Magnesium for Alzheimer’s is an essential mineral. Magnesium is vital for Parkinson too. Half of the population over eighty-five is affected by Alzheimer’s in the USA. Numbers are staggering. Alzheimer’s messes with one’s life, putting a burden on families and society.
Unfortunately, just the autopsy can reveal Alzheimer’s disease. Tangles and plaques damage nerve fibers. Most affected places are in the hippocampal area and the cerebral cortex.
What could cause Alzheimer’s?
In her book, The Magnesium Miracle, Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., mentions Doctor Abraham Hoffner and Linus Pauling. They assumed that the reasons why dementia occurs are dehydration, cerebral allergies to chemicals or foods, and some drugs.
Aluminum and mercury are bad guys that trigger the birth of Alzheimer’s. I read many years ago that aluminum pots are dangerous. However, I see plenty of people use aluminum foil for baking.
Dr.Boyd Haley, the professor of chemistry and chair of the department at the University of Kentucky, found out that tangles and plaques in the brain affected by Alzheimer’s are identical to the brain damage caused by mercury. It is a great discovery, but it is a scary one from another side.
Without decent magnesium, cell saturated with calcium dies. Not only one cell but millions of them suffer and die. It has been found that Alzheimer’s patients have low magnesium
How do these chemicals reach us?
The mercury comes into the brain from dental amalgams, flu shots, or fish containing heavy chemicals.
Aluminum damages the brain using aluminum pots, cans, aluminum-containing antacids and antiperspirants, tap water, and aluminum foil. It is terrible because people busy with their lives do not have time to research the impact of heavy metals.
Aluminum is the nasty guy. Why? Aluminum can replace magnesium in particular enzyme systems. Aluminum and magnesium are different from black and white. Unfortunately, this action causes damage.
Magnesium for Alzheimer’s is vital one
Aluminum can replace magnesium in the brain. In this case, calcium channels are left open, and calcium is welcome to the cell. It happens because no magnesium regulates calcium to flow into cells. The cell saturated with calcium dies. Not only one cell but millions of them suffer and die. It has been found that Alzheimer’s patients have low magnesium.
Why do we need these problems?
Why do people not take magnesium to protect themselves from these horrible conditions? It is natural to have relief and escape from these problems. Just taking magnesium supplements, we can live meaningful lives. Most importantly, humans could have their dignity until the end. Who wants to forget family and surroundings?
Dr. Carolyn Dean mentions William Grant, an atmospheric scientist with a family history of Alzheimer’s. He knew that acid rain made trees age prematurely and assumed that people with Alzheimer’s have diets high in acid. Besides, William Grant found out that individuals with Alzheimer’s have elevated aluminum, iron, and zinc levels. Magnesium, calcium, and potassium are alkali metals. However, people lack them when they have Alzheimer’s disease.
Most people eat acidic food. Plenty of proteins from meat, sugar, and fat create an acidic environment in the body.
Magnesium could help immensely individuals with neurological diseases. Magnesium for Alzheimer’s is an essential mineral because it opens receptors in the brain to information. Magnesium controls calcium from overflooding brain nerve cells.
Besides that, magnesium relaxes muscles and calms down the whole body. People can sleep better. The rest is essential for the brain. During the time of sleep, the brain rejuvenates itself. Without proper sleep, we could lose the ability to think and act clearly.
There are plenty of magnesium supplements on the market. If you would like to read more about one of the best magnesium formulas, please read here.
How about you? Do you use magnesium? Did you meet people with Alzheimer’s? What do you think about ways to improve the well-being of loved ones? I would accept any opinion because it is a vitally important topic about magnesium for Alzheimer’s.