- ReMag consists of pure magnesium ions
- ReMag does not have a laxative effect
- ReMag absorbs at the 100% range
- ReMag is sixteen times denser than angstrom minerals
- ReMag helps with sixty-five magnesium deficiency conditions
ReMag review -the best way to get magnesium benefits shows how the mineral is vital to our bodies. ReMag is the stabilized, ionic, picometer-size liquid magnesium. ReMag maintained ions are so small that they are absorbed at the cellular level. ReMag has no laxative effect. The best way to get magnesium benefits is to take ReMag. Why? You will see below on the blog: ReMag review- the best way to get magnesium benefits. Magnesium is a mineral found in nature. Magnesium is not a drug. However, it is vital for the body’s functions and metabolism.
ReMag Review
What is ReMag
ReMag is a picometer, stabilized ionic magnesium. ReMag is a liquid form. The mineral goes straight into your cells. ReMag is a picometer-sized for optimal resorption. ReMag’s ions are monoatomic. They are the same size as Mother Nature, which provides minerals to plants and animals. Plants absorb the same size minerals as ReMag from the soil.
ReMag is a concentrated pico-ionic magnesium that absorbs at the 100% range and goes straight to cells avoiding the intestines. You do not experience any laxative effects as you would with other magnesium salts, primarily magnesium oxide.
What Is the Heck Picometer?
A picometer is a unit of measurement. The one quadrillion picometers fit in a meter. One quadrillion is 1000,000,000,000 picometers in a meter. It is not easy to grasp, but you can imagine why ReMag has an advantage over other magnesium supplements.
Minerals enter cells through membranes. They have gates that are 400-500 picometers wide. Pico-ionic minerals are 100-200 picometers in size. They are electrically charged ions. Pico-ionic minerals quickly enter cells thanks to their super small size and charge. The cell will decide if the mineral is needed. The pico-ionic mineral is ushered from the compartment if there is no demand.
Why do we need magnesium?
A few decades ago, in 1936, the Senate document was written about mineral deficiency. Magnesium is not an exception. Modern agriculture practices affect crops and soil. The soil is depleted due to the constant farming, livestock overgrazing, and stress of producing export crops.
The water does not have enough minerals because filtration systems remove minerals with toxic elements such as antibiotics, heavy metals, fluoride, etc.
Deficiency of minerals
Our bodies lack vital minerals. We do not get enough nutrients from food. We lose magnesium when we use drugs such as diuretics, exercise, or have stressful situations. When we do not get magnesium with food, we get heart problems, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety attacks, hypoglycemia, and cholesterol issues. More than ninety factors in 68 categories help understand and recognize magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is an essential mineral. Magnesium is the cofactor for 700-800 enzyme systems, which participate in the body’s metabolism. Dr. Caroly Dean wrote the whole book about magnesium: The Magnesium Miracle.
Dr. Carolyn Dean points out symptoms that could disappear thanks to magnesium, which is vital to our bodies.
Who created ReMag?
Dr. Carolyn Dean stays in the front of research as a doctor and human being who wants people to have solutions for various problems. These solutions are simple: give the body what it needs.
ReMag, the magnesium supplement created by Dr. Carolyn Dean, differs from other magnesium supplements. ReMag is absorbed 100 percent at the cellular level.
How was it created?
Dr. Carolyn Dean researched for the proper form of magnesium the entire decade. She wanted to create a magnesium supplement that absorbs entirely and does not have a laxative effect. After meeting with veterinarian Dr. Terry Wood, who used pico-ionic minerals for animals, Dr. Carolyn Dean created ReMag.
Can you see a cell?
You would think: I ask a strange thing, but the reality is colorful. After creating pico-ionic magnesium, which can go straight to the cells, a university professor was asked to validate the presence of magnesium at various stages under the electron microscope. He could not see minerals because they were below the picometer in size. The viewing field was blank. The professor told and confirmed that the minerals were below the picometer in size. However, he was afraid to guarantee observation results in a written form. Why? He did not want to have a confrontation with his peers.
The official analysis of ReMag particle testing
Here is an excerpt from Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book about ReMag’s testing regarding size.
I know that ReMag benefits us because it is absorbed at the cellular level. However, I wanted to see how these tiny particles of magnesium, which go straight to the cell, are detected. The knowledgeable staff at customer service got the information from the manufacturer.
GINNEY Monday at 19:23
Hello, Nemira
Here is the answer to the question from our manufacturer:
Particle size question.
The detection of the presence of magnesium is done using an ICP-OES spectrometer. This tells us that there is indeed magnesium in the product and also quantifies this for us, so we know how much magnesium is present. The ICP-OES machine does not tell us the particle size.
Aveka Labs used a Malvern PCS Dynamic Light Scattering Instrument in an attempt to find particles in ReMag. The PCS analyzed samples for particles in the 1nm to 1000 nm (0.001-1 micron) size range. No particles were detected in this size range, which means that ReMag has particles that are smaller than 0.001 microns.
ReMag is a monoatomic ionic solution. There really is no direct way to measure the ionic size (or ionic radius). This is actually determined indirectly by measuring the bond length. Ionic radii are difficult to measure with any degree of certainty, and vary according to the environment of the ion, and also several other factors. The distance between two ions in an ionic crystal structure can be determined by X-ray crystallography, which gives the lengths of the sides of the unit cell of a crystal. The ionic radius is not a fixed property of a given ion but varies with coordination number, spin state, and many other parameters. As such it is extremely difficult to determine the actual size of ReMag particles. We know for sure that they are smaller than 0.001 microns. With the use of X-ray crystallography, we calculate/estimate ReMag particles are approximately 70-86 picometer in size.
I was so thankful for this information because I can continuously brag about this fabulous product and explain why it is so small and how it goes straight to the cell.
What type of magnesium is ReMag?
ReMag consists of pure magnesium ions that go straight to cells avoiding the intestines. In this way, you avoid laxative effects. ReMag magnesium supplement absorbs at 100 percent range and is twenty times more condensed than angstrom minerals.
Benefits of ReMag
- Healthy pregnancy and delivery. Magnesium will prevent eclampsia and premature contractions and reduce the child’s risk of cerebral palsy and sudden infant death syndrome.
- Magnesium helps with fertility problems.
- Magnesium is vital for the balance of calcium in the body. Magnesium allows the right amount of calcium to the cell.
- Magnesium relaxes muscles and neutralizes lactic acid after exercise.
- Magnesium participates in the production of glutathione. Glutathione is an antioxidant for the body.
