The best choice of products online is Dr.Dean’s Total Body ReSet in the dietary supplements area.
Total Body ReSet consists of
- ReMag- Magnesium for all enzymes and organ systems. One hundred percent is absorbable at the cellular level.
- ReMyte-Minerals for thyroid and metabolism. One hundred percent absorption at the cellular level.
- ReCalcia-Calcium, 100 percent absorbable
- ReAline-Building blocks for detoxification
- ReStructure-Protein for athletes and Paleo Diet Followers
- RnA Drops- Formula for replication of perfect cells
- ReNew-Serum for skin enrichment
Dr.Carolyn Dean’s Total Body ReSet products are organic, 100 percent absorbable, and beneficial. Customer feedback is outstanding and sincere. Why? They testify about improvement in their well-being. There are no jokes because health is the most crucial asset besides time.
These products fill the gap in the world of junk food, stress, lack of exercise, and malnutrition.
These dietary supplements do not have twins and something similar to them.
Okay, let’s finish praises and get down to the business.
Total Body Reset formulas
Dr. Carolyn Dean’s Total Body ReSet consists of ReMag( my favorite), ReMyte, ReAline, ReStructure High Protein, RnA Drops, ReNew, and ReCalcia.
Mineral pico-ionic solutions such as ReMag, ReMyte, and ReCalcia are 100 percent absorbable at the cellular level.
ReStrucure High Protein formula contains only 0.0625 mg of lactose per serving. It is a trace amount. This formula has zero casein.
ReAline has detoxification abilities. RnA Drops change chromosome 14 and encourage cell renewal to perfection. Sounds from the Doctor Who stories? It can be, especially if you are disappointed with previous experience from many trials of supplements.
Dr.Carolyn Dean’s credentials
Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. is a medical doctor, naturopath, homeopath, acupuncturist, and scientist. She was in Honors Biology-Genetics before medical school. I wonder how she could achieve so much during her forty and over-year career. I found out her secret. You can do the same if you enroll in the wellness program, where she talks about her helpers.
I think that when people love what they do and do not chase success and recognition, all good things come at the same time. It is natural to stay calm in front of skeptics and naysayers. The time and results put everything in place where it belongs.
Everybody can claim that his or her products are the best. It is easy to talk but to show results is another deal.
I have used ReMag myself for one year already. I am calm and energetic. Sleep is a pleasure. I can control my cravings for chocolate. If you were friends with chocolate from early childhood, you would understand that this addiction is the same as to other appealing substances such as nicotine or alcohol. Thankfully, side effects are not harmful.
I did not complain about it, but what is too much is too much. Sweets do not nourish you. They deplete vital minerals. It is the reason why we get up at night to search for ice cream or candies. Our bodies crave nutrition. Chocolate, especially a good one, has benefits. However, we can not live on it for a long time.
ReMag is 100 percent absorbable at the cellular level of pico-ionic liquid magnesium. It comes from magnesium chloride. ReMag is made using proprietary techniques.
Usually, ions like to cluster. Big chunks of clustered ions cannot reach cells. ReMag is a different story. Magnesium ions in ReMag are alone, stabilized. They are 86 picometers in size. Cell gateways are 400 -500 picometers wide. Do you see how it is easy for magnesium to reach the cell and deliver instant benefits?
You would ask why nobody invented ReMag before. I doubt if people were happy with the laxative effects of other magnesium supplements. There were angstrom minerals, but they are a lot less concentrated. However, ReMag is one supplement that does not have the laxative effect and goes straight to the cell.
Dr.Carolyn Dean experienced by herself laxative effects. It prompted her to look for solutions.
Amstrong minerals are as tiny as ReMag magnesium ions, but the concentration is different. There are twenty times more stabilized pico-ionic magnesium ions in ReMag compared with magnesium angstrom minerals.
Benefits of ReMag
- ReMag goes straight to cells without the laxative effect.
- ReMag is vital for 700-800 enzyme systems in the body. Magnesium is a part of their functioning
- ReMag protects the body from overflowing with calcium. The excess of calcium leads to heart and vascular system problems, the occurrence of deposits in soft tissues, breast
- ReMag is a sufficient magnesium supplement on the market that helps us to stay energetic. Magnesium participates in six steps of the Krebs cycle when mitochondria produce ATP(adenosine triphosphate).
- ReMag helps to avoid drug side effects. Drugs used to treat chronic diseases deplete magnesium.
- ReMag slows the aging process, helping telomeres stay intact. Telomeres are like caps on the ends of chromosomes. Without telomeres, chromosomes can change shape or break.
There are over sixty-five conditions that show the deficiency of magnesium. Some of these conditions are insomnia, migraines, depression, diabetes, kidney stones, food cravings, paranoia, smoking, thyroid hyperactivity, tremors in hands, and plenty more. You read the full list in Dr. Carolyn Dean‘s book The Magnesium Miracle.
ReMag is organic, non-GMO, pico-ionic, one hundred percent absorbable at the cellular level liquid magnesium. These traits let ReMag stand out from other supplements.
