonous jab.
Okay, let’s go”
Danger to the liver

An update. Another blockage from media is that is supposed to inform people, not punish them for facts that are provided by scientists and doctors.
Spike proteins and chronic diseases

Why plenty of people do not know about its devastating effects?
The truth is hidden. Deeply.

An update. This link is lost too. Who hides the information?

Pfizer releases documents about RNA vaccine
It seems that the hell is here on our beautiful Earth. 9 pages of side effects. How about that?

There is more information about Pfizer documents that show how much damage is done and will be done to innocent people.
To be continued…
Comments and insights regarding vaccine
Hi Rose and all, Perhaps these new studies may help shed light on why increases in COVID-19 cases are happening in areas with higher vaccination rates that may be completely unrelated to any wild-type virus circulation…but are being caused by the vaccination. They also describe how the spike protein alone, without an infectious virus, can cause the other mentioned effects. Data from Johns Hopkins COVID-19 Tracker shows that several states with the highest vaccination rates, like Maine, New York, and Vermont had the highest increased COVID-19 cases last week. www.thegatewaypundit.com/…/__trashed-35 A new analysis finds several California counties with above-average vaccination rates also have higher COVID case rates, while case rates are falling in counties with below-average vaccination rates. sacramento.cbslocal.com/2021/07/26/covid-vaccination-California-counticounty.. The most-vaccinated countries in the world are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases, while the least-vaccinated countries are not. www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/worrying-me-quite-bit-mrna-vaccine-inventor.. and why people are being diagnosed with covid-19 shortly after vaccination, for example, see 1:19 mentioning covid-19 diagnosis a week after immunization thehighwire.com/…/episode-233-the-vaers-scandal
This research shows that the S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (S1SP) ALONE was enough to induce the same COVID-19-like symptoms including severe inflammation of the lungs and cytokine storm– EVEN WITHOUT THE PRESENCE OF INTACT VIRUS. For the first time, we report that S1SP produces biochemically, immunologically, and histologically evident COVID-19-like Acute lung injury (ALI), including the “cytokine storm.”
The researchers found that the genetically modified mice expressing human ACE2 injected with the S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone exhibited COVID-19-like symptoms that included severe inflammation, an influx of white blood cells, particularly neutrophils, into their lungs, and activation of STAT3 and NFκB pathways in the lung with evidence of a cytokine storm. The mice that only received saline remained normal. In agreement with these findings, we also report a direct effect of S1SP on human lung microvascular endothelial cell barrier integrity in culture. Full study: journals.physiology.org/…/ajplung.00223.2021 scitechdaily.com/sars-cov-2-spike-protein-alone-may-cause-covid-19-lun.. Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB), a key activator of inflammation, primes the NLRP3-inflammasome for activation.
The full-length S1 subunit of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alone is capable, without infectious virus, of inducing systemic damage to microendothelial cells in mice with a similar pattern of complement activation and increased expression of cytokines and concomitant thrombosis/hypercoagulability state (blood clotting). This disease pattern strongly resembles the extrapulmonary manifestations of severe human COVID-19 and suggests that the latter may not represent a systemic infectious virus. (but from the effect of the S1 spike subunit) Therefore, preventing the CNS disease so common in severe COVID-19 may require neutralization/removal of the circulating pseudovirions (such as the S1 spike). www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/…/PMC7758180 Complement subsequently elicits secretion of both IL-1β and IL-18 in vitro and in vivo via further activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome. pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23817414
The free S1 subunit has harmful effects on the host, EVEN WITHOUT DIRECT INFECTION OF THE CELLS THEMSELVES. For example, The SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein alters human cardiac pericyte function and interaction with endothelial cells through a non-infective mechanism involving activation of CD147 receptor signaling. Cardiac PC expresses both the ACE2 and CD147 receptors at mRNA and protein levels. Incubation of PC for up to 5 days with SARS-CoV-2 did not show any cell infection or viral replication. Next, we exposed the PC to the recombinant S protein (5.8 nM) and confirmed that the protein engaged with cellular receptors….