- Magnesium may help with fibromyalgia, fibrositis, and chronic neck pain.
- Magnesium helps relax heart muscles.
- Magnesium is the cofactor for hundreds of enzyme systems in the body’s metabolism. These enzymes participate in energy production, storage, and utilization.
- Magnesium works as a natural statin. When magnesium is sufficient in the body, the cholesterol performs its functions, nothing more.
- Magnesium controls the calcium amount, which enters the cell. Without magnesium, cells would be cloaked with calcium. Angina, arrhythmia, high blood pressure, asthma, heart attacks, and headaches can occur.
- Magnesium helps reduce anxiety and migraine attacks.
- Magnesium decreases bronchial spasms and histamine production. Asthma, according to Dr. Carolyn Dean, can be treated with magnesium.
- Magnesium helps prevent blood clots. Magnesium does not interfere when wounds or bleeding occurs. The mineral does protect from abnormal blood clotting.
- Magnesium is vital for bones because it helps balance calcium and phosphorus.
- Magnesium participates in the contraction and relaxation of the digestive system.
- Magnesium is vital for detoxification. Thanks to magnesium, excess minerals such as calcium or heavy metals such as aluminum and lead are removed from the body.
- Magnesium plays a vital role in insulin secretion. Insulin can transfer glucose into cells with the help of magnesium.
- Magnesium deficiency causes fatigue.
- Magnesium helps with hypertension because magnesium relaxes the walls of blood vessels.
- Magnesium helps sleep, relaxing muscles and removing cramping. The melatonin, sleep hormone, and adrenal glands function well when magnesium is sufficient.
- Magnesium can help rid of migraine attacks; serotonin production depends on magnesium. When the body lacks serotonin, depression, and migraine headaches occur.
- Magnesium helps with nerve issues such as muscle contractions, headaches, toe cramps, gastrointestinal spasms, and calf foot.
- Magnesium is used for pregnancy-induced hypertension and prevents premenstrual syndrome and cramps during menses.
I did not experience any problems with magnesium because I used just magnesium citrate and ReMag. I feel the difference after three months of usage with magnesium citrate. After taking ReMag for a couple of days, I felt that something was different. I did not feel heart or tiredness. Do you know when you think that you have a heart? No pain, no palpitations, but something is not as usual. It is not easy to explain this sensation, but I say that I know where my heart is. After usage of ReMag, it is somewhere hidden. Quiet. I am glad:)
ReMag is a unique product because it goes straight to the cell. You take a sip of water mixed with ReMag, and pico-ionic magnesium particles jump through the membranes of mouth cells. If you rub your body with magnesium oil, it goes straight to the cells.
ReMag does not have a laxative effect. People feel the immediate impacts of ReMag.
ReMag balances the body and gives benefits, as mentioned above.
The absorption of ReMag is 100% at the cellular level.
Do you wonder where you can get ReMag?
You can get the pico-ionic ReMag, a magnesium supplement, at RNAreset.com
The feedback from users is positive and encouraging because people express joy when they feel well.
Do you have experience with magnesium products? It would be great to hear your opinions.
Update: I found the conversation about magnesium on YouTube.( Ups, this video now is not available). Dr. Carolyn Dean discusses the importance and experience of creating and using ReMag.
Strangely, after six years, when I went after my blogs to check if something had changed during these years, I found out that the video on the YouTube platform disappeared.
I do not know why because magnesium is no threat to anybody, only a beneficial mineral, but it is as it is.
I’ve included for you a screenshot of this conversation with Dr.Carolyn Dean. I guess that it is better than nothing, especially since you can see in the description that magnesium deficiency is associated with 65 conditions in the body.
I want to repeat that magnesium, other minerals, and nutrients participate in the body’s metabolism. Nature is created in this way, and we are part of it.
It is an eye-opening conversation and a way to hear about the importance of magnesium from the creator of ReMag, Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.
It would be great to hear your opinion about your experience with magnesium if you ever used it. Please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you.
If you want to learn more about Dr.Carolyn Dean, you can visit her website at www.drcarolyndean.com.
andy says
Hi NemiraB, this was a amazing article contained all the information needed to understand the benefit of magnesium in the human body and the effect for lack of magnesium that could lead to consequences such as heart diseases and other conditions diseases. These articles also has the reviews section where comments can be used regarding the issue of magnesium.
Nemira says
Hello, Andy. I am glad that you found this blog useful. Usually people do not think about habits and consequences after using them constantly. When we fill our bodies with junk food, sooner or later we will starve for more because we got just empty calories. If we want function in a normal way, as always, we need to provide nutrients. Junk food does not have it. It is the reason why we eat more and more and feel hungry. If you would give body what he needs you will live productive life without burden to others. Magnesium is one of most important minerals. ReMag is best supplement because it goes straight to the cell. We need to help ourselves because nobody will do it. Of course if you are child and you have conscious parents, you will be provided with everything what you need. If you are adult, you must think as adult and take responsibility for your actions. Previously I did not know that chocolate can be addicting. Now I know and I try to avoid encounter with it. It does not do so much harm, but it is not a vital thing. It is the same with all habits. When we analyze our lifestyle, we can make decisions and improve our lives. Why not? We live once and why suffer? Lets take everything what is possible to our hands and move on.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Liz says
It’s funny how you say that magnesium deficiency can cause headaches. Every since I was pregnant, I have had headaches and doctor would say that they happen because of increase in blood flow. In some way I believed that I was deficient in something but they always told me everything seemed find. Can these be taken during pregnancy? I know you say they can promote a better pregnancy but what about their consumption during pregnancy.
Nemira says
Hello, Liz, Magnesium does not make any harm . DR. Carolyn Dean described event when pregnant woman went to the unconscious state and the doctor administered her magnesium. She recovered so fast, that it let big impact for Dr. C. Dean. She was a student at this time. REMag is better because you take orally and it goes straight to cells. The impact is instant. No laxative effect and absorption is 100 percent.
Yes, the deficiency of magnesium causes many problems. Simple mineral from nature but it is vitally important to body.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Mei Scarlet says
Lately, since I’ve began exercising more seriously, I’ve been experiencing muscle spasms, and sometimes quite discomforting headaches…. 🙁 I had no idea about magnesium deficiency. ReMag looks like a really great product! Even better that I can get it right on Amazon!
I’ve learned so much – and it makes sense that I might be missing out on the magnesium that my body requires. I do take a multi-vitamin… I’m curious if that might have any in it?
