The importance of leafy vegetables is enormous, especially when obesity reaches the heights of the Swiss Alps. Nutrients in vegetables are vital because most individuals do not eat food rich in vitamins, minerals, and enzymes. It leads to chronic disorders.
The importance of antioxidants
You can imagine what oxygen does to the iron. After some time, the piece of iron becomes rusty, and from the substantial portion of the metal, just a remembrance is left of what it was before. It is the same with our bodies.
Leafy vegetables have active ingredients that help to deal with oxidative stress. During oxidation, cells can die. Antioxidants in leafy vegetables prevent that
We are affected continuously by pollution, radiation, exposure to sun rays, acid rain, etc. Besides it, when we eat empty calories, so-called junk food, we do not get any protection against chemicals, additives, and preservatives.
Thankfully, leafy vegetables could be a real help, especially if we would drink smoothies. Eating vegetables as rabbits do takes plenty of time. Besides, it is not tasty. When we use the blender, we can add the banana or shredded coconut to improve the taste. The blenders make the drink easy to digest and get vital nutrients.
According to Dr. Andrew Weil, people do not eat enough leafy vegetables. Plant-based foods must be changed over time. Variety counts and gives an array of different nutrients.
Importance of leafy vegetables
Leafy vegetables help fight against oxidative stress. The oxidation can harm cells by taking electrons. When the cell is not complete, it ceases to function correctly and dies.
Plants contain phytonutrients. They are protective compounds. People must have a habit of eating plant-based food, especially leafy green vegetables. We would defend ourselves against the ravages of oxidative stress.
Our grandparents knew that they talked about telling us: eat your vegetables.
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