Would you like to be your boss? Would you like to do what you want to do? How to fish for freedom?
When you have a passion or hobby, it is easy to create a business. There are plenty of areas where you can succeed, especially if you are the best in what you do.
You are not alone in looking for ways to be free and work and create products and services for others. Millions of people dream about independence and the time when they will be open to doing what they want to do.
Time passed, and many human beings stayed with the same dreams. No action, no progress. Without moving from the dead point, you never will reach for freedom unless you are a great mind reader and can predict people’s lives.
“Give me a fish, and I will eat for today; teach me how to fish, and I will eat for the rest of my life.” (Ancient Proverb)
Do not test the water with both feet
Fools finish their jobs and run into uncertainty. They are tired from countless work hours and from monotonous activities. Sometimes the patience runs dry. People want to change their lives right away.
I understand this frustration. Anyway, we must diligently analyze our capabilities and resources. What will you do when you will leave the job and will see that you need more time to prepare yourself for the new business? You need to pay bills, small or significant. Maybe you have a family or loved ones who need your support.
Quitting and running from problems does not change the situation. If we leave jobs without planning what to do next, we will be in more prominent misery than we were before.
You need carefully explore all options, make a plan, stop procrastinating, and start to work on your passion or goal. You can do both things: keep your job and prepare for the next transition to freedom. Of course, you will have less time. You can be tired or frustrated. However, remembering that everything takes time and perseverance will strengthen you and keep your spirits up during your journey.
Do you know what you want?
I think you are aware that if you do what you love, you never would feel that you work. It sounds like a cliche, but it is the golden truth. When you do what you love, time flies. If you are tired, it does not bother you. It is joyful tiredness.
Could you think about hobbies or activities which make you smile and prompt you to create plans for the present and the future?
Do you like to plant flowers? Do you enjoy fast cars? Do you want to see the world? Do you want to dance? Would you like to discover new planets?
If you are miserable, think about your childhood. Usually, children have their dreams and hobbies. Maybe you just forgot about it?
When we do what we like, we forget about the money. The money will come later, along with contentment and freedom.
How do you understand freedom?
People are different. They are tall and short, bold and curvy, thin and round, in various stages of life. They know freedom in different ways. One would like to have plenty of time to fish in the ocean. The next one would want to spend more time with family. I, for example, would like to travel the world: different people, different wishes.
When you know what you want, you can start to accomplish your dreams. You can spend a few minutes every day thinking about how you will create an environment where you will reach your goals.
As I mentioned, it is not wise to quit your job. It does not matter how it annoys you. Think about your passion and move step by step towards your goals.
These steps are:
- You know what you want.
- Your research about desired topics.
- You spent some time on your hobbies.
- When you see that you can monetize your passion, you can quit your job.
You can use books, pamphlets, scientific magazines, and articles on websites for research. Of course, you can not copy the entire content entirely. You must point out the source of information. Librarians, business friends, the Internet, college friends, and professionals in your desired field can help you acquire skills and enrich your understanding of reaching your goals.
A way to materialize goals
I understand freedom as the condition when I can do what I want to do on my terms.
Passion or hobby can be alive on the website. You write about things that are essential to you. If you perform a service, you can offer it on your site. Information about your passion will lay down smoothly and without effort. It happens because you love what you do.
The Internet is everywhere. Websites can be created quickly in a few minutes for free. You need to write content, spread it among readers, and voila! There will always be people interested in the same things as you are.
To those who want advice and learn how to navigate a successful online business, Wealthy Affiliate is an excellent and legit place for beginners and everybody who want to meet professionals in many areas of online marketing. I mentioned this company as an example of starting from scratch.
Choose your passion
You can find freedom in various ways. Maybe you dream about remote places where you can take pictures. Perhaps you want to make the best belts or be the best chef? You need to get up, roll your sleeves, and move towards your goals. Finding the right mentors and professionals in your desired area will help you see the whole picture. It is better to learn from other mistakes because you will save time, so needed for your progress.
Most of us are lucky because we can create the path to freedom faster compared with Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption:
What kind of freedom do you imagine for yourself? Do you have ways how to reach it?