ReMyte is a pico-ionic mineral solution, absorbable at the cellular level in the same way as ReMag. Minerals in ReMyte solution are copper, zinc, manganese, boron, potassium, iodine, chromium, molybdenum, manganese, sodium, magnesium, and calcium.
Nine minerals in ReMyte support the thyroid. Due to stress and environmental issues, thyroid, adrenal, and sex hormones are drained continuously out of minerals.
Iodine, chromium, manganese, zinc, boron, selenium, magnesium, molybdenum, and copper are necessary for the creation, conversion, activation, and transportation of thyroid hormones.
In the body, all systems work by interacting with each other. You can not take something out of the body in the same way as the detail from the car and fix it.
The best solution is to feel well again to give the body what it needs: vital nutrients.
Why are minerals so important?
Our bodies do not produce minerals. Minerals are inorganic substances. We get minerals from food, pills, or liquids. Food sources are poor with minerals because the soil is depleted thanks to consistent farming without giving back to Earth besides fertilizers and pesticides.
I guess that you do not need chemicals, do you? We get enough of it with polluted air or unfiltered water. Not everybody lives close to forests or big parks.
Let’s go back to ReMyte
Minerals in ReMyte work synergistically. They enhance each other. ReMyte does not have a mineral taste. You dilute it in the water and drink it all day.
I put ReMyte in the same bottle as ReMag. It is tasty, and what is most importantly, it gives the body minerals straight to cells.
Remember that pico-ionic minerals are small, 100-200 picometers in size. They comfortably fit through the chloride ion transport channel.
ReCalcia is a pico-ionic calcium liquid supplement absorbable at the cellular level in the same way as ReMyte and ReMag.
ReCalcia is a dietary supplement for people who cannot or do not want to consume dairy.
Individuals must have about 600mg of calcium per day.
ReCalcia does not cause constipation. It does not build up in tissues as the calcium supplements do, especially when magnesium is deficient.
It is best to take ReCalcia with other Total Body ReSet formulas because they work synergistically.
ReAline is a product for detoxification of heavy metals and toxins.
ReAline contains B vitamins such as
- Vitamin B1( thiamine (from Saccharomyces Boulardi, natural source)-4mg
- Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin phosphate)-6mg
- Vitamin B6( Pyridoxine 5 phosphate)- 5mg
- Folic acid (as Quatrefolic)-990mcg
- Vitamin B12(as Methylcobalamin)-500mcg
Other Ingredients
- L-Methionine (natural source)-500mg
- L-Taurine(natural source)-200mg
- Betaine HCL-100mg
ReAline is a specific formula. Instead of forcing the body with purges or IV chelation, ReAline has L-methionine, which is the building block for glutathione. Glutathione is the most powerful antioxidant in the body. In this way, the body can naturally detox when it wants or needs. There is no force involved.
L-methionine and L-taurine are sulfur acids. They help with the liver’s sulfation detox pathways.
B vitamins work together with magnesium and methionine. All four are methylated to help with liver-methylated detoxification pathways to help break down harmful and toxic homocysteine.
Methylated B vitamins became essential when MTHFR gene mutations were discovered and identified. Scientists contend that gene mutations are expressed partially because of magnesium and other nutrient deficiencies.
Betaine HCL is also a methylated compound.
The importance of B vitamins
B vitamins support our neurological health. Autistic persons and elderly are deficient in B12, B6, and folate.
B vitamins are cofactors in thousands of biochemical processes. The B vitamins work synergistically.
Their functions are
- To help cells burn fats and glucose for energy
- To promote cell growth and division
- To maintain healthy skin and muscle tone
- To enhance immune and nervous system function
- To support and increase the rate of metabolism
- To ease stress and improve mood triggered by increased serotonin
Vitamin B’s ability to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and PMS is enhanced with the use of magnesium.
What is the difference between synthetic and organic B vitamins?
Most of the B vitamins are synthetic. Health professionals are forced to give more significant dosages to get wanted effects on health.
However, food-based or methylated vitamin B’s are in the active form. The body requires it.
To get more vitamin Bs, which are not in the ReAline, you can use a lot of Brewer’s yeast.
The role of methionine
- Methionine is a building block in the production of proteins. These proteins are structural, contractile, blood proteins, hormones, enzymes, and antibodies.
- Methionine is a methyl donor for the production of neurotransmitters
- Methionine is a sulfur donor
- Methionine is a precursor in the synthesis of the other amino acids
Besides this, methionine is capable of inhibiting toxic metals from crossing the blood-brain barrier.
More, methionine is a critical component of tissue development, growth, and repair in all stages of human life.
The role of taurine
Taurine is the precursor to GABA. It has many beneficial roles in the body, such as
- Reduces elevated levels of cortisol in the body
- It helps burn the fat
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Increases testosterone production
- It acts as an antioxidant
- Improves sleep
- Enhances heart and brain functions
It also lends sulfur molecules to the liver for its sulfation detox pathways. Sulfur is the third most common mineral in the body. The first two are calcium and phosphorus.
