How often do we hear these words? Keep calm and move on. Try to clear your mind and procedure. Most important is to have the right reason and calm your senses as much as possible. Without it, our actions could bring unwanted consequences.
For example, we like to turn for comfort if we are sad, angry, or disappointed with ourselves. It could be different things, such as unhealthy food, drugs, speed, or constant playing video games — the contradictory to healthy techniques.
A clear mind after using breathing techniques, meditation, volunteering, practicing mindfulness, keeping a positive attitude, or exercising will help to enjoy life without exhaustion or overburning from everyday problems.
Keep calm and enjoy life
A famous video game creator Jane McGonigal stated that playing video games is beneficial. It helps us fight depression. People acquire secret identities in video games. They can imagine that they are active and creative. It gives the brain a positive stimulus. It pushes us to think and reevaluate the situation. Games are different because they can stimulate your mind or drive you to a fantasy world where you will stay without knowing a real one.
Of course, we need a calm and clear mind when we are confused and lost. However, meditation and emotional support would be more helpful.
Keep calm and help yourself to get back on the track
Anyway, as everywhere, moderation is a good thing. Sitting too long in a room by a computer or watching TV harms our bodies, especially our eyes. It happens when they stare too long at one point. If you are mad at something, try to use breathing techniques, exercises, and meditation. The shower helps also. Sometimes we want to forget and turn to comforts such as junk food, binge drinking, or pointless arguing. In this way, we can lose perspective. Old techniques work best. They proved by this time. How do they work? People count until ten or best until 100. After that, they go to the shower as soon as possible when they feel their anger taking over them. Plenty of pushups work too.
Breathing techniques. After a few breaths in and out, you will see how your body turns back to the regular rhythm. If we do not know how to control ourselves and our behavior, we must learn how to do it. Why? It can destroy our health. Blood pressure goes up, and stomachs crunch. We can start to shake or lose the ability to make intelligent decisions.
Be in the good mood
Overall, who wants to deal with somebody angry or unhappy? Sometimes, a person can not take care of themself because they let emotions rule and control the whole situation. They do not know how to clear their minds, relax, and turn things in a positive direction. There are so many books where you can learn how to meditate. You can watch YouTube videos where plenty of techniques to clear your mind. Meditation teaches us how to see ourselves from the outside when we gently shift focus back from wandering thoughts to calming them. It lets your higher yourself take control of your rebellious mind.
Positive affirmations can change the way how do we think and behave. Words are like seeds. We can rip tasty fruits or have weeds in mind. We need to watch what we believe and carefully guard our thoughts. When we decide that we want to change how we live and start to take action, sooner or later, we will see results.
Physical exercises release the tension and let the blood, filled with oxygen, reach all the smallest corners of our body. When we are fit physically, we are in charge of our bodies. We have discipline. With it, we could be in control of our emotions in our situations when something unexpected happens.
Say goodbye to your ego
Do you know what the ego is? There are many books written on this topic. These busy thoughts remind the bunch of jumping monkeys that do not have anything with an objective you. It is a reason why people are disappointed with themselves. Feelings such as jealousy, anger, and sadness take over us because this ego does not let us be ourselves. The ego does not allow us to live in the present. It continually reminds us how it was good a few years ago, twenty years ago, or how it would be great if we could get this or another thing. Unfortunately, the ego is not content when we get it. The ego wants more. It is a vicious cycle that does not have an end.
When you learn to meditate, your mind becomes empty of worthless thoughts. You can see things from the other position.
Help others
If we could find contentment with what we have, we would be happy and relaxed. Why? There are no worries about the past or future. We live in the present moment and enjoy what we have. Turning to values such as serving people, helping each other, or thinking about how future generations will live after us will give more pleasure and comfort — nothing wrong with having beautiful things. Anyway, it is better to choose quality over measure. You will feel better because there is a difference between the best things that money can buy and things that do not have actual worth. Why do people keep crystal dishes in closets and eat from second plates? Why not enjoy a simple meal from the beautiful vessel and drink filtered water from crystal glass?
Believe in yourself
Believing in yourself and taking care of things essential to you would make your life easier and more enjoyable. Of course, if something turns in a different direction, such as a relationship or a situation at work, it is better to be a humble person. Maybe it was for the best.
I believe when somebody tells me that life is chaos. Maybe it is true. We do our best, but sometimes, we get silence or complaints instead of a prize. Just forget it and move on. Believe in yourself. Life is good and always will be in this way.
Do not forget nutrition
Minerals, enzymes, and vitamins keep the brain balanced and in good shape. If we eat the wrong food with just empty calories without vital nutrients, sooner or later, we cannot think properly and control our emotions sooner or later.
Wrapping up
How to clear your mind? These simple techniques work best:
- Meditation
- Exercises
- Nutrition
- Supplements
- Positivity to everything
- Staying away from electronics and social media and spending time in Nature or being with family, friends, or loved ones.
- Solitude can clear the mind too.
How about you? Do you have a particular technique to clear your mind? It would be nice to hear from you. Please leave a comment below.
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