How to lose weight and body fat question bothers everybody who wants to fit in jeans, look comfortable at the beach or want to fit into society’s standards. I could tell that these norms are crazy and unacceptable for everybody conscious of physical and mental health. However, thousands of individuals will want to decide how to fit into one or another piece of clothing.
What do you need to know about losing weight?
The body suffers when you lose weight fast and quickly without thinking about the consequences. When you lose weight intentionally, you need to know the condition of your health condition. Some people stay on one product diet and wonder why they do not feel right.
Why does it happen? The body needs vital nutrients every day for metabolism. Deficiency disturbs the proper job of organs.
What is the best way to be on a diet?

You can start the day with a protein-rich breakfast. In this way, you will not feel fatigued, tired, and dizzy after the big load of carbohydrates and caffeine.
Skipping water does not work too. Dehydration leads to the loss of minerals vital for bodily functions.
Simple measures such as counting calories, checking nutrition facts, getting plenty of rest, and getting rid of stress will do wonders for you. Overall, it is nothing strange or miraculous about losing weight.
When you change your lifestyle, you change centimeters or inches around your waist.
Look at your daily schedule and consumed foods. You do not need to go to Whole Foods and empty your wallet. Just by eating plenty of fats, good ones, and proteins, your body will produce enough carbohydrates for the needed amount in the blood.
Fats, such as food high in omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality proteins, can keep us in shape. The body can produce the needed amount of carbohydrates from fat and protein.
Besides, taking supplements can help to curb appetite and stop cravings. One of the know supplements is Vito Slim
What fattens us?
- Lifestyle
- Processed food
- Sweets
- Stress

Do you know that sitting is the second smoking? Yes, unfortunately, it is. When I sit too long by the computer, I feel that my but hurts, and when I get up, I feel stiff and lazy. Sitting for short periods will not harm you.
However, people sit everywhere: at an office, at home, in cars or buses. We do not walk anymore as a few decades ago.
When we sit, we do not burn calories.
Overall, civilization is supposed to bring delightful things to us. However, looking at statistics, there is nothing to be proud of. We saved some animals from extinction, but what will be with the human race?
Some people are still in excellent help, but plenty of us need to get a grip and think about how we live and what we put in our mouth mouths.
You can blame everybody for what you want, but nobody will change the circumstances except you. During short breaks at the office, yoga poses such as Cobra can be done for a few minutes. You will stretch muscles that are lazy during sitting time. The blood will flow to places pressed at the time while residing on the chair.
Processed food
I know that it sounds boring, and everybody has heard that pizza and soda are bad for us and that pizza and soda are bad for us a hundred times. However, nobody stops and turns their bad habits into benefits for their health and well-being.
Eating processed food in tiny portions and seldom not will fatten us. Unfortunately, plenty of us is addicted to fast food, soda drinks, and the couch.
How does processed food harm us?
First and all, processed food is dead. There are no vitamins or enzymes which vital to the body. Synthetic vitamins are not the same as from Nature.
Processed food is full of preservatives, chemicals, and fillers. Why do manufacturers add this stuff to the menu? Chemicals prolong shelf life. It saves money for the merchant but not for the customer. Why? You will get outstanding bills from doctors when you get problems with processed food.
Sugar s a part of the gloomy picture — we all like tasty food. Unfortunately, we do not think where the taste came from. Processed meats, bread, cookies, cakes, and condiments have plenty of sugar.
High fructose corn syrup helps reduce costs, but it does not bring any benefits to us — it is known that the average person in the USA consumes at least 149 pounds per year.
Besides, that processed food lacks nutrients and is full of sugar; it decreases the number of minerals vital for our bodies. Deficiency leads to skin problems, indigestion, heart, and kidney disorders, diabetes, etc.
I know what it means when I cannot find a piece of chocolate at my house. I do not scream or break plates, but I walk or jump to the car to buy something tasty. Thankfully, I can live without candies, cookies, or cakes, but chocolate is number one.
Interestingly, in Europe, I am not as crazy about chocolate as I am here. I associate it with a lack of stress and a less urbanized environment.
Why do we crave sweets?

Sweets give momentary pleasure and a sense of comfort. Some people experience energy and joy for a while. However, the enormous usage of sweets leads to the throw of balance in the body.
We do not need plenty of sugar in the blood. Usually, the whole human blood is less than one teaspoon of sugar. It is about 4-5 grams. However, when we consume sweets, we get more than 4 grams.
One portion of Trader Joe’s Belgium Chocolate is 10 grams in mine. What does it mean?
The pancreas must be patient and keen to produce insulin, which controls the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. The islets of Langerhans detect the excess sugar, secrete insulin, and the situation normalizes.
The overconsumption of sweets overstimulates the pancreas, which secrets too much insulin.
The hypothalamus is sensitive to the excess of sugar in the blood endocrine reactions. As a consequence, an endocrine reflex occurs. The brain adjusts to sugar intake and becomes highly sensitive to the stimuli.
In this way, individuals become addicted to sweets and crave them when they do not get them.
Stress is a protective condition when the body prepares to escape from predators. We do not have dinosaurs now, but we have environmental problems such as pollution, electromagnetic fields, and city noise. Plenty of humans are lonely. Social isolation does not bring any joy and health increases.
Conditions at work can be stressful. Bad habits such as overspending or drinking can create problems too.

Overall, it is not the end of the world. Plenty of us does have fewer or more problems. The difference is how we solve and conquer challenges.
The most important is how we solve them. Some of us see problems as big mountains, and some see them as bridges to the next period in life.
We have brains and minds, which are gold mines between our ears.
Techniques such as meditation, exercises of any kind, socializing, volunteering, and helping the less fortunate will clear stress from your life, at least for this time when you are busy with activity. Later on, it will be a more comfortable stand against harmful habits.
Wrapping up
I hope that you will find out how to lose weight and body fat. If you are obese, remember that there is always hope and a real, natural way to change the situation. It takes time and patience.
However, the change in habits and lifestyle can bring beneficial results. There are ways how to lose weight and body fat:
- Eat nutritious food in small portions. Get up from the table when you ate your part. After twenty minutes, you will feel that your stomach is full. It takes time to communicate between the brain and the digestive system.
- Move. Start with short walks if you have trouble walking. Choose stairs over elevators. Leave a car far away from shops or work. Find a friend who is willing to change your lifestyle. There are groups on Facebook or just Google for similar activities.
- Try communicating with positive people and those who can be examples or mentors to you. You will get inspiration and maybe fill find new friends between them.
- Enrich your diet with minerals. You can find more information here.
How about you? Do you need to fight with additional weight? Do you have any methods of how to shed some pounds? It would be nice to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.