Best EMF protection devices help people to escape harm from artificial electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields(EMF) are a significant threat to humanity. Increased usage of intelligent things, satellites covering the whole Earth, and 5G antennas will create powerful EM fields that harm all living things. Best EMF protection devices help us escape our doom from harmful technologies.
Devices that help the body to work with natural frequencies despite harm from surrounding EMF are the best protection tools. The body goes along with natural frequencies that always are different. These Blushield devices emit scalar waves that balance the body.
What is EMF?
Shortly, EMF is an electromagnetic field measured in Hertz(Hz). There are many types of EMFs.
There are natural and unnatural sources of EMF.
Natural sources

- Lightning
- Sunlight
- Earth electromagnetic impulses
Did you hear about Schumann’s resonance? It is one of Nature’s wonders.
NASA describes Schumann’s resonance in this way:
About 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth at any given moment, producing s0 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle Earth, captured between Earth’s surface and a boundary about 60 miles up. If they have just the right wavelength, some waves combine, increasing in strength, creating a repeating atmospheric heartbeat known as Schumann resonance. This resonance provides a valuable tool to analyze Earth’s weather and electric environment and even to help determine what types of atoms and molecules exist in Earth’s atmosphere.
The waves created by lightning do not look like the up and down waves of the ocean, but they still oscillate with regions of tremendous end lesser energy. These waves remain trapped inside an atmospheric ceiling created by the lower edge of the “ionosphere” – a part of the atmosphere filled with charged particles, which begins about 60 miles up into the sky. In this case, the sweet spot for resonance requires the wave to be as long (or twice, three times as long, etc.) as the circumference of Earth. This low-frequency wave can be as low as 8 Hertz (Hz) – some one hundred thousand times lower than the quietest frequency radio waves used to send your AM/FM signals. As this wave flows around Earth, it hits itself again at the perfect spot such that the crests and troughs are aligned. Voila, waves acting in resonance with each other to pump up the original signal.
While they’d been predicted in 1952, Schumann resonances were first measured reliably in the early 1960s. Since then, scientists have discovered that variations in the resonances correspond to changes in the seasons, solar activity, activity in Earth’s magnetic environment, water aerosols in the atmosphere, and other Earth-bound phenomena.
Do you know that Earth’s electromagnetic impulses can be transformed into sound? It is a fantastic experience.
Artificial sources
- Cell phones, tablets, laptops
- Cell towers
- Microwaves
- Wi-Fi routers
- Electric wiring
- Radiofrequency
- Bluetooth devices: keyboards, gaming consoles and controllers, baby monitors, wireless mice, printers, fitness trackers, hearing aids, speakers, headphones, AirPods, any smart TV, and other gadgets at your home, like an oven or refrigerator, etc.
- Smart gas, water, and electric meters
Types of the artificial electromagnetic spectrum