Thanks for all the information! 😀
Nemira says
Hello, Mei Scarlet. Usually vitamins have traces of magnesium which does not fulfill your needs. You must check how you feel. Dr. Carolyn Dean thinks that most of all are deficient of magnesium thanks to the lack of this mineral in food and in water. Our bodies do not produce magnesium. We must take it as the supplement. It is opt to you what to do.I reviewed this ReMag because it is a 100% absorbable to our cells. It is impressive and prompts me to use it again and again. I do not want to have additional parts of magnesium forms reside in my body or to be stuck somewhere. I need pure mineral, without fillers, additives and other stuff.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
secollins1 says
I have read through your page but couldn’t find out if this information was available, I was just wondering, what is the dosage is for adults and can the supplement be given to children, if so what ages do they have to be? i see you say it took 3 months to notice improvements is this the average time it takes?
Nemira says
Hello here. The dosage is 1/2 teaspoon serving in water. The optimum is two of 1/2 of teaspoons to one liter of water during the day. I personally, consumed two tablespoons per day. I am fine till now and I feel effects such as relaxation and good sleep.Everybody has different amounts of magnesium in their bodies. I think that I was deficient of magnesium. Dr. Carolyn Dean states that when magnesium replenishes the whole body, we need less of magnesium. I will see. For now, I am glad that I feel calm as Belgian woman. I heard this saying a few decades ago when somebody does not react and stays calm in all situations no matter what happens you can call them Belgians.
People see improvements in different ways. As I mentioned above it depends on how much your body needs magnesium. I did not get magnesium with food and some of my habits such as sweets depleted magnesium. We need to listen to our bodies and react to their needs.
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, creator of ReMag, children from four to twelve can take 1/2-1/4 teaspoon daily. You need to consult your doctor if children are under 4.
Overall, magnesium is harmless mineral from nature. There no side effects. Some of the magnesium forms such magnesium oxide is absorbed just four percent in the body. The rest of magnesium oxide will go through the drain. Compare with ReMag which is absorbed 100% and goes straight to the cell. It means that there is no laxative effect because magnesium is absorbed before digestive tract.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
mornay says
Hi Nemira
I did not know magnesium deficiency may cause this much problems. Ever since I started working out I have this constant headache wich is really weird as you are supposed to get healthier with workout and diet. Reading your post I learned that we lose magnesium through exercise, Will this Mabey explain my constant headache?
Nemira says
Hello here. The magnesium is lost when you exercise with sweat. if you would drink water full of minerals, you would be okay. Unfortunately, most of drinks are full of sugar and chemicals which just do not help to recover. Magnesium citrate is great and worth of dollar. It removed my headache just right away. Of course, you need to check with your health practitioner, maybe there are more deeper problems, not just the lack of magnesium. Magnesium will not hurt you if you would start to use it. Magnesium does not have any side effects. ReMag is best because it goes straight to the cell. Other forms of magnesium are not 100% digestible and absorbed as ReMag. Laxative effect can be from different magnesium formulas.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
James Harvey says
I have been have been on the rope about Regmag for some time now. But this review has given me insider information and I will be sure to share and let others know of this wonderful product. The cons do not scare me off this one. The pros out weighs them by a mile.
Nemira says
Hello, James. It is interesting how you learned about ReMag? Did you use by yourself? What I like about ReMag that it goes straight to the cell. At first it was strange for me but I just relaxed and let information to reach me. Sometimes we are not able to adjust to new things. It seems unbelievable. However, when I think about people who used the phone for the first time, it makes me happy. We need progress which leads us to better lives.
Chris says
Thank you for this article Nemira. It was very interesting and helpful. I think a lack of magnesium is a big issue nowadays, especially when being stressed often or doing a lot of sport. In my experience the usual products do not always bring a (quick) solution, so this product sounds interesting.
Nemira says
Hello, Chris. There are plenty of greats products which are natural and do not have side effects. Nowadays the word natural is widely used and sometimes it does not serve the purpose. Chemicals in junk food are natural too but they do not have any connection with body. They are foreigners. The magnesium ReMag comes in the form which is the same size as magnesium in the soil. Plants pick magnesium and other minerals from soil and use them for growing and flourishing. Unfortunately, the soil is depleted. Farming practices do not work for earth. They work for profit. Nothing wrong with money but shortness of understanding and the lack of vision about future for our children lead to unpleasant consequences.
ReMag is created on purpose that it could go straight to the cell. We do not waste magnesium. We take it fully. For example, the magnesium oxide is absorbed just 4 percents. Where the rest go? The body wastes energy for removing unwanted and not able to absorb parts of supplements or food. Previously when we did not have ability to get ReMag, we used other products such as magnesium citrate. It is okay, but if you can help yourself in more efficient way, why not to use the best product on the market:ReMag?
Jeremy says
Thanks for the information! This type of product will be beneficial for those with low magnesium level. I’m a nurse and low magnesium levels can cause certain health issues; for example, like you mentioned for pregnant woman. I do have to mention though, if someone is considering using magnesium supplements to consult their physician first. Thanks again for the article!
Nemira says
Magnesium does not have any side effects . Of course some forms of magnesium have laxative effect. ReMag does not have it because Magnesium goes to the cell and it is absorbed at 100 percent
What about consultations, according to DR.Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. many health practitioners do not know about benefits of nutrition and nutrients. Not everybody pays attention to the symptoms of deficiency of magnesium. One thing that I know that information from scientists, researchers and doctors provides insights to many problems. These issues can be solved providing body materials what it needs and does not get with food or other supplements. I read that one type of vitamins goes through the body unabsorbed and lands in the toilet. How about it?
I provide here information from doctors. It is opt to visitors to choose. This book The Magnesium Miracle is available at amazon.com.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Adam says
Wow! great information about this product, Very detailed. I know my mom uses this stuff for her digestive system but I’m blown away with all of the health benefits that this product consists of, I might have to purchase some for myself sometime. Being that this product effects your body at a cellular level, how long does it usually take before you begin to see the effects of the product?
Nemira says
Hello, Adam. Everybody is different because genetics, lifestyle, the country where you live makes the difference. I saw the difference when I started use ReMag after couple days. I do not follow the dosage on the bottle because I feel that I need more as the 1/2 teaspoon. Now I am addicted to water with ReMag because this drink resembles me the San Pellegrino brand. Great stuff.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Judy says
Hi Nemira,
I agree with you that magnesium is very important in the body. I usually take calcium with magnesium in pill form, but I agree that anything liquid goes directly to the cells.