The Spike protein promoted the production of pro-inflammatory factors typical of the cytokine storm in PC (ELISA measurement of MCP1, IL-6, IL-1β, TNFα, P<0.05 vs. ctrl) and induced the secretion of pro-apoptotic factors responsible for EC death. Signaling studies revealed that the S protein triggers the phosphorylation/activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) through the CD147 receptor, but not ACE2, in cardiac PC. The neutralization of CD147, using a blocking antibody, prevented ERK1/2 activation in PC and was reflected in a partial rescue of the cell functional behavior (migration and pro-angiogenic capacity). In contrast, blockage of CD147 failed to prevent the pro-inflammatory response in PC. Conclusions: We propose the novel hypothesis that COVID-19-associated microvascular heart dysfunction is prompted by circulating S protein molecules rather than by the direct coronavirus infection of PC. Besides, we propose CD147, not ACE2, as the leading receptor mediating S protein signaling in cardiac PC. research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/publications/the-sars-cov-2-spike-p..
Here we study the effect of isolated SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit as potential pro-inflammatory inflammation sui generis. We investigate the potential of this inflammagen to directly interact with platelets and fibrin(ogen) to cause fibrin(ogen) protein changes and blood hypercoagulation. (clotting) We also determine if the spike protein may interfere with blood flow by comparing naïve healthy PPP samples, with and without added spike protein, to PPP samples from COVID-19-positive patients (before treatment). We conclude that the spike protein may have pathological effects directly, without being taken up by cells. This provides further evidence that targeting it directly, whether via vaccines or antibodies, is likely to be of therapeutic benefit. www.medrxiv.org/…/2021.03.05.21252960v1.full
CD147 was found in the ovary, uterus, placenta, and fetal membranes in the female reproductive tract. The distribution and expression of CD147 in the endometrium have been associated with changes in women’s cycle. www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0015028214001459 academic.oup.com/…/2661526
The spike protein generated in response to Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) vaccination is confirmed it does enter the bloodstream, persists for over a week, and is wholly cleared within one month. The clear trend was a rapid increase in spike protein immediately (1–3 days) after each injection, returning to a baseline level in less than a month www.mdpi.com/…/HTML. This research that recently came out also shows new evidence of the S1 spike protein circulating in the blood after vaccination with the Moderna mRNA-1273 vaccine. 11 of 13 participants exhibited S1 antigen in plasma after the first injection, whereas nucleocapsid concentrations were insignificant in all participants, confirming that the detected S1 originates from vaccination and not a natural infection.
The spike protein is composed of S1 and S2 subunits. The presence of S1 is likely due to the nature of the encoded mRNA-1273 spike protein, which contains a cleavable S1–S2 site and enables the release of S1 from the spike trimer. We observe an increase in S1 over an initial 1–5 days, suggesting that mRNA translation begins immediately after vaccine inoculation. Interestingly, complete spike protein appears in 3 of 13 participants on average eight days after S1 is produced doi.org/…/ciab465.
Authors detected S1 and nucleocapsid in 64% of COVID-19-positive patients, and S1 levels were significantly associated with disease severity. The correlation between patients with high concentrations of S1 antigen and ICU admission (77%) and time to intubation (within 1 day) was statistically significant. doi.org/…/hvaa213
Lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) contain mRNA coding for the full spike protein of SARS-CoV-2. Host cells near the injection site (usually dendritic cells www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/…/28958578 ) take up the LNPs and start translating the mRNA into spike protein. The LNPs used for many preclinical studies, similar to those used for human vaccines, are highly inflammatory. The Lipid NanoParticles (LNPs) containing the mRNA code after vaccination ALONE has shown in research a significant upregulation of gene transcripts associated with activation of inflammasomes, such as NLRP3 and IL-1b downregulation of Nlrp10, which is known to inhibit inflammasomes. Empty LNPs given intradermally to mice induce robust inflammatory responses, characterized by neutrophil infiltration, inflammatory cytokine production, activation of diverse inflammatory pathways, and excessive cell death. The same dose of LNP delivered intranasally led to similar inflammatory responses in the lungs and a high mortality rate. www.biorxiv.org/…/2021.03.04.430128v1.full
In table 2, these LNPs also contain cholesterol pubs.acs.org/…/acsnano.1c01845, and cholesterol crystals also activate the NLRP3 inflammasome pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20428172 The LNPs were found to be widely circulated the body including highly in the ovaries, as well as other locations including the uterus. Page 16/17 www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Pfizer-mRNA..