The sulfur is a crucial component in balanced DNA and protein replication. Sulfur is essential for the production of mucous and detoxification.
Obtaining sulfur from methionine and taurine is more beneficial than taking sulfur supplements. The body can gauge how much it requires at any given moment.
Who could benefit from ReAline?
ReAline is for detoxification. This formula provides building blocks to enhance and aid the body in detoxifying chemicals and heavy minerals. Those who have MTHRF or candida overgrowth could benefit from ReAline.
Holidays would end thanks to ReAline smoothly because people like to celebrate with alcohol and consume plenty of dense food. ReAline helps to detoxify alcohol.
ReStructure is a high-protein powder for Paleo Diet lovers and athletes. It can work as a meal replacement for those who want to lose weight and control blood sugar in hypoglycemia, prediabetes, or diabetes. It is a good meal if somebody is on a yeast-free diet.
ReStructure facts
High Protein-11 grams
High Fiber-4 grams
Low Sugar-1 gram
In the one serving is 60% protein, 30% Carbs, and 10% Fats
27 grams of serving has eighty calories
Proteins in ReStructure
- Whey
- Pea Powder
- Rice
- L-lysine
Whey protein is non-GMO, rBGH free from grass-fed cows. ReStructure is casein-free.
Benefits of whey protein
- Whey contains all essential amino acids
- Whey is rich in branched amino acids(BCAAs) and leucine
- Whey protein is an alkaline food
- Whey helps burn fat
- Whey could improve insulin sensitivity
- Whey protein boosts the production of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that helps the immune system
- Whey protein triggers the release of appetite-suppressing hormones. They are cholecystokinin (CCK)and glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1)
Besides proteins, ReStructure contains
- Rice bran and germ
- L-lysine
- Tapioca
- Inulin
- Silica
- Omega 3 Complex
- Organic Acerola Powder
- Vanilla extract
- Stevia
- Cinnamon extract
- Germinated Barley seed powder
All components in ReStructure are organic.
Proteins are vital for the body as building blocks for new cells and help detox the system to bring out the trash when cells break down. When people do not get enough protein, their muscles and tissues can be scavenged to make new cells.
Muscle, skin, hair, and connective tissue are made from protein. Proteins are vital for hormones and enzymes. Proteins help neurotransmitters communicate in our cells.
ReStructure is a balanced high protein powder containing all ingredients for replacing the meal and giving the body what it needs.
RnA Drops
RnA Drops are a food-based product. The base ingredient is sprouted barley. Dr. Carolyn Dean co-authored a patent for iCell and Insulinose.
iCell is the main ingredient in RnA Drops. RnA Drops were discovered working on the project Living Water as the by-side product of the process. People who worked on the project started to feel positive changes in their health.
In Dr.Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. words:
As we began offering the drops to more people, someone grew an inch; another person got rid of their genital herpes lesions; diabetic blood sugars dropped; and several people had surprisingly rapid recovery after near-fatal accidents. After a heart attack, a man with 20% heart function said his heart is back to normal after a year of taking RnA Drops.
Dr.Carolyn Dean, M.D.
Now it is the best part about RnA Drops
- RnA Drops give new information to RNA
- It affects DNA via the tunning function of Chromosome 14
- The replication of perfect cells happens
Created new perfect cells are healthy. It lets DNA complete a replicating process where 144,000 double strands become new and without genetic defects.
What do RnA Drops do? It contains a potent biological sugar that helps create perfect cells.
RnA Drops have lysine, other beneficial amino acids, and phosphorus as well. The phosphorus is essential for life and is found in RNA and DNA.
How Are Drops Produced?
How are RnA Drops produced?
RnA Drops are made similarly to homeopathic. It means that they carry the resonance of previous batches in them. At Generation 130 or batch 130, their resonance can act like attunement or a balancer.
RnA Drops were repeatedly tested on the Zyto machine. Results show that RnA Drops balance stressors in the body’s energy field.
Benefits of RnA Drops
RnA Drops are beneficial
- Boosting energy
- Elevating the mood
- Reducing the impulse for sugar, cigarettes, and alcohol
- Improving skin and hair
RnA Drops are a food-based product. It is safe to use. I like the taste. It is a little bit on the sour side.
ReNew serum
The ReNew serum is an RnA skin application. The Insulinose is the primary ingredient of ReNew.
ReNew serum contains iCell.
Consumers leave feedback with improved scar tissues, diminishing signs of aging ( I think that this factor makes me excited; we all age, but it is the difference between the fresh plum and dry one), and faster wound healing.
The best choice of products online is Dr.Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. Total Body ReSet formulas. These dietary supplements provide vital nutrients to ensure and enhance well-being for everybody who wants to stay healthy.
ReMag, ReMyte, ReStructure, ReCalcia, ReAline, RnA Drops, and ReNew replenish, revitalize, strengthen, balance, and fulfill the needs of the body. Customer satisfaction and feedback are positive because of excellent results.
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