Good mental health is essential nowadays despite plenty of efforts to make things different from what they are supposed to be. You know plenty of stories where you do not know how to react: laugh, be sad, or just shudder and move on.
We need to maintain proper health because of the necessity to make decisions based on a clear mind, not on a foggy one.
Do all magnesium supplements add the same benefits to the brain?
It is yes and no.
Yes, all magnesium from supplements benefits at the neuron level from that point. It means that some magnesium reaches the brain.
The answer regarding benefits to the brain from another side will be no if you consider the laxative effects.
Which magnesium would be best for mental health?
Magnesium that goes straight into the cell absorbs at the 100 percent range, is pure, consists of pico-ionic ions, and, most importantly, does not have any laxative effects; it is the best option for mental health. The name of the supplement is ReMag.
Imagine that you have some headache or migraine, or depression. Your head hurts, and you want to relieve uncomfortable feelings at any price. You take a magnesium supplement and wait till the headache is gone.
Differently from your expectations, you must run to the bathroom if you do not want to have any unpleasant accidents.
Why do magnesium supplements differ from each other?
All magnesium salts provide laxative effects on people.
Magnesium L-threonate gives diarrhea to users of it too.
Why do these salts create all this mess? I understand that, in some cases, magnesium is a great option to loosen stools. However, if you do not ready for that but need magnesium for one of the 65 conditions when magnesium is deficient, running into the bathroom is not fun.
Why do people get diarrhea from magnesium supplements?
Magnesium supplements are salts that consist of metal, in this case, will be magnesium and acid. For example, magnesium citrate consists of magnesium and citric acid.
The absorption is low, from 4 percent to twenty. It means that magnesium does not absorb at the cellular level. The remaining mineral travels down the intestines and creates contractions in the bowels.
Besides diarrhea, which is not a pleasant experience, people lose other minerals and nutrients that do not have time to go into the bloodstream and travel to the tissues and organs as they should.
Can I get magnesium benefits for the brain and the body without laxative effects?
Yes, you can. Magnesium supplements, which contain only magnesium ions that are so tiny that they can enter cells immediately and do not give side effects, are the best option for mental health.
Angstrom minerals and ReMag magnesium supplement consist of small magnesium ions, pico-ionic size. These magnesium supplements benefit mental health.
The difference between magnesium salts such as magnesium citrate or oxide and ReMag is that these supplements differ in bioavailability.
Magnesium salts contain magnesium ions that stick together, creating significant clusters. These molecules cannot go through the cell membrane. It is the reason why the laxative effect occurs.
ReMag ions are separated and do not stick together. It was done using a proprietary technique. It lets magnesium ions enter cells and help the body in metabolic processes.
Wrapping up
Brain benefits best from magnesium supplements that can enter cells completely without laxative effects.
All magnesium supplements produce beneficial results at the neuron level, according to Dr.Carolyn Dean, the creator of ReMag. However, if you want to avoid side effects such as running to the bathroom when you need to get rid of a migraine, it is an intelligent way to get magnesium that does not bother you with this after-effect.
It is excellent that we have choices and do not need to stick with one option in the magnesium supplements area.
Knowing which magnesium supplement does not have side effects lets us have peace of mind and not worry about consequences after taking magnesium.
ReMag fulfills all expectations by working as a therapeutic, pure, and concentrated magnesium supplement that absorbs at 100% range and goes straight into cells without any laxative effects.
John Doe says
This is a really interesting article! I learned a lot about different types of magnesium supplements.