There has also been a question whether vaccine-generated spike proteins also can still change to the open conformation that latches onto human cells such as ACE2, allowing the virus to infect them due to the antibodies, or if they remain locked in the pre-fusion shape since they “contain 2 amino acid changes that help stabilize the spike in its initial conformation and help prevent the spike from undergoing a conformational change that is required to facilitate membrane fusion.” According to this research, it says: However, these proline mutations did not appear to inhibit RBD motion in SARS-CoV-2 www.frontiersin.org/…/full pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32577661 which would indicate that the vaccine spike proteins can still change to the open conformation allowing the virus to latch onto human cells, which would be separate from its mentioned effects on CD147 even without direct infection of the cells themselves.
The S1 subunit of the spike protein readily crossed the blood-brain barrier in male mice, was taken up by brain regions, and entered the parenchymal brain space. S1 was also taken up by the lung, spleen, kidney, and liver. Intranasally administered S1 also entered the brain, although at levels roughly ten times lower than after intravenous administration. www.nature.com/…/s41593-020-00771-8
Research shows that CD147 is also involved with cancer and a tumor’s malignant progression, invasiveness, and metastasis…
What is in the vaccine?

Please listen to unknown creatures inside shot vails.
Comments about shots
Who developed those Spike Proteins used in COVID Vaccines? A research team led by Dr. Barney Graham from the Vaccine Research Center at the NIH National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases created an engineered form of the spike protein that was said to be unable to make the shape change required to bind to cells like ACE2 effectively. However, the above research shows that it can have effects on CD147 without tying and potentially still bind to cells despite the modifications and is circulating in the blood at a minimum. The Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Novavax, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines all use this spike protein blogs.mercola.com/sites/vitalvotes/archive/2021/07/21/guess-who-developed.
So to Gui and all, I always say Unless someone like YOU cares a whole awful lot, nothing with change, the fact, is it’s just not. So it’s up to YOU all to get the above information to start to be read by Dr. Mercola directly and his team, who don’t seem always to read comments, as well as pass to others such as Del Bigtree and his team at the highwire, The last American vagabond, and similar others. Tell everybody… THE SPIKE PROTEIN (THE VACCINES) alone, without an infectious virus, can cause “COVID-19” and the other mentioned effects. www.youtube.com/watch
When things don’t go smoothly, don’t worry. Bumpy roads lead to exciting places. VAERS showed more than 726,960 adverse events following the COVID shot, including 15,386 deaths & 66,642 hospitalizations, as of September 17, 2021. the powers that be continue to ignore the reports of people presenting with these real-time adverse events as if they have nothing to do with the injections. Medical insiders are blowing the whistle, confirming COVID jab injuries are incredibly commonplace, most never reported. In an upcoming article, Businessman Steve Kirsch’s analysis strongly suggests that the U.S. reports (VAERS) are underreported by 41. This means there may be more than 200,000 deaths & up to 5 million COVID jab injuries.
Dr. Christelle Ilboudo, pediatric infectious disease expert & MU Health Care’s medical director of infection control & prevention, says people need to understand that “vaccines aren’t designed to prevent exposure or transmission of the SARS-coV2 [Covid-19] virus.” To display the VAERS facts are correct & those who? These are wrong and are themselves guilty of misinformation. Further, those quoting the VAERS facts are very understated because VAERS and the CDC admit that only 1% of side effects and deaths are reported.
Right there is the crust of the biscuit. When Fauci, Medical Establishment, Legacy Media & the Gov’t they have bought & sold say when we are going to the one place they left for the info to? They say we are spreading misinformation, it is their incomplete data making the picture they want. This is to hide the jabs that are meant to completely maintain the dis-ease & dampen symptoms so it is like most of their “medicines.” Never meant to heal, or prevent for that matter. As Mirandola says, That is Murder. Nuff said.
Of course, they deceive us. Government officials repeatedly emphasize that the vaccine rarely causes vaccine-related injuries and deaths reported to VAERS. The reality is very different. The truth is that federal health agencies cannot keep track of every vaccine reaction. Hence, the system remains a comprehensive post-marketing surveillance tool to detect red flags for unusual or frequent complications of the vaccine. Vaccine, which may not have been identified in the pre-license. THE RESULT IS THAT 99 PERCENT OF VACCINE REACTIONS, INCLUDING INJURIES AND DEATHS, THAT OCCUR EVERY DAY AMONG THE HIGHLY VACCINATED AMERICAN POPULATION ARE NOT REPORTED. www.nvic.org/NVIC-Vaccine-News/June-2021/diy-vaccine-reaction-reporting.
Drs. David John Sorenson and Vladimir Zelenko have released a new report suggesting that millions of people have died from COVID-19 “vaccines.” “The Vaccine Death Report,” they call it, sticks strictly to solid facts. There are no unsubstantiated claims, and the data presented is clear and verifiable. All associated references are included for proper peer review. “The data shows that we are currently witnessing the largest organized mass murder in the history of our world,” the report states. “The gravity of this situation forces us to ask ourselves this critical question: will we stand up in defense of billions of innocent people? Or will we allow personal gain over justice and be accomplices?” Principia-scientific.com/the-vaccine-death-report ~ twitter.com/…/1389723979116601346
Also, according to one study, less than one percent of vaccine injuries are reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). No one knows how many cases have not been reported since the start of the pandemic.
For the study, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care (HPHC) researchers set out to develop and circulate evidence and evidence-based tools to improve healthcare decision-making with the help of integrated data and knowledge management. The research also worked to create a generalizable system for more effective detection and clinical reporting of vaccine adverse events, which can help improve the safety of national vaccination programs.
HPHC researchers examined electronic medical records in an extensive multi-specialty practice from all outpatient encounters. Data were collected from all patients who were vaccinated. Over the next 30 days, patients’ healthcare diagnosis codes, drug prescriptions, and laboratory tests were analyzed to monitor all adverse events.
The following can also hinder the reporting of side effects:
- Lack of awareness on the part of the doctor.
- Uncertainty about when and what to report.
- Reporting Burdens: The reporting process is not part of the normal workflow of clinicians. It takes time and is often repetitive.
22 STUDIES AND REPORTS RAISE DOUBTS ABOUT COVID VACCINE EFFICACY AND VACCINATING CHILDREN childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/studies-reports-covid-vaccine-effi… FDA BURIES DATA ON SERIOUSLY INJURED CHILD IN PFIZER’S COVID-19 CLINICAL TRIAL aaronsiri.substack.com/…/fda-buries-data-on-seriously-injured (Oct 23) WHY ARE WE VACCINATING CHILDREN AGAINST COVID-19 www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X#bib0020
TEN RED FLAGS IN THE FDA’S RISK-BENEFIT ANALYSIS OF PFIZER’S USA APPLICATION TO INJECT AMERICAN CHILDREN 5 TO 11 WITH ITS MRNA PRODUCT tobyrogers.substack.com/p/ten-red-flags-in-the-fdas-risk-benefit (Oct 25, 2021) Even a Harvard Medical School professor of medicine Martin Kulldorff cautioned before the American Thought Leaders Program; “I don’t think children should be vaccinated against COVID. COVID is not a great threat to children. “They do not die from this, except in very rare circumstances. If you want to talk about protecting children, we can talk about traffic accidents, for example, who are really at risk.