It is worth a try based on your recommendation to purchase it in liquid form. Do you recommend the combination of calcium and magnesium, or magnesium by itself?
Nemira says
Hello, Judy. Dr. Carolyn Dean created ReCalcia too in the same way as ReMag and ReMyte. These pico-ionic mineral go straight to the cell. Unfortunately people get more calcium compare with magnesium. Dr. Carolyn Dean recommends ReMag at first because magnesium works in team with calcium. Usually magnesium is deficient and if you do simple blood test you can not decide how much your body has of magnesium. In the blood circulates just %1 of magnesium.
I would recommend you buy Dr. Carolyn Dean book The Magnesium Miracle. You will find plenty of information about benefits, usage and history of magnesium.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
LaurenK says
This is a great article. I never ever took Magnesium into consideration with some of the health issues I have had previously such as headaches and anxiety. I would never had known this could be a factor. I always put it down to different things with Diet so I did change that but to know this now that it could be a lack of magnesium I could have changed a lot of things much sooner. Thank you for the review.
Nemira says
Magnesium is an essential mineral which participates in hundreds of enzymes actions as cofactor. Magnesoum is famous for giving relaxation, relieving tension and anxiety.
All the best, Nemira.
Deb says
Hi Nemira,
Your review is bang on and I really liked the way you have listed all the benefits of magnesium. I am the software engineer and work long hours in an office and yes I too experienced fatigue and doc prescribed me a mag supplement. Looking forward to more informative reviews from you.
Nemira says
Hello, Deb, thanks for the comment. I addicted to ReMag three months already. I feel the difference and I will use till my body will tell that it is enough. I am still fascinated about 100% absorption to the cells. We can not see cells but they exist. I think that magnesium can work in special cases as supplement for relaxation. It is enough to have ReMag in mouth and it travels straight to the cells. It is something.No traveling through intestine till effects will be reached.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Chris says
Hi Nemira,
Thanks for the info. I have used some magnesium oil products before which work ok but this does sound like an even better product and possibly even more readily absorbable so I am keen to give it a go.
How do you apply it for the best results?
Nemira says
Hello, Chris , thank you for the comment. ReMag is best absorbed when is taken orally or is sprayed on the skin. This formula goes to the cell directly. The body benefits from ReMag instantly. There are no side effects. I used it and will use constantly because I will benefits of it such as relaxation and calmness. No fussing around anymore.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
L7 says
Remag sounds like a very beneficial product. I recently became aware of the importance of magnesium and I have been using a product called, “Calm.”
I’m wondering if magnesium is just magnesium, is just magnesium ,,, if labels and manufactures are the only difference? … Or if Remag is really something special.
Thanks for this info. My curiosity is up, and I intend to try it out.
Nemira says
Hello, here. ReMag is unique in the way as the best absorbable mineral. When I started to read articles and blogs about magnesium, I found out that magnesium supplements are not the same. Some of them such as magnesium oxide is absorbable at 4 percent. Other supplements reach 50 percent limit. Comparing with ReMag, which is absorbable at 100 percent and goes straight to the cell, I do not have any doubt which magnesium supplement is the best. Besides it, ReMag does not have the laxative effect. How about it?
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Kyoko says
I have not heard of ReMag, but I know Magnesium is very important for our health. I usually see capsules or tablets, so liquid form is very unique. I like liquid better than tablets as sometimes taking vitamin/mineral tablets makes me sick. Is there any other way to take it other than mixing with water, such as mixing with a smoothie, or would the benefit get reduced if I use it with blender?
Nemira says
Hello there, yes this product does not have support from big companies because minerals cannot be patented. It follows that nobody can prescribe you as the drug. If it is not the drug, there is no substantial profit. Anyway, I stumbled upon this product because I read Dr. Carolyn Dean’s blogs eight years already. This ReMag will be the same when you will use in the way as you wish. You can spray it on the skin. It will be absorbed through the skin. You use it in the smoothie, magnesium ions will reach your cells. ReMag is only magnesium ions which are stabilized and so small that they go straight to the cells. Other magnesium supplements consist of magnesium and acid, such as magnesium citrate. Your body gets magnesium and citric acid. Do I need citric acid? Not now when ReMag is available. All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Dani says
This product looks amazing. I’ve been magnesium deficient for years and have been taking the old fashioned gel-caps which doesn’t help as much as I’d like. I take other ionic mineral supplements in a liquid form, but haven’t yet seen the magnesium.
Magnesium is responsible for so many functions in the body that a deficiency could cause a lot of problems long term. For me, low magnesium causes headaches, lethargy, horrible muscle cramps and charley horses.
I would like to give ReMag a try. I can see that this will give way better absorption than a gelcap.
Nemira says
Hello here. I think that it is great that you knew about magnesium deficiency. Previously I did not pay attention to it because in Europe we get plenty of mineral water, rich with magnesium and ate food which did not lack this essential mineral. Here, in the USA, everything is different, especially if you live in the big city. I felt consequences from busy and stressful lifestyle such as insufficient sleep and cravings for sweets.
ReMag is unique because it is 100 percent absorbable, without laxative effect and goes straight to the cell. I felt the difference after few days of using ReMag. Now I am addicted to it. It would be wonderful if in the world would be not hunger or opioid crisis, but magnesium crisis in a beneficial way.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Emma says
Great post, I am not getting enough magnesium because I don’t look at my diet too much so I don’t naturally get a lot, I need something to give an extra boost because my metabolism is so slow and my hair is brittle , same as my skin, I guess this will help me out and give my body some extra micronutrients
Nemira says
Hello, Emma, yes magnesium is vital mineral and must to participate in the body’s metabolism. Without magnesium we can be sluggish, without energy, sleepless or anxious.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
courtney tamara says
wow… i take a calcium zinc magnesium supplement (bought it from costco ha ha). i had no idea how crucial magnesium was to overall health. heres a question. how can i naturally get magnesium in my diet with food?
thank you kindly for the disclaimer. i will be sure to speak with my dietician about magnesium further. i know how important it is to get your vitamins and minerals naturally as well as from supplements that are easy to absorb.
Nemira says
Hello, Courtney Tamara. The reason why I write about this type of magnesium is that ReMag is completely different. Nothing on the market does go straight into cells and is absorbable at 100 percent. Other supplements take time to absorb and some of the particles left in bodies as the ballast. ReMag came to the market a few years ago. Not so many people know it.
