5G is a reality. Does it come with people’s consent? There is no information about the safety of EFM radiation. Contrary, scientists and doctors alarm informing about studies that show a harmful impact on the bodies and minds.
What is 5G?
5G is a technology that allows people and things to be connected anytime and anywhere.
Signals from towers and devices are vibrational frequencies. However, the telecom/Wi-Fi microwave is greatly amplified.
This force is
- digital
- polarized
- artificial
- modulate (pulsed) electrical
- amplified
- magnetic
The biological effect is negative on all living beings.
Thanks to multiple antennas that will be deployed with a distance of 50 feet from each other, 5G connection will be the fastest, most active, and harmful, as you can imagine.
You can download the movie through seven seconds. Self-driving cars, home security systems, household items will communicate with each other.
Humans can sit in the back seat and relax. How long?
It does depend on how much radiation you will get being at work or home.
You do not feel any side effects until consequences become drastic. How drastic? You can check Dr.Martin Pall’s paper reviewing twenty-three studies about EMF side effects.
The journey of 2-5G
5G idea and deployment to every corner on Earth did not fall from the sky. It started with 2G and 3G and wireless connections.
Interestingly, the scientific community comprehended the harmful effects of EMF/RF, UN/WHO, governments, and military by the mid-1970s.
Overall, 2-4G and 5G differ only by intensity. 2-4G technologies use communication towers that are high and mostly far away from each other.
5G technologies will use low masts that contain thousands of antennas. The goal is to provide everybody perfect connection. These little towers will be close to each other to ensure a reliable connection. It does not matter where you will be: toilet or public park or Everest. MMW (millimeter waves) are short. It is the reason why antennas must be close to each other.
5G uses pulsed EMF that is much more biologically active compared with non-pulsed EMF.
Trees, buildings, and rain interrupt the spreading of these waves.
It will take time to ensure that the net of wireless connections works undisturbed. However, companies that do not count pennies can do what they would like.
Side effects
5G technologies use pulsed microwaves. It harms cells.
2-4G techniques use non-thermal pulsed frequencies. Transport channels in cell membranes sense it and can shut down. There is a voltage-gated calcium channel that controls the flow of calcium. However, microwave radiation can disrupt the sensor and affect cell functions. Here magnesium can help.
Our bodies’ cells operate on tiny voltages. The force from 5G may likely damage cells.
The nasty part of the side effects is
- Endocrine-system disruption (check the video of testimony of Dr. Sharon Goldberg above)
- Breakdown of the blood/brain barrier
- DNA breakage
- Calcium channel disruption
- Oxidative stress ( welcome golden age faster as you wish for)
- Male and female infertility
- Cell death
Besides, intense exposure does not bounce at us. It travels into the human body. The degree of it can be measured in what is named the Specific Absorption Rate. It expressed in watts per kilogram of biological tissue.
5G technology allows focusing beam with concentrated power. The phased array technology allows doing that. The danger lies in the difference between pulse time intervals and main beam intervals. You can see in the video below how phased array technology works:
You know how the overlap happens when the time changes, sending waves from antennas. You would ask why?
The danger lies in the re-radiation within the body. Usually, radion absorbs in the body, in the living tissues.
The usage of phased array technologies makes the electromagnetic field rapidly change, as you see in the example with the water drops at a different time.
These re-radiated waves are known as Brillouin precursors that go deeper into the organism—this phenomenon named after French physicist Leon Brillouin in 1914.
As you see, there is no fun with all telecommunication technologies starting from 2G-5G and ending with Wi-Fi. Immersing themselves in the sea of EFM without protection and information about consequences will not make us
- happier
- smarter
- healthier
If you know how it helps you or community living under the umbrella of EFM or you know to escape the harmful effects of it, please leave a comment below.
Ways how to protect ourselves and loved ones from EFM harm
- Know radiation levels
- Know where are antennas and cell towers
- Protect your health
- Protect your home
- Protect equipment
- Search for information about wireless technologies
- Share knowledge with others
- Believe in yourself and humanity
Okay, now, when you know why EFM radiation is harmful and why 5G makes it worse, you do not need to panic but think about how to protect ourselves.
First, you need to know the radiation levels. Maybe you live far away from cellular towers, and municipality halted the 5G in your neighborhood. Yes, it happens. However, not everybody can be lucky like that.
Western Springs, Illinois, in the United States, refused without proper analysis and fact checkups to surround themselves with 5G antennas.
People awake slowly but steadily. However, knowing the surroundings, it helps to prevent yourself and your loved ones from EMF.
Devices for EMF measurement
I got HF-analyzer, so-called broadband field strength measuring device for high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. This analyzer is not a cheap one. It costs $380.
However, it made in Germany and will serve long years ahead.
The measuring is simple. You go to the objects such as cellular phones, cellular stations and see how the device shows increasing numbers.
The data was scary for me. I rushed to buy a shielded cable and adapter for the laptop.
My expenses were sixty dollars. How many antioxidants can I buy for this particular one once paid and forget price?
There are more dependable devices that you can get at Amazon or specialized stories.
There are:
- Trifield TF2 Meter
- Cornet ED88T
- Acousticom 2
- Safe and Sound Pro
What can you do later?
Of course, you need devices and everything associated with them to have a safe connection with the outer world.
What does it mean?
Besides laptop pr computer you need safe routers such as corded router without Wi-Fi, or a switch-off for Wi-Fi:
- N900 (Model WNDR4500)
- AC1200 (Model r6230)
- Netgear N750 (Model WND4300)
- Trendnet 4-Port Broadband Router
Corded modems
- Arris SurfBoard
- Signal Tamer
- Wave Cage
- Router Guard
Shielded cables for Internet connection
Cat7 shielded cable
For apartment or house
YShield and other RF shielding paints contain aluminum that helps block RF frequencies used for 5G. It starts at 600MHz to GHz millimeter waveband depending on installation and usage requirements.
Windows can be shielded with transparent window film, standard aluminum or steel mesh insect screen, RF-shielding fabric sewn onto the back of curtains.
Faraday bags help protect devices from hackers, and at the same time, they keep EMF in.
Faraday canopies shield sleeping places.
Wrapping up
Starting from 2G, these wireless technologies bring progress in the workplaces and education places. Unfortunately, the price to pay for these contacts can be substantial.
The damage of DNR is not a joke or a simple gap that we can sew with a tread. Our bodies are electric. The heart and brain have their frequencies balanced and worked in harmony with each other.
Testimonies of doctors, scientists, and researchers make me shiver and think why the majority of people need to pay with their wellbeing.
Can we help ourselves and others?
Yes, we can. Using protection in all fields where 2G-5G present, searching, learning about the dangers of EFM, standing for ourselves, and communities can make significant differences.
The progress is excellent when it does not interfere with human health and overall wellbeing. Life is a precious thing. Let’s think about it and protect ourselves and our loved ones.