“Children are more likely to get serious illnesses or die from the flu than COVID-19,” Kulldorff said. The teacher cited what happened in Sweden: “During the first wave in the spring of 2020, which affected Sweden a lot, the country decided to keep nurseries and schools open for all children aged 1 to 15 years. And there are 1.8 million children who went through the first wave without vaccines, of course, masks, and distancing in schools, “said Kulldorff. “If a child was sick, he was told to stay home. But that was it. And do you know how many of those 1.8 million children died from COVID? Zero. Only a few hospitalizations. It is not a dangerous disease for children. www.theepochtimes.com/children-shouldn’t-get-covid-19-vaccines-kulldorf.. (October 26, 2021)
On September 13, 2021, the four UK Chief Medical Officers (CMOs) advised the UK government to offer the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine to all children over the age of twelve. This was even though the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization previously stated that it could not support the universal vaccination of children.
The truth is that deaths among children have since increased by 62% compared to the five-year average. There is absolutely no justification for giving an experimental Covid-19 vaccine to children, and the excuse used by Chris Whitty that it can “help prevent classroom outbreaks and more disruptions in education this winter” is outrageous because they don’t. prevents infection or transmission, even the UK government and Oxford University have admitted this in recently published scientific studies theexpose.UK/2021/09/12/three-studies-find-the-covid-19-vaccines-do-no.. theexpose.uk/2021/10/28/child-deaths-62-percent-higher-since-covid-19
One of the biggest problems seen so far regarding the Wuhan coronavirus “vaccines” is that they cause severe blood clotting and “clumping” in some people. The good news is that there is a way to combat this cardiovascular damage through ozone therapy. Dr. Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD, recently published an article in the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (OMNS) that explains how ozone treatments can “cancel out the spike protein” introduced by jabs. Under conditions of inflammation and systemically increased oxidative stress, red blood cells can aggregate to varying degrees, sometimes sticking together like stacks of coins with ramifications from the stacks seen when adherence is most excellent, “Levy writes.” This is known as a formation. de rouleaux of red blood cells. When this formation of rouleaux is pronounced, there is an increase in the viscosity (thickness) of the blood and more excellent resistance to the standard and unhindered flow of the blood, especially in the microcirculation “.
orthomolecular.org/…/v17n24.shtml (October 18, 2021)
An insult to intelligence is what is happening with the “vaccines.” The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a corrupt mechanism to facilitate the disposal of medicines, including vaccines, during “emergencies.” According to a EUA, the FDA can allow unapproved medical products, which makes all weapons available to the Pharmaceutical Mafia for “vaccines” whose long-term side effects are unknown, but hospital admissions are already being recorded. For such genetic weapons, including cancers.
We know there are alternatives, but BigPhama’s corruption is its main objective is “vaccines,” even though many side effects are not known throughout a person’s life. It is reported to damage DNA, depress the immune system, and cause hyper inflammation (ADE), increasing all kinds of diseases, including cancer.