The reason why I leave disclaimer is a contradiction in this Health field. Dr. Carolyn Dean listed many cases where magnesium can fix all problems. However, FDA does not recognize that simple minerals can make such big changes, plenty of doctors do not know too. I do not support one side or another. I simply state facts. I believe that information based on research, publications on scientific magazines and websites is the source from which individuals can make decisions. Talking with knowledgeable health practitioner is important because everybody is different.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
P.S. You can not get enough magnesium with food because the soil depleted in most areas. Besides environmental issues, vegetables and meat do not contain enough magnesium. If you want to get the required dosage, you must eat enormous amounts of food rich in magnesium. Your stomach will be expanded, and your body will use plenty of energy to digest all food. It is more effective take ReMag compare with trying stuff yourself with large quantities of food.
marta says
Wow! I was looking for good magnesium for months. Recently I have heard a lot about creams and sprays with magnesium, they suppose to absorb better. I will definitely try the one you are talking about. It was a surprise for me that we lose magnesium when we exercise, however it is quite logic.. we sweat so many goodies!!!
Nemira says
Hello, Marta, yes, you are right because with the sweat we lose many minerals, not just magnesium. I read that players suffer a lot when they do not drink with water minerals. Instead, they use sugary drinks which deplete more magnesium.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Matt's Mom says
I actually did not realize there were sooo many benefits to taking magnesium. I know that my mom has always been a huge fan of it. I never really understood why. Now I see! How do we normally get magnesium into our bodies if we are not taking a supplement for it? I guess it depends on the quality of our water? Can we test it to see if we need to supplement magnesium?
Nemira says
Hi, we do not get magnesium from food because plants and animals do not get magnesium from the soil. It is the reason why people get depressed, irritated, problems with the heart and so on. Magnesium participates as the cofactor in over 700 enzymes operations. Without magnesium, our body can not function well. Yes, there are tests for magnesium. Dr,p. Carolyn Dean M.D., N.D. recommends blood ionized magnesium test.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Alice says
Not many people are aware of the benefits of Mg++ so I’m glad there are articles like yours that inform people about it and where to get it.
I think Remag is a good product because of its many benefits and because it is in liquid form. I know some people who do not like to take health supplements that come in tablets and capsules.
Jodi says
I can’t believe how many benefits there are to ReMag! Women looking to get pregnant or are pregnant should definitely talk to their doctors about adding ReMag into their diet during pregnancy. The benefits are amazing. Thank you for letting me know WHY I need Magnesium. You make it clear why ReMag is the best product because it goes straight to the cell as other products don’t. Thanks for the valuable information.
Nemira says
Hello, Jodi. Previously I did not know about magnesium importance too. I experienced few times relief with magnesium citrate, but I did not know why it happened. After studying The a Magnesium Miracle, I understand that magnesium is vital to our bodies. Without it, we cannot perform properly. ReMag is best magnesium supplement because it absorbed at the cellular level and the 100 percent.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Kyle says
Speaking as a person that has a long history of problems with anxiety I can say that magnesium has made a big difference in my daily anxiety levels…
Along with meditation and exercise, magnesium has a way of dialing back that “in a vice” feeling that I typically experience when facing heightened anxiety.
Its great at night before bed too!
Nemira says
Hello here, yes, magnesium is something that is really important and I feel that I need to share information about it. I traveled overseas and I miss ReMag here because magnesium citrate does not taste good. I wish that manufacturer would produce smaller quantity. Besides ReMag, the book of Timothy Ferris Tools of Titans gives great insights regarding mental state and improvement of it.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Anfernee Clark says
Hello! I like your review about this product and it makes me wonder where can I purchase it? I sometimes feel fatigue due to long distance travel and I think that this might help me combat tiredness and an occasional headaches. is it affordable? how long would it take to ship it here in the Philippines? I’m curious to try this. Thanks for your response!
Nemira says
You can purchase ReMag on amazon.com or go directly to rnareset.com website. Magnesium is vital mineral, perfect for headaches. All the best:)
kaciexox says
Hello NemiraB,
Very informative post you have here. You have definitely taught me about Magnesium, the importance it is to your body. I honestly did not know that lack of Magnesium would cause so much problems to your body. Remag sound like a very good product for me to try.
Thanks for the knowledge, I will look into purchasing this product for the health of my body.
Nemira says
Hello, Kacie. I did not use ReMag for few weeks because I traveled overseas. I used magnesium citrate instead and felt immediate difference. At first the taste was horrible. For me this ReMag is as I drink San Pellegrino every day. ReMag works faster because I never had spasms but after break I had. Fortunately magnesium citrate helped me but not so effectively as ReMag.
freddy says
Hi Nemira
Thanks for such a great article. I never knew that diet alone wouldn’t be enough to provide the body with all the nutrients. I lift weights but I have been getting headaches a bit recently and feeling a little stressed due to work. Do you think this could be a lack of magnesium?
I also suffer from being very sleepy at work. When you say it can work instantly, what did it feel like?
Nemira says
Hello, Freddy. Yes, we supposed to get all minerals from food. Unfortunately, it does not happen. You would ask how about organic food? It is the same because minerals are deficient in soil everywhere. If farmer fertilizes soul with minerals, it is perfect. However how you can know that he takes care of soil?
Your symptoms are as the magnesium deficiency. For me, ReMag worked instantly. When I was overseas, I bought magnesium citrate, but it is a big difference. I have energy and good sleep. I work in a busy environment now. However, I can easily concentrate on my writing and read scientific books. It is a really a special supplement.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
William says
THis was excellent couldn’t have explained better myself.
James Harvey says
I’ve never heard of this product before. But I do have issues with magnesium in my body based on what my doctor tells me about my blood work.
So I’m in need of a good magnesium boosting product. Soi laded here and I will say that I think I’m going to roll with this.
By far the best review of a magnesium boosting product I’ve seen on the internet.
Nemira says
Hello here, thanks James. This ReMag is really great product. What I like about it, what it tastes as Pellegrino from Italy. In this way I save money and help my body to enjoy magnesium benefits. You can obtain little bottle and try how it works for you. ReMag goes straight into cells and the effect is instant.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Matt says
Wow interesting, I learned so much on this post and I had no idea magnesium supplements can benefit people that much! And to think I was really just browsing the internet for chemistry stuff! Really helpful stuff, especially with the video. I’ll have to try it out! I think this could be a great supplement to my otherwise well controlled(insert sarcasm here) diet. Thanks!
Nemira says
Hello, Matt. What was interesting to me that after reading Tim Ferriss book Tools of Titans I found out that prominent health professionals did not know about ReMag. It leads to the conclusion that regular doctors do not know about the importance of magnesium overall. Otherwise why over eighty percent of USA population are magnesium deficient?
