Spirulina and weight loss have close relationships. You would have, too, if you gave this miraculous alga a chance to show how it works.
Spirulina is a nutraceutical food. Spirulina provides vital nutrients to support the body’s metabolism and deliver all elements for proper and successful functioning.
Are you on a diet?
I know that diets suck because we need to stick to them and forget about the joy of eating. Unfortunately, everybody understands and accepts food differently. One hates food; another finds support and shelter from stressful situations. Somebody is addicted or likes to eat. Eating is a great thing, but we do not know how to stop eating or enjoy it without guilt.
For me, a diet is a chore and an unpleasant one. I know that I need to avoid particular foods I like, which makes me feel confused.
Many diets are on the top, and many that lost popularity today. After a few years, you will see that something similar will come up to the surface.
Diets are not fashionable
I hear that people would oppose my statement that foods are not fashionable. It is because of marketing and various services and product creation. However, it is a never-ending cycle. Why?

We do not provide the body with what it needs. You know the disturbing story of junk food and sweets. People stuff themselves as Thanksgiving turkeys. Do they happy and healthy? For a moment, yes, they are content and glad. After a few hours, they check that it is in the refrigerator or hidden somewhere deep in the kitchen pantry. Are they bad guys and girls? No. The only thing that is missing is the information about bodily needs.
Cravings and needs
Did you hear stories about expecting mothers who want strange things to eat, like chalk or sauerkraut? They do not know what is going know, but they feel the urge for a particular food or substance. You could laugh because it sounds funny.
Unfortunately, there is no fun when the mother’s body craves appropriate nutrition for her and her baby.
It is the same with us. We crave something and satisfy our hunger; we consume empty products of vital nutrients. I know by myself because I have an addiction to chocolate. It passes the time from time, but I am back again to the precious pieces of dark chocolate.
Would you ask what is going on? I lack some of the nutrients. When I use magnesium and Spirulina, I leave the chocolate alone. When I skip my dose of these nutrients, I am back again to this habit.
It is nothing wrong with enjoying chocolate or other food. Unfortunately, I do not know the limits. When I see some friends around, they have the same experience, just with different things.
How can we change the situation?
People know that something is going wrong. They see the increase in size and some signs in the behavior. They know that something is going on. Who wants to be big and experience embarrassment in school or on the job?

The answer is that the solution always is. We need to search for a reply. If something does not work, look again.
Giving the body what it needs is the best way to stop cravings and endless torture with various diets. The body is not stupid. It is not a machine. It is a living thing. If our brain is in a fog thanks to the lack of nutrients and cannot correctly sort answers, it does not mean that it is the end of the world.
How does spirulina work for weight loss?
Spirulina contains all vital nutrients for proper body functioning. It means that we will not crave processed food or doughnuts. We overeat and gain weight when we choose the wrong products that do not truly satisfy the body.
Eating pleasure is a momentary thing. It disappears after a few minutes or hours. Our body is left with the overload of chemicals from junk food and the urge to miss nutrients. We eat again and again to satisfy the requirements of the organization. Unfortunately, there is no success around. You can see results in the streets and malls where prominent people struggle to move around. Of course, they do not show it. They seem happy. Do you believe it?
Okay, back to the Spirulina. This blue-green alga is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and proteins.
Benefits of Spirulina
- Proteins in Spirulina are easily digestible. Cell walls are tiny and composed of soft mucopolysaccharides. There is 85-95 protein digestion from the Spirulina.
- Ten grams of Spirulina has only 36 calories. The large egg yields 300mg of cholesterol and 80 calories.
- Spirulina contains vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, folacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, and inositol.
- Spirulina contains organically bounded minerals.
- Spirulina is the wealthiest iron source.
- Spirulina contains trace minerals such as magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium, and germanium.
- Spirulina is low in sodium. It is an excellent option for people who are on the salt-restriction diet.
- Spirulina contains essential fatty acids, which are vital for cholesterol normalization. These fatty acids are precursors for hormone compounds called prostaglandins. Ten grams of Spirulina includes 225 mg of essential fatty acids. These acids come in linoleic and gamma-linolenic acid(GLA). GLA is the precursor for hormones that control many functions, such as blood pressure. Inflammation, cholesterol synthesis, and cell growth. Besides Spirulina, you can find GLA in mothers’ milk, oil extracts of black currant, borage seeds, and evening primrose.
- Spirulina is rich in pigments. Pigments help synthesize enzymes that are necessary for the body’s metabolism. However, enzymes are sensitive to temperature. It means junk food does not have them. It is one of the reasons why we crave nutrients.
- Spirulina contains enzymes that are catalysts for specific reactions in the body. One particular enzyme, superoxide dismutase( SOD), fights against free radicals and protects against aging.
How does Spirulina help with weight loss?

When you take Spirulina, you get all the vital nutrients. You do not need to chase various diets. You will maintain weight which is best to your nature as you are supposed to be, before moving on to foods with empty calories and nutrients.
In his book Earth Food Spirulina, Robert Henrikson shows one study where people got six tablets per day and lost 3 pounds after four weeks. You would tell that it is nothing if you want to lose some of the weight drastically. However, it is a way without harm. You get all the nutrients. You feel satisfied without craving any food, and you are still losing weight.
Sometimes I think that Nature is more brilliant compared with us. Flamingos consume algae and spirulina their whole life. Look at them and how they are in shape and gracious. They do not worry about weight loss because they get all the needed nutrients.
Spirulina is a big help in losing weight. Spirulina and weight loss are interconnected. Because of that, you get a supplement that is low in calories and full of nutrients. Spirulina works without side effects and helps to stay away from junk food. Your body will be thankful for the opportunity to get nutrition which is vital for proper functioning.