ReMag is the only pico-ionic magnesium liquid on the market, and it’s 100 percent absorbed at the cellular level, which means there is no laxative effect. Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. created ReMag because she gets the laxative result of any other form of magnesium.
Magnesium researchers state that most magnesium pills and powders have an absorption rate of about 20 percent. Magnesium oxide performs very poorly. Just 4 percent of magnesium oxide goes into the bloodstream. Even though you may start with 500mg of magnesium oxide, the amount of elemental magnesium in 500mg of magnesium oxide salt is 300mg, and 4% of that means only 12 mg of magnesium gets into the bloodstream. The other 488 mg goes down the drain and works as a perfect laxative.
The bioavailability is what is essential. It does not matter how much elemental magnesium salt has; if the body can not absorb this elemental magnesium, it will be removed through urine or waste. Magnesium oxide and magnesium citrate are salts; magnesium citrate consists of magnesium and citric acid.
ReMag is formed from magnesium chloride, but the magnesium ions are in stabilized ionic form, making them readily accessible to mineral ion channels that traverse cell membranes with 86 picometers in diameter. This property also gives ReMag access to the brain across the blood-brain barrier.
For people who want a laxative effect from magnesium, you can take Natural Calm, the best of the magnesium citrate brands. The company has quality control over ingredients and the manufacturing process.
How about angstrom minerals?
Liquid angstrom minerals are very well absorbed in 99 percent. They are 7,000 times smaller than red blood cells. However, ReMag is a much better source of magnesium because it has a concentration of 60,000 ppm, whereas angstrom magnesium is only 3,000 ppm. Twenty times bigger concentration. Impressive.
How about colloidal minerals?

Mineral colloids are also sold as dietary supplements. A colloid is a mixture in which one substance of microscopically dispersed insoluble particles is suspended throughout another substance.
Thus a mineral compound is suspended in water. Colloidal mineral compounds cluster together by their electric charges preventing ions of the mineral from being able to enter picometer-sized mineral ion channels. How can you squeeze yourself through the barrier if you are too big?
Best magnesium absorption
ReMag, the liquid pico-ionic magnesium, has the best absorption. Why? Stabilized magnesium ions penetrate cell ion channels immediately without effort. Besides, there is no laxative effect. ReMag is excellent for everybody who is deficient in magnesium.
Magnesium participates in 700-800 enzyme reactions in the body. There are sixty-five conditions linked to magnesium deficiency. Diabetes, kidney stones, migraines, anxiety, and inflammation are just a few situations where magnesium could make an enormous difference.
Magnesium is a pure mineral. Our grandparents did not lack minerals. The soil was fertile and abundant. Unfortunately, nowadays, over eighty percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. It is no fun.
ReMag is the best magnesium supplement, with 100 percent absorption at the cellular level. Magnesium deficiency throws the body out of balance. It creates an incredible imbalance, and various disorders are mistaken for medical diseases. ReMag replenishes and allows cells to function correctly with missed pure magnesium ions. Problems have gone; let’s celebrate!