Non-ionizing radiation
This type of radiation is supposed to be safe. Unfortunately, scientists have discovered that cell phones and gadgets emitting nonionizing radiation harm our bodies.
Unlike ionizing radiation, which damages DNA in the cell nucleus, nonionizing radiation creates carbonyl free radicals.
These radicals hurt cell membranes, mitochondria, proteins, nuclear DNA, and stem cells.
An update
A fascinating book, Geoengineered Transhumanism, written by Elana Freeland, covers many topics regarding electromagnetic fields, DNA, genes, environment, etc.
An exciting explanation of the damage of nonionizing radiation paints a grim picture:
DNA strands can be broken at a distance with an extremely low frequency( ELF) 100 Hz/5.6 mT(millitesla) electromagnetic field. 100 Hz frequency is everywhere the Internet of Things(IoT) is: plugged-in applications, medical devices, electric cars and trains, traffic lights, etc. Nonionizing radiation like 100 Hz eventually wears cells down while daily overstimulating their 3,000 miles of DNA and causing strand breaks. It also increases stressed protein levels and continuous remote conduction in the compact structure of the nucleus. Even not counting the ionized radiation in our environment, nonionizing radiation is yoked to a slow-kill mission.
Geoengineered Transhumanism, Elana Freeland, 476
Ionizing radiation
Most people know that X-rays do. Thanks to ionizing radiation, we can check our lungs and broken bones. These rays penetrate every tissue of our bodies. This harming capability is why we are covered with heavy lead sheets when getting a checkup on our lungs.
How does ionizing radiation harm human bodies?
Strong electromagnetic fields (EMF) disrupt cells knocking out one or more electrons during ionizing radiation. Usually, these particles are in a tight relationship with each other. After the punch, the previously neutral atom becomes a positive ion.
These positively charged ions can produce free radicals. These little rascals get loose and can attack complex and healthy molecules in every part of our bodies. Cell membranes, mitochondria, proteins, and stem cells experience damage after a free radicals attack.
Nonionizing radiation and ionizing radiation are dangerous for the health of humans
Both types of radiation hurt DNA and various parts of cells. The difference is in intensity and type of radicals.
- For ionizing radiation, neutrons are from radioactive elements, gamma rays, and X-rays, which produce hydroxyl radicals
- For nonionizing radiation, EMF creates carbonyl free radicals
How can we protect ourselves from EMF?
The best way to protect themselves from the harm of EFM is to live in an area that is clean of devices that emit dangerous electromagnetic fields. Unfortunately, only a minority can live civilized lives without electric devices.
Besides, citizens use many devices without knowing how it does harm them. The Internet of Things is one giant mammoth that offers convenience but creates a dependency on devices without doing tasks for humans. Devices are connected through Wi-Fi and provide enormous penetration into our bodies which are not protected from the constant bombarding of signals.
Additionally, magnesium supplements help the body detoxify from electromagnetic frequencies.
Why is it essential to have a wired connection to the Internet instead of wireless?
Having wired connections instead of Wi-Fi could immensely reduce the impact of electromagnetic fields. Fiber optic cables provide fast speeds and do not keep you in the sea of EMF.
Do corporations let create independent Internet services? It is possible, but it takes perseverance. Most little cities and villages do not get fast-speed Internet because big corporations are unwilling to update equipment.
The story about the brave city
An exciting story has been published on PBS. One little city wanted to be independent of big corporations and decided to provide internet services by itself. The main reason for owning internet services for themselves was the slow speed.
You would wonder why corporations, in this case, Time Warner Cable, would try to stop small cities from having their internet. Do they afraid of competition?
It is possible because of knowing how lawmakers and Time Warner Cable tried to stop the city of Wilson from having its fast internet.
You can listen to a 3-minute long story or read a transcript about the success of a little town in North Carolina here.
How can electricity harm you?
Benjamin Franklin, who invented protection from lightning, complained about giddiness and swimming in his head, a humming noise, and little faint twinkling lights that disturbed his vision.
In his letter to Benjamin Franklin, French botanist Thomas-Francois Dalibard wrote that electric shocks gave him tremors in his arm.
Benjamin Wilson, who promoted electricity in his 1752 book, A Treatise on Electricity, felt weakness and uncommon pain after electric shocks.
Another scientist, a professor of mathematics, Johann Doppelmayer, ignored the side effects of doing electric searches and died of a stroke in 1750.
Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, a system distributing electricity in parallel circuits, and a three-wire distribution system, developed diabetes, a rare disease at these times.
Alexander Graham Bell, who invented the telephone, was diagnosed with diabetes in 1915.
You would tell that it was many years ago and now we have sophisticated equipment. Unfortunately, it is not the case when we see more people and living things getting ill, weak, or disappearing from the surface of the Earth.
For example, in Bhutan, which did not have electricity till 1998, people did not have diabetes. During the decade, 2,541 diabetes cases showed up in 2008. A few years before it, 634 cases were in 2004( Arthur Firstenberg The Invisible Rainbow, 208).
According to Arthur Firstenberg, the author of The Invisible Rainbow, EMF affects metabolism. It leads to diabetes, obesity, and coronary diseases.
According to Dr.J.Mercola, the exposure to EMF during the last 100 years increased:
The answer is well beyond a billion. It is larger even than one trillion. The truth is, we are exposed to one billion billion more EMFs now than we were just 100 years ago.(In case you were wondering, a billion billion is 10 with 18 zeros.)
Birds, animals, insects, and trees suffer from EMF
For example, bees suffered 100 years ago when Guglielmo Marconi created the first permanent radio station on the Isle of Wight. About ninety percent of bees disappeared from the island. People imported new bees from the mainland, but insects started to die by thousands.
Zoos had problems too. For example, before 1945, coronary heart disease did not exist. At Philadelphia Zoo, however, later on, the sclerosis of the coronary arteries increased among birds and animals. Over 90 percent of mammals and 72 percent of birds that died in the zoo had coronary disease by 1963.
At this time, radiofrequency rapidly increased during 1950 and later on.