I was lucky to learn about the importance of minerals when I started to follow Dr.Carolyn Dean after reading her book Death by Modern Medicine. The information is not widespread. If somebody uses magnesium, most of the supplements are absorbed in the low rate. ReMag is the different thing. It is the reason why I want to brag around about this miraculous mineral from Nature.
All the best, be wealthy and healthy, Nemira.
Matendi says
Hello. I enjoyed your article on ReMag. I first looked at this article because my wife has been telling me for years that I would benefit from a magnesium supplement. When I looked it up there were some possible side affects that kept me away from it. It appears that ReMag has solved some of these problems with a product that absorbs readily and with that comes even more health benefits. Is there any possible negative side affects to the supplement in any way? Does it depend on the person as to the chance of any possible negative side affects?
Thanks for the great article. I liked all the in-depth information very much.
Nemira says
Hello, Matendi. I will disappoint you and will tell you that there are no side effects for ReMag. ReMag goes straight to the cell. It avoids intestine because ReMag can be absorbed in the mouth and down go through the throat. Of course, if you would consume plenty of ReMag such as half of bottle, your body would refuse, and the laxative effect will show up. Here the question pops out: why do we need to overdose everything? Our bodies can decide how much do we need. Besides it, Dr. Carolyn Dean gives the recommendation how much you can consume of this miraculous product. If you are deficient in magnesium, you need more. People are different; bodies are too. Magnesium is a mineral from nature which is vital for body’s metabolism. You can start with the small dosage and increase to two teaspoons a day or more. You will feel when you do not need it.
Overall magnesium supplements do not have side effects. The laxative effect happens from other magnesium supplements, which are not pure magnesium. ReMag is 100 percent pico-ionic stabilized magnesium ions which go straight to the cells.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Edrian Saguiped says
I’m into my health a lot. I try to take care of myself as much as possible. I knew vitamims and minerals are important but I didn’t know you needed Magnesium as well! Just by reading this post, I have a deeper understanding of the benefits so thank you. I will try to incorporate it into my diet .
Michelle says
I found your site very informative. I didn’t realize that Magnesium had so many benefits. As a sufferer of migraines since childhood, no one has ever mentioned that this could be a cause. I also have some of the other things on the list, so I am surprised a doctor never mentioned it to me sooner. I am definitely going to try getting more magnesium in my system and see if this helps me. Thanks so much for your site.
Nemira says
Hello, Michelle. I think you would benefit from Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book The Magnesium Miracle. There are plenty of information about magnesium and other minerals. Be sure to pick the second edition. It is equiped with facts, research and advice from the outstanding doctor. You can get it through amazon.com.
All the best, Nemira.
Trace says
Thank you for putting this thoughtful review together. I especially appreciate the fact that you dug into the science of this as far too many products out there tend to gloss over the science and just sell you promises instead of facts. A review like this really does help with that.
I’ve been curious about mineral deficiencies for a long time. Several years ago after switching my diet to something along the lines of a paleo-primal I began to wonder if the changes I was experiencing were due to getting more minerals, as opposed to being because of eliminating grains. I’ll admit though that magnesium wasn’t on my radar. Will definitely have to look into this further.
My biggest question about the product has to be shelf life. This being in a liquid form, do I have to worry about it expiring? I sometimes stock up ahead on things based on my changing income so being able to buy it when I can and save it for later would be awesome.
Nemira says
Hello, Trace, thanks for the comment. The shelf life is two years. When I buy a bottle of ReMag, I consume it during one month and a half. There is no reason to save these products. Of course, these Dr. Deans products are unique, but from the economic perspective, nobody wants to go out of business especially when customers are happy and feel changes. These products will be all time or you, me or others.
Many people do not think that magnesium can change lives. Fortunately, it can. I believe that it is a simple case because magnesium as other minerals is vital for body’s metabolism. It is unfair to compare the body with a car, but you can not drive the car without engine belt or brakes. It is a horrible resemblance, but most of the human beings treat the body as the mechanism. They think that feeding it with foreign materials as chemicals can fix the situation. The body does not need the chemical invasion. The body needs that Nature invented. It was simple as that. I do not talk about emergencies. I talk about nutrition. We do not get minerals as before. Nowadays the soil is depleted. It means that plants and animals lack minerals. As the consequence of this lack is deficiency of minerals in the human body.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Steph says
Great article.
Very informative and the in-depth research provided a clear picture on whether or not this Magnesium is superior to other brands.
Knowing that this type of mineral is delivered directly to the cell is phenomenal. Also reading that it does not cause the laxative effect is essential as well, considering this is a common side effect. Or effect, depending on the purpose of your use!
Thank you for doing the research.
Alejandra says
Thanks for sharing quite interesting article about magnesium deficiency.
I’d heard about it but it’s better to read about it and your article is well written and gave me a good idea why magnesium is so important for a good health.
I have been dealing with some headaches and feeling tired lately.
Do you have any information about magnesium deficiency and menopause?
Nemira says
Hello, Alejandra. Magnesium helps in the menopause’s case too because most of the symptoms are similar when magnesium is deficient. When you use magnesium, your insomnia will disappear, hot flashes will calm down, anxiety and rapid heartbeat, depression will disappear. Most of the women after supplementation with magnesium are symptom-free. If you use more calcium and the little bit of magnesium, symptoms can be worse. Magnesium does not let calcium overload cells. It protects cells. Cells take as much calcium as they need. You can read about the importance of magnesium here.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
JilystarPhotography says
Very well-informed and fact based article! I learned a lot while reading it and would consider purchasing this product. I did observe a few typos – one trick that benefits me is to read the article aloud. Sometimes you may notice mistakes when hearing yourself that you don’t pick up while reading it silently.
robert says
I left a long comment on this site regarding “taxing soda drinks” but it does not show up after sending it. It has to be corrected on this site. I send another short comment on this problem and again. Comment is not showing. Tonight I will try to write that post again.
asmithxu says
Great article! I actually take magnesium and try to get it through food because it really helps with my sleep issues, but a lot of the time it is tough to know if I am getting enough.This seems like a really great quality product!
I do worry that I may take too much, since I try to get it from both diet and supplements. What are some signs that you have overdone it with the magnesium??
Nemira says
Hello here. You will see if your body is saturated with magnesium, you will feel the laxative effect. It is the sign that you are taking too much. Albeit, most of the people are deficient in magnesium. ReMag does not have the laxative effect at all, especially comparing with other magnesium supplements. You need to overdose, drink too much. There are specifications how much you suppose to take. It is important to feel your body. ReMag is an excellent product and there is no need to waste it taking too much.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Prabakaran says
Hi Nemira,
Almost all of the people do not know the importance of the magnesium for a human body. You have explained it very clearly and nicely in your article. But taking too much magnesium gets a deposit in the kidney and causes kidney stones. Can you please tell if ReMag causes deposits in the kidney.
Nemira says
Hello here. This blog is about magnesium, not about calcium. Calcium is the bad one which without sufficient magnesium makes tricks with unpleasant consequences in the body. Arterial calcification, plagues in heart and soft tissues, problems with bones, kidney stones occur when calcium travels everywhere as it wishes. Magnesium is calcium blocker. Magnesium does not stay in the body. The excess of magnesium flows from the body with waste. When in the body is too much of calcium, the calcium does not dissolve and deposits in soft tissues. Magnesium is harmless and vital important mineral. I can not tell it about calcium. Without sufficient magnesium, calcium can attract many problems such as your mentioned kidney stones. Who needs them?
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
John says
Wow! I never knew magnesium offered this much benefit and that the deficiency of magnesium could lead to so much problems. Most times I have headaches during and after my exercise, This could be as a result of lack of magnesium. Thanks for sharing this quality information. I will definitely purchase the ReMag especially after reading through the benefit. Thanks
Stephen says
I like your post! I think it’s essential that people know how important it is to get your daily minerals. There’s so much focus on macronutrients which are vital for body composition but the importance of minerals seems to get overlooked
They’re essential to living a healthy lifestyle so it’s great that you highlight this. This supplement is a great option if users don’t get enough magnesium in their daily diets.
Daniel says
Hi Nemira,
Thank you for the informative review on Remag. I didn’t not realize the importance of magnesium until I read you’re article.
The benefits of Magnesium is quite impressive. This is truly amazing. I like that it helps with energy production.
Does it matter how much Magnesium you take or should you take the daily recommended amount?
Thank you for writing such a helpful review on ReMag!
Nemira says
Hi, Daniel. Thanks for the comment. The dosage depends on your body’s lack of magnesium. Dr. Dean recommends start from small dosage and to see how you feel. When I first time ordered ReMag, I opened the bottle, poured it to tablespoon and drunk instantly. Of course, I did not like the taste because it was so concentrated. What is funny that after it I did not feel any laxative effect. Now I put one spoon to bottle with water, add some Celtic Sea Salt and enjoy it during the day. I can drink two or three bottles of water with ReMag. It is about 1,5 litter per day.
However, everybody is different. Maybe you need more or less of it. It is better to start with lower amount according to recommendations of Dr. Carolyn Dean. You will see how it works for you.
All the best, Nemira.
Matt's Mom says
Wow, I learn something everyday. I take a strong prescription diuretic for an inner problem I have. I also swim a lot, 40 to 80 laps a day. I have had to stop due to extreme cramps in my legs and toes while swimming. Now I have them at night, and literally cannot sleep. My feet cramp so bad, I have to get up and walk them off. Get back in bed, only to have them come back. I thought I needed potassium. So, I started taking supplements and eating more foods rich in potassium. I still have the cramps, granted they are better, but I still have them. So, from reading your article it sounds like I might need this magnesium to help? Do you think I would see an improvement? I would really like to get rid of the cramps at night so I can sleep better, and be able to enjoy a long swim again.
Nemira says
Hello here. If you would check Dr. Carolyn Dean’s book The Magnesium Miracle, second edition, you would find all answers. Drugs remove minerals from the body. If we do not get it back, we suffer. Cramps will disappear as fog in the morning when you will take magnesium. It would be best thing what you could do for youself. ReMag is just magnesium, pico-ionic, stabilized magnesium ions without additional components. ReMag goes straight to cells and benefits body in various functions. It will relax and smooth muscles, calm down nerves, will bring energy back to you.
There is no laxative effect and it is completely safe. Of course, you will always could consult with knowledgeable health practitioner.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
David E says
Thanks for the info. After reading this I was thinking about whether I have been getting enough of this nutrient. It certainly is very important to the body, based on the number of things that could go wrong without it.
I have suffered with irregular heartbeat, headaches and some irritability at times over the years. So I will definitely have to explore this possibility. Especially since you said it is not plentiful in food and can be lost because of drugs etc.
Thanks for posting this detailed info. I will check Remag out to see whether it makes a difference for me.
Nemira says
Hello, David. All magnesium supplements help more or less. However, I brag constantly about ReMag because I use it by myself half of year already. I feel a big difference between magnesium citrate and ReMag. When I was overseas I did not bring with me ReMag. You know how customs do not like liquids over 100 ml, do you? After couple days being without magnesium, I had strangest cramps in my life. I could not stretch my foot and pain was substantial. I never experienced this condition before, even at this time when I did not use magnesium at all. Next day I run to the pharmacy, bought magnesium citrate. What do you think? I disappointed because the taste was horrible compared with ReMag. However, I used all time. I did not want to experience these cramps again.
All your described symptoms fit for magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is a mineral, not a chemical. The body uses magnesium in countless metabolism actions. It was thousands of years ago. It is vitally important to us too. Unfortunately, we live at times when magnesium is not abundant as it was before. It is the main reason why do we need magnesium supplements. I think that people need to use best supplements. ReMag is the best at this time. You will not find anything as ReMag on the market.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Christine Bebenek says
I’ve been hearing a lot about this lately. It was very informative and appreciate getting all the details. Also, that the one particular product seems to outweigh others. Are there natural sources of magnesium in foods and how would increasing those foods compare to the benefits of ReMag? It certainly seems to aid in a lot of different areas.
Nemira says
Hello, Christine. You must eat plenty of nuts and vegetables to get magnesium. Unfortunately, you would lack other nutrients such as proteins or fatty acids and minerals. There is no enough magnesium even in an organic food. If you know a farmer who mineralizes soil, you would get magnesium. Otherwise, magnesium is gone from plants and water.
ReMag is special in this way because it is 100 percent magnesium and 100 percent absorbable. It lets it stand out from other supplements.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Alma says
Hi Nemira,
Thank you for this post. I wasn’t aware that magnesium could be made 100% bioavailable.
Since I came to know that I had magnesium deficiency I researched the topic and found out that there are many kinds of magnesium but most of it doesn’t get absorbed by our body, and I found that magnesium chloride is one of the best kinds for health purposes, therefore I started using magnesium chloride oil, which is good but leaves that sticky feeling when applied before going to sleep.