And more “vaccines.” Everest Medicines Ltd., a Chinese biopharmaceutical firm, is set to license the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine from Providence Therapeutics Holdings Inc. of Canada as it tries to bring the most effective inoculation platform to China. Everest will obtain the rights to the vaccine in Greater China and other nearby countries, including Indonesia, Singapore, and Thailand. It will pay $ 100 million in cash up-front for access to vaccines and technology and $ 100 million in profit sharing. Another payment of up to $ 300 in stock is also in the contract if more products are developed using the mRNA technology platform. More diseases and more deaths. www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-13/chinese-firm-buys-Canada-mr…
….”vaccines” are the path to planned genocide in Davos. It is about destroying rights; it is about control that the villains can satisfy their disproportionate desire for power to achieve their psychopathic desires. Terrorism is always based on fear, misinformation, and ultimately menticide. In an op-ed published in Newsweek, two scientists accused Dr. Anthony Fauci of mishandling the government’s response to COVID by getting “major epidemiology and public health questions wrong.” Rep. Jim Jordan Reveals in Congressional Hearing Fauci’s Coverup of His Criminal https://youtu.be/ypCCGcHUgSk www.globalresearch.ca/prominent-scientists-go-public-fauci-fooled-amer.. (2 November 2021) After spending billions in taxpayer-funded advertisements to convince adults to take the jab, Pfizer launched a new ad this week, which seemingly targets their new customer base — children. The company held back nothing and referred to children who got the vaccine as part of the experiment as “superheroes” with “superpowers.” www.activistpost.com/2021/11/creepy-Pfizer-ad-tells-kids-they-are-supe.. (NOVEMBER 3, 2021)
Yes, oxidative stress lacks electrons/voltage with many causes…O3, MMS chlorite, and H2O2 do their oxidative electron-snatching duty by destroying pathogens and garbage, followed by redox signals and increased antioxidant production…Blood viscosity is due to low-charge RBCs being unable to repel each other. Dr. Pollack’s H2O water findings of charged water where Light/Heat/Sound energize it, vouching for sunshine/music and Sauna as therapeutic. The value of NAC is finally emerging following FDA (backward) warnings.
Generations have been brainwashed into becoming dependents on the food/drug monopolies’ negative campaigns to dismiss natural science and inexpensive cures that restore health/not treat symptoms..and destroy competition and understanding…..So depression is rampant among the helpless and confused, a state of low neural voltage where mega C/antioxidants, breathing, and exercises should apply. I also encourage using H2O2 alternating with NAC orally and via fast-acting nebulization. NAC promotes glutathione production to power cells, increases O2 delivery, and thin mucus, enhances cilia, prevents oxidative inflammation, reduces HIF1-related angiogenesis, and generally restores lung function. These are all redox-based practices the media will bury deeper than CIA/Mossad operations; real comedy is forbidden…Been saying; zx4.bc9.myftpupload.com/forum-comments
PEG MSDS (material safety data sheet) Here, this is alarming. Everybody needs to read this www.emdmillipore.com/US/en/product/msds/MDA_CHEM-807490?ReferrerURL=ht..
MASSIVE HEALTH CARE SCARE WAS PLANNED OUT – Earlier this evening, Alex Jones posted a brief segment of a CSPAN video one of his readers had referred to him. The highlight discusses the planning behind this event – from egg-based to mRNA-based vaccines, for anyone interested: www.infowars.com/posts/monday-night-emergency-broadcast-video-of-fauci..
ADE – and more, Antibody-Dependent Enhancement – Exaggerated Responses – Alex has a segment from this Saturday, starting at about 1-1/2 hrs in. Dr. Richard Fleming gives a Powerpoint presentation comparing the effectiveness or lack thereof of different shots and showing how poorly the mRNA has performed. Another link. Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Pentagon A.I. Confirms Covid Shots Triggering Deadly ADE In Vaccinated – – www.bitchute.com/…/sA7DlTfII045
It happened a lot of events since I wrote this article. I knew before that there was no way to believe telltales about dangerous bats or viruses that kill people.
The information that comes from FLCCC or HART group shows that the majority of people were successfully fooled, which led to the destruction of their lives and livelihoods.
It is sad; however, knowing facts and thinking critically helps one stay sane.
For example, the HART group published an article about the request to MHRA( Medicines and Healthcare product Regulatory Agency). Lawyers asked for data about the AstraZeneca vaccine.
It is just the beginning of opening a can of worms. It is going to be a lot more events that will show how people were fooled and punished for being just the people.