Outermost weight loss is doable. Rafael Zuniga from Chicago did it. Chicago Tribune described the journey towards outermost weight loss. 529 pounds.
How can it be possible to lose more than 529 pounds of weight?
Outermost weight loss is a real and documented story
I admire people who have a strong will and perseverance to accomplish the most complex things. It is not easy to lose twenty pounds but 529? At first, this story about the person who won the battle against laziness, genetics, and bad habits shows that everything is possible. Outermost weight loss is an outstanding achievement. This victory shows that everything is possible if you put your mind to work.

The monument should be erased for people who achieve remarkable results. I mean that if somebody got on their feet using the power of the mind and strong will.
Rafael’s story of losing enormous weight shows the potential of human perseverance, and strong will, and that everything is possible if somebody puts his mind to doing it.
Rafael’s way to victory
The outermost weight loss process started with the call to the ambulance. Rafael’s journey began from the moment when he understood that he had severe problems with his weight. According to the Chicago Tribune, he called for an ambulance because the pain in his swollen leg was enormous. Doctors at the hospital told him that his weight of 831 pounds was a bad influence on the well-being of his whole body. Infections are caused by obesity, lymph system disbalance, and the possibility of losing the ability to walk or move around scary things.
He hit the bottom of the dark obesity hole. After hospitalization a few years ago, Rafael made the decision. He was serious about getting back on his feet.
Everything starts with small steps
How did Raphael begin his extreme weight loss?
First, he made the decision. Enough is enough.
Second, Raphael researched online ways to lose weight. He found the app Lose It!
The website www.loseit.com offers to track food and exercise. Raphael chooses healthy food such as skinless chicken and plenty of vegetables.
Raphael started to lose weight, about 30-40 pounds per month.
Outermost weight loss is a reality
It is not easy to believe how this man lost so many pounds just watching over his diet. Raphael recognized that he was addicted to food. Enormous eating and a sedentary lifestyle lead him to this miserable situation.
Fortunately, he overcame his habits and took his life back. A strong will and constant watching over his food quality let him lose outermost weight.
When I read this article from the Chicago Tribune, I remembered the book by Dr. Sylvia Tara, The Secret Life of Fat. Sylvia described a similar situation when the man lost pounds thanks to his decision that it was enough.
Overall, Dr. Sylvia Tara emphasized that outermost weight loss is possible and doable. Individuals who watch over diet, and follow regimens such as exercise and rest, can achieve positive results.
How is Rafael doing now?
Raphael works as an insurance adjuster. He watches over his diet because he knows how food addiction can lead to disastrous results. Raphael exercises regularly because the right food and activities let him achieve extreme weight loss.
It would be great if Raphael’s example would inspire people who lost hope regarding weight loss. Of course, it is not easy to restrict calories, consistently exercise, and refuse to eat junk food. However, everybody who wants to change their lives can be assured that outermost weight loss is possible and achievable.
Inspiring stories such as Raphaels or Randy’s from Dr. Sylvia Tara give hope and show a positive example that the human spirit is victorious and vigorous.
If somebody is interested in reading the whole article from Chicago Tribune, here is the date: Wednesday, April 5, 2017, Section 5, Family & Health.
I wanted to share this story because it is a human victory and outermost weight loss. Raphael showed that you could achieve everything if you put your mind to it.
I am Rafael Zuniga from blue island
Thanks for the emphasis on strong will and persistence
It has not been or is a perfect journey
I have my good days and bad days
Just like everyone else
I have come to the realization that this battle is for life
To anyone struggling to lose weight
I hope my experiences can help you find the motivation or will to keep pushing
Eat smart and be as active as possible
And never give up!!!
Hello, Rafael. I wonder if you are the same Rafael who lost so much of weight? If you are the same person, my compliments, and admiration for the human being who did not whine and complain about unfair life. You are the shining beacon for everybody who feels lost or alone in the fight with weight or other problems.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Hello Nemira
Yes, I am the same person.
Thanks for the support
I have been struggling this past month
More than usual
It’s probably just my allergies
Anyway, your comments are uplifting
Hello, Raphael, nice to hear from you. I can slightly relate to you because I know how is difficult to change habits. Of course, I can not compare your achievements to mine, not at all, but I feel how it haunts you every time when you want to relax and enjoy the meal without worries. However, You need to praise yourself in some way because you are the exception from thousands of people who have struggles like you had. Think about what you were done and what kind of person you became. I can compare you with the warrior in the world of darkness and temptations. You are the winner, please do not forget it.
You would think why I am so enthusiastic about your achievements? First, you did not use any chemicals. You changed your life without surgeries. Everything what you did it was the result of your patience, perseverance and strong will. People as you make the world better because they show that everything is possible if you put your mind to it. It can be any area of achievement. It means that humankind is not lost.
We need more stories like yours. It inspires and lifts up everybody who is miserable at some point.
Did you hear about Tim Ferriss? He published a book recently Tools of Titans. You can buy it on amazon.com. You never will be sorry having this book. There are so many techniques for everybody. Tim Ferriss calls himself a guinea pig because he likes to try everything on himself.Google him and you see that he is the funny guy, the smart one, but simple and down to the earth.
What about allergies, would you like to read about Magnesium at the Dr. Carolyn Dean website http://www.drcarolyndean.com. She has many resources and valuable advice regarding wellbeing.
Thanks, Raphael for writing back, I appreciate it, all the best, Nemira.
P.S. I found the link:http://drcarolyndean.com/2013/02/magnesium-for-asthma/. Cheers:)
Thanks for sharing this article, Nemira.
What a wonderfully inspiring story. Well done, Rafael. What an incredible journey you have been on, and continue to travel.
It is so hard to break a deeply ingrained habit, I’m sure we’ve all been there. This story is a timely reminder that with persistence and will power, anything is possible.
Very inspiring.
Hello, Joanne, when I read an article about this man, I was happy as child. We all have some struggles during lifetime. Sometimes small things become real obstacles. I know that abilities of humans are enormous but you do not hear about it on TV or written on the billboard. We need more positivity in our life especially for people who are stuck in one or another miserable situation.
Earl Nightingale, famous American broadcaster told that most of times psychically restricted people reach more in lives compare with healthy. I wonder why do we need reach this bottom of something where we decide what enough is enough? I guess that it is an universal question.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
What an incredible journey of success. What people are looking for is hope to know that they can overcome the same thing and that there is someone who did it. Great inspiration. Good health is a journey, it’s not a destination because we all never quite get to ‘perfect health’. All we can do is strive to be better. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, Linda. I believe that there are people who can inspire in the same way as this man did but I read his story and I wanted to share about it in my website. Positive examples show us that we can change something in out lives too. Maybe somebody would change a habit to be late, eat junk food or sit on the couch all time. Everybody can benefit from inspiring stories as it happened with Rafael. He wrote that not everything goes smoothly in his life. There setbacks and days without progress. However on the end is remarkable result.529 pounds.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Hi Nemira!
This is a moving story of how self-improvement can really change your life for good.
I’m really happy people like Raphael have that courage to get their lives back just by putting in some effort, self-control and motivation to do what’s best for them.
I’ve seen many people try diets, but fail because they lacked motivation. I know it can be hard at the beginning, but I really encourage those who really want to do it to try Raphael’s way, and achieve their goals.
Thanks for sharing it, Nemira! Really inspiring! 😉
Hello, Israel. I am glad that you liked blog. Often remember this guy, Rafael because it is something. I guess that we have many heroes around us just they silent, shy or do not want to be known.
All the best, have a great weekend, Nemira
Wow, if someone like that can lose that much weight, really anyone can. It definitely takes a lot of effort, but obviously it’s do-able. While I did not get as heavy as the guy in this story, I am slightly overweight and have tried to lower the pounds. I’m successful, but at a slow rate. Really I’ve just been doing it by watching my diet, but I really need to incorporate some exercise. I’m sure this story will start to motivate me a little more. Thanks for sharing this article!
Hello, Jeremy, this story is exceptional because Rafael did most of everything by himself. Friends or people with similar problems would be a good help. I read about one couple who supported each other online, followed each others progress . Later on they met and became a couple. You can recognize a true friend when something unexpected happens. True friends do not leave you in trouble. They pull you by ears.
Maybe you can find a circle of guys and girls which want to lose weight. You never know how it will turn out. Besides lost pounds you can acquire friends for the whole life.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira