The environment can heal us or destroy our health. Harms from the environment are a common thing nowadays. Water pollution, the chemical explosion at work and home, and polluted air are a few factors that can quickly throw us off balance.
Harms from the environment cause chronic diseases
According to The Magnesium Miracle book, the World Health Organization stated that 80 percent of cancer originated due to a dangerous environment. It was in 1989. Do you think that something has changed?
At the cancer conference, Dr.Samuel Epstein, a professor and an authority on the toxic and carcinogenic effects of environmental pollution, mentioned that we all carry more than 500 various chemical compounds in our cells. These chemicals did not exist before 1920, and what scares me is that there is no safe dose for any of them.
What do these chemicals do for us?
Harms from the environment can stop the activity of enzymes. Enzymes participate in the body’s metabolism. Many functions, such as detoxification, energy production, and nerve protection, can be slowed down.
We have chemicals everywhere. Household goodies such as cleaning agents, renovation or remodeling materials, chemicals used for soil, plants, and animal protection and production increase, chemicals in water, and residue from power stations and factories harm the environment.
Electromagnetic pollution has become a threat to all living beings thanks to the push for the development of wireless technologies and the 5G network.
Usually, people can not escape from areas where they live and have houses and connections with communities. Not everybody lives by the lake, river, public park, or forest.
We can use it for protection from harm to the environment, air purifiers, genuine water filters, organic food, and organic supplements.
How can we protect ourselves from environmental harm?
At first, we can look at the items and food in our house or apartment. There is plenty of advice about the safety of cleaning agents and choices regarding safe food. For example, We can use baking soda in many ways. It is a reliable solution for everybody who wants to eliminate household hazardous chemicals.
Magnesium is a mineral that helps detoxify the body from heavy metals and chemicals.
Lead, mercury, and cadmium are heavy metals that have a cumulative effect on organs. Magnesium helps eliminate metals through urine.
I wonder why conventional medicine does not recognize environmental harm and its effects from it. I hope that medical people will come to their senses because it touches many human beings.
We can use for protection from harm to the environment air purifiers, genuine water filters, organic food, organic supplements, and natural materials such as cotton, bamboo, and wool for our clothing, bedding, and household.
Removing harm to the environment
Harms of the environment can be eliminated and eased with the help of a proper diet, detoxification with magnesium, clean water, and green drinks such as organic vegetables. When you use organic food and supplements, you help the body remove toxins.
The dry sauna is efficient for people who suffer from environmental harm. Our skin is the largest organ. Maybe you heard the story about the boy painted in gold as part of the celebration in Ancient Greece. The boy died pretty soon because his skin could not breathe.
When we use the dry sauna, our skin perspires and is removed with sweat toxins. The heat increases metabolism and burns off calories. The temperature in saunas can be regulated from low to moderate.
Far-infrared saunas eliminate toxins, too.
Take care of yourself
Everybody who wants to get rid of problems associated with the environment can help themselves using simple techniques such as magnesium, organic food, clean water, clean surroundings, items at home, and saunas.
How about you? Do you feel the impact of harm to the environment? How do you protect yourself?