But now you let me know that there’s a better solution! I’ll buy it and see what happens. I have such a list of problems that I am really looking forward to feeling good on a permanent basis.
Thanks again,
Nemira says
Hello, Alma. I found magnesium a few months ago. I knew and followed Dr. Carolyn Dean a few years already, from 2008. I have her wellness program. I do not know how I skipped her products but I need them now and I feel instant results. Of course, it is not easy to believe that magnesium can go straight to cells. However, a few decades ago nobody dreamed about the Internet and electric cars. The science helps us to move forward and profit from it. Magnesium now is a part of the daily routine for me. It is a simple mineral which is vital to our bodies as the light of the sun is vital for leaves of trees to be green.
Everything what is good is simple.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Jen says
I’ve always heard that calcium and magnesium kind of balance each other out. Do you suggest taking a calcium supplement if you will be doing the magnesium supplement? Its crazy how our bodies when lacking in certain nutrients will start acting up. It’s always like detective work to figure out what exactly is wrong. That’s why I think everyone should be on a good multivitamin at the least.
Nemira says
Hello, Jen. What is most important that the body would get benefits from supplements. Taking vitamins just for the sake that you would have peace of mind does not bring any good. The proper absorption and purity are essential. Yes, it seems that calcium more harms, especially when magnesium deficient. We get calcium with food. Magnesium is deficient in most dishes or vegetables.
Scientists and doctors are detectives who untangle secrets of processes in our bodies. We can have advantage having right information and choosing vital nutrients.
All the best, be wealthy and healthy, Nemira.
Jair says
I had an ex-fiance, we still talk, she gave me this huge bag of this powder magnesium that I add two teaspoons to some boiling hot water to completely dissolve and then add to any cold beverage and drink immediately. She gave it to me for I am a clinical chronic insomniac. At first, after just 4-5 days it actually helped but after several months I had to start upping the dose to get the same effect. I was eventually up to 4 tablespoons and I was baffled why? I stopped after I only had like a month supply left and stopped for 3 months then started again. It was a REALLY large bag she gave me. It worked great once again. I contacted her to find out the name and where she had purchased it to obtain more but was unsuccessful. I tried many other forms and brands of magnesium and could never replicate the effects. Maybe I should give this stuff a go. I assume it’s safe with all other meds? Where is the best place to get it and for how much for how many treatments? Very interesting read, thanks for the education!
Nemira says
Hello, Jair. Thankfully with ReMag you will not have any problems. The dosage is various because we all are different. The magnesium deficiency can be low or high depending how much stress or drugs he or she uses. Dr.Carolyn Dean advices to start from 1/4 tps. It will be 75 mg and work up to 400 or 600 mg. You will feel that you had enough. ReMag does not have laxative effect but if you consume to much, the body will react and will remove magnesium through intestine.
ReMag is perfect with everything. Usually drugs deplete magnesium. The best place to get through amazon.com or rnareset.com. You can get ReMag on the end of article.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Eric Chen says
Thanks for sharing your website! The content provided is very clear and easy to navigate. I was actually doing some research on google and stumbled upon your website.
I was searching for things that give health benefits and had no idea magnesium is so important!
Thank you so much for sharing this with me and I will most definitely recommend some friends to check it out as well!
Kind Regards,
delroaustria says
After reading your article, I have no doubt that magnesium is an element that our body needs to function in its best working condition.
I am just thinking if I really need a magnesium supplement to meet the daily requirements of our body or could it be possible that I can get magnesium from food source?
Please anticipate my thanks.
Nemira says
Hello, thanks for the comment. You will not get enough magnesium from food because food does not contain enough minerals as it was couple hundreds ago. It is not healthy to consume big portions of food with the intention to get all vital nutrients. Your stomach will expand and the body will use to much energy to digest. It is a lot better to take mineral supplements which are secure, 100 percent absorbed and provide benefits.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Teresa says
I didn’t realise how important magnesium is for our body and this is a very informative article. I generally would try to eat a balanced diet to gain all the beneficial nutrients.
Looking at the benefits of this product and knowing that a deficiency in magnesium could lead to fatigue – It would be something I would be interested. Thanks for sharing.
Is it safe for nursing mothers to take?
Nemira says
Hello, Teresa. I looked for answer to your question and found that mothers who took magnesium, delivered infants with a 90 percent lower prevalence of cerebral palsy. Besides it, Dr. Carolyn Dean writes in her book The Magnesium Miracle that ” Beyond magnesium supplementation, which should be given to all expectant and breastfeeding mothers, there are certain interventions that can prevent some of the subsequent brain damage to low-birth-weight infants”. Dr. Carolyn talked about influence of magnesium to mothers and infants.
Magnesium is safe, especially ReMag, which does not have laxative effect.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Bruce says
What a great product! I’ve always known Magnesium to be a great product but never thought to realize how deprived most of us are of this mineral. They say to drink water, but you sure are right on how they strip away a lot of minerals and nutrition from water with the shocking and fluoride they use! A liquid form is perfect too because it is so easily absorbed into the body unlike many pills out there. I often get many of these symptoms. I’ll have to give this a shot!
George says
Taking a lot of heart medications, started taking liquid magnesium but mot sure how the medications are going to react.
Nemira says
Hello George, could you go to Dr.Carolyn Dean website? I know that magnesium lowers blood pressure. Do you have her book The Magnesium Miracle? You would find answers because magnesium helps in many situations but you can be confused if you do not see a real changes right away. It depends on your situation. It is best to talk with doctor who understands the importance of pico-ionic minerals and especially magnesium. You can check website http://www.rnareset.com and http://www.drcarolyndean.com. All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira
Terri S. Mieyal says
Hi, I am unable to swallow thin liquids like water….is it effective to use ReMag in a thicker liquid like organic homemade carrot or asparagus purée? I desperately need magnesium and it’s difficult when I’m unable to swallow pills or thin liquids. Diagnosis is als bulbar.
Thank you!
Nemira says
Hello, Terri. This ReMag magnesium supplement is a special one thanks to one hundred percent absorption. You can add it to smoothies or purees. It will reach your body anyway because these magnesium ions are so small, stabilized and they get right away into cells.ReMag does not have laxative effect. According to Dr.Carolyn Dean, it is better to start from little and increase dosage according to your body needs. Check her website: http://www.drcarolyndean.com. She has plenty of information.
Sorry for the late response, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira