How can I raise my magnesium quickly?
You can raise your magnesium immediately using ReMag, the best magnesium supplement on the market. It happens when ReMag magnesium ions go straight into your body cells.
It is not a joke or a commercial bluffing. ReMag absorbs at the 100% range and does not have laxative effects. Besides, ReMag consists of pure magnesium ions that are stable, do not cluster together, and go through the membrane into the cell quickly.
ReMag absorbs everywhere. If you put it onto the skin, ReMag ions will pass through your skin. When you drink a sip of ReMag, tiny particles of mineral, so-called pico ions, will absorb in your mouth. You will feel the effect immediately.
Other magnesium supplements do not have such excellent bioavailability as ReMag. What does it mean? It means that magnesium is in union with other materials, such as acid, and cannot absorb fully into your body and provide the best results.
I guess what you know about the fame of magnesium when it is used for constipation. A product such as Milk of Magnesium helps with constipation. However, if you are okay with your bowels and want to keep your magnesium in check, you do not need to take magnesium that prompts you go to the bathroom without reason.
ReMag does not have any laxative effects. This supplement goes straight into the body’s cells without visiting the intestine. In this way, you avoid unnecessary trips to the bathroom.
According to Dr.Carolyn Dean, ReMag can provide therapeutic effects on people. It means that by using ReMag, people regain their good mental and physical body shape. There are over 65 conditions associated with magnesium deficiency. It means that magnesium supplements can help people immensely, especially if they use high quality products.
ReMag goes quickly into cells, thanks to the pico ionic size minerals, bringing relaxation and support to the brain, heart, bones, muscles, and blood vessels.
What happens when you start taking magnesium?
When you start taking magnesium, you will lose all symptoms associated with a magnesium deficiency: panic attacks, irritability, depression, heart problems, insomnia, and muscle spasms,etc. You will feel relaxed and content. You will sleep as the baby after a good meal. Of course, you need take magnesium that does not have any side effects and go straight into the cell. It means that you will rip of magnesium benefits. ReMag is the best supplement in the market that absorbs at the 100% range.
Usually, magnesium deficiency shows when you do not get this mineral from food, and you do not take supplements.
Nowadays, food does not have enough minerals as it was many decades ago. Wrong farming practices destroyed soil. Plants and animals do not get nutrients. It leads to a deficiency of minerals.
There are 65 conditions associated with the lack of magnesium. It is the reason to take the best magnesium on the market that goes right away into cells.
The body recognizes good magnesium, accepts it, and takes it to tissues, blood, and organs.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., the author of The Magnesium Miracle, describes situations when magnesium helps people eliminate many problems associated with a deficiency.
For example, arrhythmia happens when the heart experiences an irregular beat. Here is no fun when you feel your heart beating at various frequencies.
Magnesium helps the heart because of participating in the heart’s electrical activities. Besides, the heart is an organ that contains most of the magnesium in the body.
Additionally, magnesium helps with panic attacks, fear, and anxiety. Magnesium relaxes the body and soothes nerves.
Do you know that over 70 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium? What does it mean? It means that we have so many people around us who feel miserable, fearful, and depressed.
People do not become depressed when they lack Prozac. Our bodies do not need Prozac for metabolic processes. Our bodies need magnesium to take part in hundreds of enzyme systems in order to keep the body going smoothly.
Do you know that magnesium participates in the Krebs cycle? In this process, mitochondria, tine energy factories in the cell, produce ATP, energy molecules that allow the body to perform all functions and move forward.
Magnesium participates in six steps of the Krebs cycle. Without magnesium, energy production in mitochondria becomes sluggish, echoing the body’s ability to perform functions correctly as Nature intended it to.
When people take magnesium, in this case ReMag, that goes straight to cells, do absorb at the 100 percent range, they feel relaxed and at the same time energized.
Magnesium is a mineral that helps in multiple ways. Do you know this feeling when you are relaxed, but simultaneously, you can perform most of the needed tasks?
Magnesium provides this ability by going straight into cells thanks to the fast entrance to cells through the membrane and reaching instantly the body’s tissues, organs, and blood.
Magnesium ReMag differs from other magnesium supplements that do provide laxative effects. Who needs run into bathroom when you experience panic attacks or your heart does not want to stay in your chest?
The difference between ReMag and magnesium salts
Other magnesium supplements consist of salt and mineral magnesium. The difference from magnesium ReMag is the bioavailability. Magnesium supplements such as magnesium dioxide, magnesium glycinate, magnesium citrate do not absorb fully into body’s cells.
Why does it happen? Magnesium ions have the intentions to stick into clusters. Opposite magnesium ion charges attract each other. It is the reason why theses magnesium clusters happen.
They are so big that magnesium clusters cannot squeeze through cells membrane. They go into the intestine. From where magnesium ions travel with blood into tissues and organs.
The magnesium supplement ReMag does not have this problem. Why? Dr.Carolyn Dean, MD., N.D. created ReMag using a proprietary technique that does not let magnesium ions stick together. It means that magnesium ions are pico-ionic in size, do not stick together, travel one by one and go into cells without effort.
Does it sound fascinating? Yes, for me this information sounded like a fairytale because of experiencing the laxative effects of various magnesium supplements.
Taking ReMag is an instant relief when my muscles stop aching after exercise, my heart beats nicely, and my mind does not spin from the enormity of tasks.
Concerning other magnesium supplements, I need to cite Dr.Carolyn Dean, who says all magnesium supplements help the body if you don’t mind. However, efficiency is a different thing.
What would you choose: ReMag, which goes straight into cells and helps immediately, or a magnesium supplement that gives you laxative effects? I would stay with ReMag.
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