I like designer things. I want to surround myself with beautiful and practical items which make life easier and more comfortable. I prefer organic food over processed. I would better use fewer, more little things, but I would choose those that bring pleasure and wellness.
I am not so rich that I can buy cheap things. I have the purse from Marino Orlando. I bought it ten years ago. This handbag looks excellent and will serve me fifty years more or until I am bored with it.
What is the point?
It does not matter how much money you have. It matters how wisely you earn and how carefully you spend.
Expensive things last a long time and have value even after style or fashion changes. It is better to have few items of good quality compared with things which are dull and do not serve you properly.
One great thing will serve you for many years. What is most important is that it is going to look right all the time. If you take good care of your items, they will serve and create the right impression about you.
Not everybody reaches the spiritual level, and individuals do not care what they wear or where they live. David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., wrote in one of his books that there are levels of people’s understanding and ability to comprehend the environment. He is a great spiritual teacher. I know that children do not care so much about clothes and stuff—they stream for exciting and new things.
Sometimes, I wonder if adults would have exciting jobs or activities, would they go endlessly shopping or spend countless hours sitting and playing video games?
Some people do not care how they look. I agree with the saying that what is inside is most important, not outside. Yes, it is true, but the first impression is significant too.
Designer things, most of them are pieces of art. They are made from quality material; the hand has an excellent balance between comfort and a beautiful view.
Katsuzo Nishi, the famous creator of the Nishi Health System, said that it is better to have expensive utensils and dishes and eat pure food. He thought that an elegant table would attract prosperity to the house.
Overall, in the Eastern world, the art of choosing the right design, directions on how to locate furniture, where to keep the money, and how to protect the entrance to the house helped and helps now to create balanced and fulfilling lives. This art’s name is feng shui. It has thousands of years of tradition, passing from generation to generation.
You are not a tree
When I walk in the forest or the park, I see harmony and balance and taste nature’s creations. Trees, bushes, herbs, or flowers always look great and exceptionally healthy. Nature knows how to balance colors and shapes.
I can not tell that all human beings know how to look decently. Some people turn their heads when they pass. I feel lucky and happy when I see them.
I agree that tastes are different. Sometimes, designers’ creations can be fun to see as the object, which is designers’ creations, can be delightful to see as the object suitable for the museum, not for wearing. There are plenty of examples where models are the size of zero or less. There is no way to fit a real man or woman into these clothes.
We all can choose what to wear, especially if we live in a free society. There is no pressure on a pressure-won hat that you need to fit into a frame. Of course, if you create danger, it is better to rethink your position.
Anyway, designer things are the best option if somebody wants to look good and save money. You do not need to be stuck in piles of shoes and dresses. It is enough to have a few and wear them continually, mixing with different details.
How big is your wallet?
You do not need to pile up goodies from the Internet or department stories.
Think about what is most essential for you. Do you need a sturdy backpack or leather shoes that will last you for at least ten years? Of course, having one pair of shoes cannot be straightforward. A few pairs of shoes can serve many years ahead, especially if you take care of them.
Some people can afford Canadian Goose jackets, while others are content with Calvin Klein or Michael Cors jackets.
Fortunately, there are department stores or websites where you can find designer items at a meager price. You do not need to brag about it where it came from. All clothes, accessories, or shoes are brand new. If you do not mind having designer things from previous collections, you can save at least 70 percent and more.
If you have gadgets from famous and trustworthy brands, such as Apple or Samsung, they will serve longer than other items, which break down fast enough. They do not appeal from a visual point, either.
After a few years, I see that some brands lose their quality. It happens everywhere, starting from clothes and ending with refrigerators.
It is your choice
Nobody will condemn you if you do not dress well or know who Bruno Magli is. I know many professors who do not care how they look. They are genuinely in their books, searching for answers.
The old saying is that people meet you looking at your clothes and come to conclusions about you after your speech. However, I guess plenty of scientists have friends or wives who guide them through unnecessary choices( as they think) of picking the right clothes or other things.
However, I think that people who prefer quality over quantity must choose designer items. Designer products last longer, look better, and help boost self-esteem.
Happy hunting.
Wrapping up
It is your choice what to do with your appearance. Society has norms, but rebels will invariably do some things differently. This is okay because progress happens mostly in this way. Some people like to collect expensive items; some use them as investments for the future.
Individuals who like expensive things feel the pleasure and see the profit from having few but functional items. You can save money in the long run because costly items last longer and look better than fake or made using questionable fabrics or materials.
What do you think about using expensive things? Is it a waste of time and money, or the other way around?
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