Are satellites good for humanity? Yes and no because of knowing how EMF affects living beings. Besides, we have increased surveillance around us.
Technology is an excellent thing when it serves humanity. Do satellites benefit us?
If you look from a position of convenience, yes, they benefit us.
From a wellness and privacy point of view, it is a questionable topic. Why? The creator assures users that they can get Internet even in Antarctica. Do polar bears need that or deers?
Of course, remote places can benefit from a fast Internet connection and the ability to work everywhere as you please. Unfortunately, we are not alone. We are surrounded by other living things that can suffer from increased EMF flow.
Are satellites good for humanity?
Decreased numbers of insects and dead birds do not add anything good to the quality of human life. Besides, humans suffer too when they are under constant waves of EMF. Satellites interfere with humans’ rights to privacy with continuous surveillance from satellites covering all sky.
How about privacy?
Do you think that you can hide somewhere when satellites constantly connect to your phone? It is known that your cell phone constantly looks for a cell tower to get a connection.
There is a scary thing about satellites that can control domestic control sensor drones. Besides, satellites can spy on you using cameras that snap thousands of stereoscopic images, as with the Corona operation. Of course, it was in 1958, many years ago.
Elana Freeland, in her book Geoengineered Transhumanism explains how satellites act
Any SCI technology as powerful as satellites is never straightforward. Satellite sensors used to monitor other nation’s compliance with arms control agreements gather intelligence, which means U.S. space reconnaissance secrecy. From the beginning, satellites have been dual use and, therefore weaponized-sold to the public as communications and entertainment, calibrated for national security-commercial on the outside, military on the inside.
Elana Freeland, Geoengineered Transhumanism, 271
Satellites were above us many decades ago. Do you think that nowadays technologies are more sophisticated and protect Nature? Nope because of the increased number of these things flying in space, jamming traffic, and working for interest of beings who do not care about fellow citizens.
Now, 5G satellites join forces with other 1886 operating satellites orbiting Earth. There are
- SpaceX Starlink has 12000 satellites
- OneWe4560 satellites
- Boeing-2956 satellites
- Spire Global-972 satellites
Companies such as Amazon, Telesat, SpaceX, and more of them plan to add more satellites into the cosmos. Who needs that?
Knowing that 5G satellites use phased array antennas and shot-focused beams of microwave radiation, I think that using protection from Blushield devices would help survive in this dry technical environment.
How do 5G satellites harm people?
According to Elana Freeland
When an ordinary electromagnetic field enters the body, it causes charges to move and currents to flow. But when extremely short electromagnetic pulses enter the body(like 5G millimeters waves), something else happens: the moving charges themselves become little antennas that re-radiate the electromagnetic field and send it deeper into the body. These re-radiated waves are called Brillouin precursors. They become significant when either the power or the phase of the waves changes rapidly enough.
Elana Freeland, Geoengineered Transhumanism, 274
Ordinary people do not have so much time to think about the latest technologies that surround them. Most people think about convenience, the ability to afford services and gadgets, and improving lives as much as possible.
Unfortunately, technologies without supervision and responsibilities can be a double sword. Learning about satellites can help us understand their cons and pros.
Do you need to protect yourself from satellite influence?
I guess that if you care about your well-being, you can take precautions such as staying away from cell towers, decreasing EMF at your home, using Blushield devices that protect from harmful EMF, and taking magnesium such as ReMag that helps to stop calcium overflow into your cells.