Positive affirmations and self-esteem have correlated. Affirmations influence us. Words from positive affirmations create an environment where our subconscious mind will create reality. Self-esteem can benefit highly from positive affirmations.
I heard stories about children who had bad experiences in childhood. Some parents and so-called friends at school bullied them with remarks about their physical and mental abilities. These words sink deep into the subconscious mind.
We think that we forget unpleasant words and experiences. Unfortunately, our emotions show different results. Something such as a phrase from co-workers or strangers on the street can trigger the return of unpleasant memories.
Now we are adults. So what? I guess that many of us have heard about inner children. We all have it inside us. It is not the physical being but something tangible that we feel.
Do not block emotions
We can try to hide the experience from the past, or we can rewrite it. Positive affirmations can help us return to peace and calmness. The self-esteem will flourish.
The blocking of emotions does not do any good for us. It is best to recognize them and understand that the past is the past. Nothing more.
If the anger and frustration inside us, it makes us weaker and unhappy.
The inner child can cry inside us when we remember a terrible experience from the past. Anyway, it is the best way to move on using positive affirmations.
Positive thinking calms and releases tension
When we repeat positive words, we plant the seed of positivity in the subconscious mind. The process takes time till positive comments will make influence us.
Affirmations such as Everything is well or I am healthy, wealthy, and wise can do wonders. We must repeat statements as often as possible. I read that we must repeat positive words and affirmations many times daily.
There are recommendations for positive words. We must repeat them three thousand times a day to see the effect.
Affirmations work for us when we repeat them twenty times a day.
Correlation between self-esteem and positive affirmations
I think that everybody knows how words affect us. We are happy when somebody praises us. We are confused when someone gives the wrong attitude and uses foul language.
Positive affirmations lift our mood, create a pleasant environment, and push us to feel better about ourselves. Our self-esteem can be higher and stronger when we plant words of positivity in our minds.
At once, we can think just one thought. If this thought is empowering, we will create for ourselves an environment where our self-esteem can grow up.
We will be confident when we will use positive affirmations for ourselves.
It does not matter how you look or what kind of gender you are. If you think about yourself from the positive side, sooner or later, you will become what you think about.
Thoughts are seeds
Words can lift us. Words can harm us. You know about severe cases at schools or how co-workers at the office react to sweet and calming words.
Words can hurt us. Words can heal us. Louise Hay is the author of books where she offers affirmations. You can pick one statement for yourself and repeat it regularly. After one month, you will see results.
It is not a joke or a fantasy. You can read books about the importance of positive information. Robin Sharma, Deepak Chopra, and Louise Hay are authors who offer information about the healing effects of positive information.
Affirmations can be long or short. It does not matter. Words that create statements matter. They generate an impact on our self-esteem.
I wish that you could lift your self-esteem using affirmations. Positive affirmations and self-esteem are related.