What is the health benefit of magnesium? Magnesium supports the body in all systems, keeping us going in a top form. Do you think that I am exaggerating that? Let’s find out something substantial and factual about this miraculous mineral.
What is magnesium?
Magnesium is a mineral found in the Earth’s crust in combination with other elements.
There are natural pairs such as
- Dolomite
- Magnesium sulfate or Epsom Salt
- Magnesium carbonate
Magnesium participates in over 1000 enzyme reactions, protects from calcium overflow, helps avoid 65 magnesium deficiency conditions, creates energy, relaxes muscles, and keeps us calm mentally and physically.
Why do we need magnesium?
The first reason to get magnesium supplements is the problem that we cannot get enough magnesium with food.
I guess you know that soil was depleted a hundred years ago. Nowadays situation worsened because of the usage of chemicals and not letting soil rejuvenate as our ancestors did.
When soil is empty of nutrients, plants get it barely to survive. Animals who eat plants cannot provide us with enough nutrition.
I talk about corporations that grow plants and animals in crowded places and use poisonous chemicals to get bigger harvests.
Additionally, magnesium depletes after
- Exercise
- Alcohol consumption
- Caffeine intake
- Usage of drugs
- Chemicals in water, air, food, and soil decrease magnesium levels
- Junk food full of sugar depletes magnesium from the body
- Stress
- Tannins in tea
- Sweating in sauna
- Low potassium levels increase magnesium removal through the urinary way
How about food from farmers?
Small farms care about their products because of the constant contact with customers. It does not matter if it is a restaurant, a family business, or just a human who buys production directly from the grower. In this case is a human relationship, the connection and ability to know what kind of food the family will eat.
Magnesium and Nature
People, animals, plants, and the rest of Nature need magnesium. Why? Cells cannot grow without magnesium. Life, in the beginning, started with magnesium. This miraculous mineral participates in the production of chlorophyll.
Plants use the sun as an energy source. It means that life on the planet could not evolve and prosper without magnesium.
Additionally, magnesium participates in hundreds of enzyme systems that keep the body going. If one mineral is deficient such as magnesium, everything suffers trying to catch up.
What is fascinating is that you cannot replace minerals or other bodily nutrition with artificial stuff. If you do that, you would see consequences such as disturbance of well-being.
Of course, nobody will die when magnesium is deficient in the body. However, you will experience one or few conditions from 65 situations when this mineral is missing.
65 magnesium deficiency conditions
You will see here and below this blog the answers to the question that is the health benefit of magnesium.
After reading down these conditions, I guess you will find something from this list that suits you. If not, I congratulate you because of the 20-30% group of people. These people have sufficient magnesium.
The rest of Americans lack magnesium. It means that there are plenty of disturbances in well-being. Fortunately, the right magnesium supplement can help with that.
What do I mean? When the body does not lack any nutrients, you flourish and live at the fullest potential. I talk about health.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, the author of The Magnesium Miracle and creator of ReMag, mentioned people become unwell when they lack minerals, vitamins, proteins, or other nutrients, but not when they lack chemicals. Mother Nature knows how to keep her creations in perfect shape with one condition. We need to take care of ourselves and watch out for our lifestyle, nutrition, and mental being.
People live and must live over a hundred years with a total potential without any creeping diseases.
Okay, let’s go to 65 conditions mentioned by Dr. Carolyn Dean, a worldwide expert on magnesium. These behaviors will improve after replenishing lost magnesium in your body
- Acid reflux
- Adrenal fatigue
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Anxiety and panic attacks
- Angina
- Asthma
- Arthritis
- Atherosclerosis with deposits of calcium
- Brain dysfunction
- Blood clots
- Bowel disease
- Teeth grinding
- Elevated cholesterol
- Cystitis
- Chronic fatigue
- Detoxification
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Heart disease
- Headache
- Hypertension
- Hypoglycemia
- Fatigue
- Inflammation
- Indigestion
- Insomnia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Kidney stones
- Kidney disease
- Musculoskeletal problems such as muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, fibrositis, muscle spasms, jaw tension
- Migraine
- Nerve cases such as neuralgia, neuropathy, neuritis
- Gynecological problems
- Osteoporosis
- Raynaud’s syndrome
- Parkinson’s disease
- Sport recovery
- Sport injury
- TMJ (Temporomandibular joint syndrome)
- Tooth decay
- Tongue biting
You would ask if there are the last conditions from 65 mentioned here. Yes, these conditions go under nerve problems, such
- Paralysis
- Muscle weakness
- Seizure and convulsions
- Tingling
- Twitching
- Confusion
- Vertigo
- Numbness
- Burning pain
Gynecological problems have topics such as
- Cerebral palsy
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Female infertility
- Preeclampsia and eclampsia
There is no fun when people lack magnesium
Magnesium deficiency can lead to a miserable life, especially if you or medical people do not recognize it.
Everybody can be with the best intentions to help, but not learning about nutrition in medical school leaves a significant knowledge gap and prompts the suffering of both: the patient and the doctor.
Dr.Carolyn Dean mentions that drugs deplete magnesium. Imagine that you take drugs. You are already deficient in magnesium, and additionally, you need to take chemicals.
You see, where does it go? Good intentions of medical people will be interrupted by the lack of magnesium.
Magnesium helps with aging
Some people are afraid of aging and do everything to stay young. However, seeing the wealthiest people in the world when they reach a lovely age, the question comes: why they do not look handsome or pretty?
They have all the money in the world, but somehow age does its own thing, such as different skin conditions, flexibility, etc.
Why do people age?
Healthy DNA guarantees good life. Unfortunately, sometimes chromosomes lose their caps at the end. These caps are telomeres that protect chromosomes from getting attached to another chromosome or unraveling.
Thankfully, magnesium helps telomeres to stay intact and protect chromosomes from damage. How does it work?
Magnesium participates in hundreds of enzyme systems. One of the enzymes that keep telomeres in order is telomerase reverse transcriptase. This enzyme depends on magnesium.
Do you see how vital magnesium is?
All cells in tissues, organs, and bones cannot live without magnesium.
Energy from magnesium
Every cell has 1000-2000 mitochondria that produce energy for us, speaking simple.
It is a process that involves ATP. ATP is created in the Krebs cycle. Do you know what magnesium does here? This mineral participates in six from eight cycles producing energy in mitochondria. How about that?
Magnesium is a vital element, a mineral that gives us peace of mind when we do not have a deficiency.
Look at that: without magnesium, you are tired, stressed, or angry.
or you can be content, balanced, and full of energy when you take magnesium:
What is the health benefit of magnesium?
The health benefit of magnesium is enormous. This mineral has been with us from the beginning of life on Earth.
Magnesium keeps us energetic, well-minded, balanced, in a happy mood, brave, able to work, enjoy life, love, and promote human legacy in one or another way.
Magnesium’s multi-benefit for health
- Magnesium provides energy. Mitochondria, a power factory, needs magnesium in the Krebs cycle
- Magnesium stabilizes cell membranes and protects them from excessive contraction
- Magnesium participates in the activity of proteins. There are 3571 magnesium receptor sites in human proteins
- RNA and DNA production requires magnesium
- Magnesium is a cofactor for the enzyme guanosine triphosphatase
- Magnesium is a cofactor for the enzyme phospholipase C
- Magnesium is a cofactor for enzyme adenylate cyclase
- Magnesium is a cofactor for enzyme guanylate cyclase
- Magnesium participates in over 800 enzyme processes
- Magnesium participates in ion channel regulations. The right electrolyte balance depends on magnesium.
- Magnesium acts as the intracellular signaling molecule
- Magnesium works as the modulator in oxidative phosphorylation
- Magnesium participates in effective nerve conduction
- Magnesium ensures proper muscle function
Best magnesium supplement
There are hundreds of magnesium supplements on the market. Unfortunately, not all of them provide the best beneficial results.
What do you need from magnesium?
- Bioavailability
- No side effects
- Best quality
- Fair price
Most magnesium supplements have side effects, such as going into the bathroom too often. A laxative side effect is unpleasant and leaves your body without other nutrients. It happens when magnesium does not go entirely into cells. Magnesium ions are in clusters and too big. Besides, the body does not accept fully these supplements.
Thankfully, Dr.Carolyn Dean created the magnesium supplement ReMag that absorbs at 100% range at the cellular level and does not have side effects.
ReMag magnesium ions are so tiny that they quickly go through a cell’s membrane. Besides, ReMag ions are separate. They do not stick together, as happens with other magnesium supplements.
ReMag supplement contains pico ionic magnesium 20 times more condensed than angstrom minerals.
It means that you are getting the product that provides better value from all points of view.
You can read more about ReMag here.
Feedback from users
What is the health benefit of magnesium? You see this in the feedback from users. People, who used the ReMag supplement for a while, share their experiences. I present here a couple of their insights and how do they feel after taking the ReMag magnesium supplement.
Word of mouth is best because of sincerity and wish to share experience, especially when it is positive.
Magnesium is so vital that even famous show host Stew Peters endorsed magnesium.
I can bet that Stew Peters did not hear about ReMag. If he knew and used it, he would immediately turn his attention to the ReMag. However, any piece of information about the importance of magnesium is vital. People can remove stress and have good rest and peace of mind using magnesium supplements, especially ReMag.
I will summarize the answer to the question: What is the health benefit of magnesium? Magnesium keeps you in balance. Your systems work in unison without disruptions, stress, or deficiency.
Do you use magnesium supplements? It would be great to hear from you.