Nowadays, when antennas and 5G masts pop out like mushrooms after a good rain, plenty of birds disappear from cities. Sparrows, these little guys do not like EMF. Their population shrank from thousands to a few hundred.
Do we need 5G?
You see that humans have plenty of trouble with electricity and EMF already. Chronic illnesses increased immensely after the birth of electricity, using devices that developed more and more.
The push for 5G does not benefit customers, only corporations. Why?
Let’s check what it is, this 5G.
5G is the latest wireless technology that differs from previous 3G and 4G. 5G will work together with 4G and 3G networks, providing instant coverage for users.
Is it good? It depends on what you prefer. Do you choose your health or convenience with later on popping out side-effects?
How does 5G operate?
5G network will use short millimeter waves(MMWs). For good coverage, telecommunication companies will put small cell stations every 300 feet or so, or 3 to 9 houses.
These small antennas can be mounted on poles, lampposts, buildings, and bus stops. Usually, 3G and 4G towers are spaced one or two miles apart. 5G will be everywhere, creating a web over people’s houses, work, and activity spaces.
Small cell stations will have 4G transmitters which will geolocate mobile devices with better accuracy than telecommunication companies.
Antennas that broadcast millimeter waves are small. Each small cell antenna uses multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) technology.
To prevent interference when signals bounce around in proximity to each other, telecommunication companies found ways to avoid it.
They invented beamforming which takes one signal and concentrates it into the beam. This beam takes the most direct route to the user. Is it convenient, is it? It means that EMF fields will constantly surround people without a break.
5G signals will be a lot stronger. Besides, 5G will work along with 3G and 4G, increasing the wireless load on all living beings.
Pros and cons of 5G
- 5G will be a lot faster. You can download a high-definition movie in one second instead of waiting 10 minutes using LTE.
- Large bandwidth. More users will use the same network at the same time.
- Low latency. There will be instant communication for technologies such as driverless cars.
- The Internet of Things benefits from large bandwidth. It enables devices to communicate with each other, especially at home or at work.
- Smart cities. Intelligent devices such as utility meters already send usage data to companies. The data about infrastructure will be sent using a 5G network.
- Coverage for rural areas
Cons of 5G
- Radiation comes with 5G
- 5G antennas will infiltrate houses
- Health dangers come from MMMW exposure, such as eye problems, heart rate changes, suppressed immune function, increased antibiotic resistance, etc.
- Millimeter waves can cause pain. MMWs penetrate human skin tissue at a depth of 1 to 2 millimeters and trigger the nerve cells known as nociceptors that alert the brain of damaging stimuli.
- Human senses these millimeter waves as heat because sweat glands act as antennas. Cell phones, antennas, and Wi-Fi emit sub-terahertz waves(MMW). The U.S. Department of Defense uses these high frequencies in crowd control weapons(Active Denial System). It causes a severe burning sensation.
Besides, Dr. J. Mercola mentions in his book EMF*D the paper written by Russian researcher N.P.Zalyubovskaya. This study explains the effects of millimeter waves:
Morphological, functional, and biochemical studies conducted in humans and animals revealed that milimiter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in the skin and internal organs, qualitative and quantitative changes of the blood and bone marrow composition, and changes of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, activity of enzymes participating in the processes of tissue respiration and nucleic metabolism. The degree of unfavorable effects of milimiter waves depended on the duration of the radiation and individual characteristics of the organism.
Zalyubovskaya N.P.”Biological Effect of Milimiter Radiowaves”
The harm to living things
Rain and plants can absorb millimeter waves. Animals, plants, insects, and microbes suffer from widespread MMW exposure. Studies show( Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D, 41)that
…milimeter waves may invoke stress protein changes in plants such as wheat sprouts.
The insect population decreased over the last decades and will follow this pattern in the future. Humans and animals depend on insects and plants for food. If the food chain is broken, humanity will endure a miserable time in the future.
Financial unpleasantries
Most people value the aesthetics of their property. 5G equipment does not add value to residential properties. Despite small antennas that will sit on every street’s protruding element, 5G requires additional equipment. It must be housed in a box the size of a small refrigerator.
These boxes sit on the ground or can be attached to the pole. It can be masked as the mailbox.
5G small antennas must be placed every 500 feet. It means neighborhoods will have artificial creatures that do not add value to their houses.
A survey made by NISLAPP(National Institute for Science, Law, and Public Policy) found that 79 percent of homebuyers and renters would not rent or buy property within a few blocks of a cell tower.
Besides, the same survey discovered that cell towers reduce their property value by 20 percent at least.
Who will protect you?
When it comes to new technologies, do not expect the government to take care of your health unless you push them to do it.
The case with tobacco or shoe fitting machines is a perfect example of how businesses think about customers.
Tobacco commercials were alluring. However, the end for many customers was grim. Not as much fun as in the beginning.
A fascinating case was with a shoe-fitting machine.

In the early 1920, shoe salesmen used shoe-fitting fluoroscopes. This device used X-rays that penetrated customers’ feet, legs, pelvis, and abdomen intending to sell best-fitting shoes.
Customers can see their feet’ bones and soft tissues peering into the viewer when their foot is in the shoe at the bottom of the device. It’s supposed to be a fun and great way to pick the most convenient shoe.
However, people did not know then how X-rays pose a danger to the human body. What is disturbing is that doctors and scientists knew that exposure to X-rays was hazardous.
In March 1948, New York City became one of the first to regulate the machines. After six years, the International Commission on Radiological Protection announced the usage of X-rays only for medical purposes.
Can you imagine how many lives were damaged using these machines?
Does come health or money first?
You would ask why nobody cares about human health. The answer is one: money.

It is the same as the tobacco industry that had the Tobacco Institute.
The telecommunication industry has lobbyists who influence lawmakers. The consequence of that was the Telecommunications Act of 1996. According to Dr.J.Mercola, section 322(C)(7)(B)(iv) states that
No State or local government or instrumentally thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.
Dr.J.Mercola EMF*D, 70
What does it mean? It means that the government gave the green light to the industry to put any tower everywhere it pleases. It can be water towers, school roofs, playgrounds, church spires, or trees.
The public did not know about that. Lobbyists for the telecom industry spent approximately 50 million. According to Lary Pressler, the Republican senator from South Dakota, it was the most lobbied bill in history. It happened a few decades ago.
Three years ago, the researcher Joe Moskowitz, Ph.D., stated that the telecom industry invests 100 million dollars annually.
Question: how does it benefit a simple customer?
Customers get temporary convenience, health problems, and financial unpleasantries such as lower house prices. Potential buyers do not want to live close to cellular towers.
What kind of health problems?
- EMF causes brain-blood barrier leakage(J.Mercola, EMF*D, 73)
- EMF increases calcium levels in cells; mitochondria lower the production of ATP and increase oxidative stress, leading to the premature death of cells. (J.Mercola, EMF*D, 88)
- EMF induces nitric oxide that forms the dangerous free radical peroxynitrite inside cells. (J. Mercola, EMF*D, 99)
- Nonionizing radiation damages DNA. According to Dr.J.Mercola, the German researcher Franz Adlkofer found that very low-intensity EMF exposure at 1.8 GHz created significant DNA breaks. It was enormous damage from 1600 chest X-rays. (Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D, 103)
- EMF damages good bacteria in the body and empowers viruses and other pathogens.
- EMF impacts pregnant women who use cell phones and other wireless devices(Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D, 111)
- EMF contributes to ADHD, autism, and emotional distress in kids
- EMF influences tinnitus
- Cataracts are side effects of EMF exposure(Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D, 124)
- Exposure to EMF reduces melatonin levels and impairs sleep
- EMF disturbs the intestinal barrier
- Studies show the link between EMF and cancer of various types(Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D)
- EMF triggers heart conditions such as cardiac arrhythmias and blood pressure.
- There is a connection between EMF exposure and neuropsychiatric illnesses.
- EMF contributes to premature aging
- EMF triggers neurodegenerative diseases
- Exposure to EMF leads to electromagnetic hypersensitivity syndrome(Dr.J.Mercola, EMF*D, 141-144)
- EMF contributes to infertility
How can we protect ourselves and our loved ones?
Trees, thick buildings, and rain protect humans from 5G. Blushield devices protect from 5G, EMF.
Trees are an enormous source of health. It gives us oxygen, takes in carbon dioxide, provides shade and shelter to all living things, retains water, warms up as wood, and guards from EMF.
The University of Surrey provided a 5G White Paper. The authors present facts about the challenges of introducing 5G. They mention in a detailed way how trees help stop EMF and 5G.

According to White Paper, tall trees obstruct the spread of mobile signals:
In the past the priority for planning authorities has been to reduce mobile mast heights so that masts are visually screened by buidings and/or trees-with trees being the highest and most likely obstruction.
However this also screens the RF signals and has defeated the objective of reliable coverage as illustrated in figure 3.
The curves plotted in the diagram show how increasing the tree height above the line of sight from the base of station and further into what is known as the “Fresnel zone” of the propagation channel will cause substantial diffraction or shadowing loss.
To avoid this shadowing loss and be outside of the Fresnel zone, it is necessary for the tree height to be at least 3m less than the base station height.
The University of Surrey, White Paper on Rural 5G Vision
What does it mean by obstacles?
Trees are obstacles for EMF. Knowing how many trees disappeared from villages and cities prompts us to think that nobody cares about the health of humans.
The Fresnel zone is explained here, where you can see how obstacles such as rocks or hard materials prevent signal spreading.

Unfortunately, not everybody has the pleasure of living surrounded by nature. Most of the people reside in cities that become oceans of EMF. It means that nobody will take better care of your well-being than you.
Best EMF protection devices on the market
Let’s check the best EMF protection devices on the market.

The Blushield company produces the best EMF protection devices in the market. Why? These devices adapt your body to the environment. You do not react to EMF exposure.
According to the Blushield website:
Blushield is a revolutionary form of EFM protection that produces coherent frequencies within the human responsive range, based on algorithms that mimic nature.
The central concept is that scalar waves balance your body. EMF attacks your body with monotonous vibrations. Scalar waves offset the impact of EMF, providing a constantly changing environment similar to nature.
What does it mean by nature?
Vibrations in Nature always differ. You will not find monotonic and the same type of frequencies as it is with artificial devices. Constant and similar frequencies disturb the body’s natural rhythms and cause illnesses. Imagine the same level of noise or touch constantly affecting your body. It can be like water torture when the victim gets constant drips on their head without a break.
It can also be like a hit or punch repeated constantly. Consequently, a weakened protective system, such as the immune system, cannot fight properly with diseases. Besides, it leads to the damage of cells and, later on, cell death.
Blushield devices emit scalar waves that are always different, not the same pattern. Blushield devices mimic Nature, but it happens more strongly. Scalar waves overpower unnatural EMFs with resonant frequencies.

Remember how you feel walking in a park, forest, or wilderness. You can relax and enjoy the wonders of Nature. Our bodies lean and turn to harmonious frequencies because of being part of Nature. This process is called sympathetic resonance.
Nature will never repeat the same pattern and combination of frequencies at the same amplitude as once, ever.
I mention scalar waves that Blushield uses in the company’s devices.
What are scalar waves?
According to Thomas Bearden
a scalar wave, following the same terminology, is an EM wave composed of scalar photons, hence whose EM energy is oscilliating along the time axis.
Glossary.A compilation of terms&definitions from a collection by T.E. Bearden
Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell discovered the scalar in the mid-1800. Later on, Nikola Tesla rediscovered scalar waves.
One of Tesla’s most significant discoveries was scalar usage for superweapons. This ammunition was called death or peace ray because of its use.
Scalar waves are neutral. It can be used for good purposes and for evil too.
Scalar energy can be used in many beneficial ways, such as
- For healing
- For free and clean energy
- For detoxification or transmutation of elements such as radioactive waste into an inert substance
- For the creation of anti-gravity aircraft for space travel
Does it sound like a fairy tale? Yes, it can be, especially if you have heard the term scalar for the first time. You can get information here if you want to know more about scalar waves,
How does Blushield use scalar waves?
Blushield devices are so effective thanks to scalar carrier waves.
According to Blushield:
The microprocessor in Blushield delivers a complex multiple waveform algorithm of requencies on a scalar carrier wave, which are modeled after the known patterns of nature, including the Phi ratio and Fibonacci as well as complex mathematical equations that never stimulate the body with the same combination of frequencies twice. The frequencies are all within the human responsive range, which are frequency ranges that are shown to affect living organisms.
Why can we not block artificial EFM?
Cities offer many possibilities. However, cons come from surrounding all living things with artificial EMF, which comes from the wireless industry.
Artificial or non-native EMFs are a danger to living organisms. Our bodies react less or more to these fields because of recognizing them as foreign invaders. Why? Non-native EMFs are biologically incoherent or telling in a simple way that these fields are not compatible with our bodies.
Our bodies know what is best for us. If we ignore signals that our bodies tell us sooner or later, we will get some surprises in the shape of disease.
Nowadays, people acknowledge the dangers of EMFs and try to block them or remove them from their lives. Humans use Faraday cages, shield paint, the material with silver or copper for curtains, and various amulets or metal around electric wiring in the house. The industry offers many designs of different materials to protect them from radiation. Protecting your living place can cost thousands; nevertheless, you will not be safe from the harm of EMFs.
Does it work?
Unfortunately, it does not work because of the world where we live in. You are surrounded by EMFs from cell towers, neighbor WiFi networks, cell phones, radio waves, and constant satellite signals unless you are in a deep wilderness or desert. You can live in Faraday’s cage, but you need to go to the store or church, meet friends, go to a job, or go to college. Besides, manufactured EMF has dangerous scalar fields that do not resonate with the body. There is no escape from EMFs.
Why choose Blushield devices?
According to Blushield company, devices use scalar waves that benefit living things:
If you know anything at all about Blushield, you know that our EMF protection works using complex, multi-waveform, native frequencies embedded in scalar
fields. The scalar energy field is the basic blueprint of the universe. Scalar fields can be made intentionally or unintentionally. Blushield produces intentional
scalar fields that resonate with the sympathetic nervous system of the organism. Humankind creates scalar fields unintentionally as a component of EMF. These
don’t resonate and are therefore harmful. The intentional scalar field of Blushield allows the organisms’ sympathetic nervous systems to function normally in
an EMF environment.
A most beneficial way to protect ourselves from non-native manufactured EMF
Blushield devices protect you from manufactured EMFs, even from 5G. Blushield creates an intentional scalar field that resonates with the sympathetic nervous system of the organism. It means that body cells are in balance and are not in danger.
Blushield company made animal studies where cows showed good blood results. The effects of Blushield are not psychosomatic.
Blushield protection devices
Blushield made devices to everybody’s needs. There are home/office devices for
- Urban/Metro Area
- Suburban Area
- Rural Area
Home&Office Devices

Home&Office units are
- Plugin
- Cube
- Portable
- T1 Portable
- U1 Portable 2 Edition
- B1 Premium Cube
- Premium Ultra
- C1 Ultimate Cube

Depending on your area, you can choose the best option for your needs. For example, if you live in a rural area with no cell towers, smart meters, neighbors equipped with Wi-Fi, smart things such as smart TV, and wireless gadgets close by you, you will be protected with Cube and with one of the portable devices.
In big cities, EMF pollution increases drastically. Here more powerful Blushield devices come to help and protection of your health.
Additionally, Bushield offers packs of devices that, bought together, cost less than one item.

The Plugin device is good in homes and offices where EMF exposure is low to moderate. Using this device, you can experience a sense of detox. It does happen when your body starts to remove toxins associated with harmful EMF activities.
Blushield recommends plugging this device into your home areas, such as the hallway or lounge area.
The Plugin device emits a multi-wave scalar that protects you and your loved ones from radiofrequency and 5G.
Customer experience
- People experience calm and peace after using a Plugin device
- Detoxification happens after usage of the Plugin
- The disappearance of migraine and tingling
- People experience peaceful sleep
- Absence of dizziness and low energy after using the plugin device
- Plants are flourishing, and the backyard is filled with diverse creations of nature, such as various bugs and birds.
- People experience increased productivity after plugin installation
- Disappearance of anxiety
- Children sleep better after Blushield plugin usage
- Animals and people recover from electrosensitivity
- People have vivid dreams after using the plugin
- People become more alert and can get rid of the mental frog
- Aches from sleeping disappear, muscle cramps gone

The Cube device covers areas around you at a 90-meter range or 295 ft in all directions. The device works for homes or offices surrounded by moderate or high EMF.
Wi-Fi routers, cell towers, and small meters are sources of EMFs.
The multi-wave scalar waveform configuration provides excellent protection from radiofrequency and 5G.
People can experience results from detox because the body cleans itself from the harm of EMF. Electromagnetic fields weaken the immune system and create stress in the body. The Cube device protects humans surrounded by radiation from various electronic devices.
Customer experience
- Cube device helps detox
- Cube device provides supportive energy and relaxation
- People sleep better after using Cube and have vibrant dreams
- Cube helps rid of EFM sensitivity
- People who use Cube do not experience tinnitus anymore
- Customers feel increased focus and calmness
- Cube device lessens anxiety
- Customers experience healthy changes after having the common cold
- Dementia fog and headache disappearance
- People feel physical improvement after Lyme disease
- Increased concentration
All Blushield devices help you sleep better. Sleep is the time when our bodies recover after day, detoxing, cleansing, and rejuvenating cells. Without sleep, we cannot perform tasks or efficiently learn new things.

The Portable helps escape EMF when you are outside of your Blushield plug-in device protection area. For example, you go shopping, to the library, to college, to the theater, or walk downtown, which is full of cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, and cell phones.
The Portable device is small and can fit into your pocket or purse. You will be safe and sound during transfers or in places with no Blushield plug-in devices, such as Cube or Premium Ultra. Additionally, people who drive electric cars or often use electric trains will benefit from Portable devices.
The Portable has a rechargeable battery. It can be recharged using a computer through a USB cable provider.
You cannot use this device as a substitute for large Blushield devices. Portable does not offer the same level of protection, but it helps escape EMF when you temporarily leave your home or office.
Besides, you need to keep this device dry and not immerse in water or drop it down on heavy ground.
The Portable protects from medium 5G up to 40 GHz. If you want protection from higher 5G, such as 40-300 GHz, being close to 5G antennas, the U1 Ultimate Portable is better.
Customer experience
- Disappearance of electrosensitivity
- Better sleep
- Increased calmness and concentration
- A ringing in the ears lessens
- People experience relaxation and increased focus
- Increased energy
- Disappearance of headaches
- Costumers experience stress relief
T1 Portable
T1 Portable device contains the newest technology from Blushield. The newest generation dual-band, multiple waveform scalar outputs protect living beings from EMF harm at the cellular level.

The device has a robust zinc alloy thick case. The T1 Portable fits easily into the pocket. The strong signal protects from EMF everywhere people go, between safe homes and offices.
Blushield U1 Portable 2 Edition

Now Blushield has a new portable device that is the second edition. It is called U1 Ultimate Portable 2nd Edition. It does not have a power button. It was removed to protect against accidental switches in your pocket or purse.
U1 Portable 2 Edition is wear-resistant and durable thanks to the aircraft-grade alloy. Inside the case, an efficient 500mAh battery can run smoothly for the device for five days of constant use.
Blushield uses the dual-band circuit in U1 Portable, which is in C1 Cube, Premium Ultra, and B1 Premium Cube. A Dual-band signal protects from 5G and all surrounding radiation.
Blushield U1 Portable comes with a USB-C charging cable. The complete device charge takes 2.5 hours.
However, the device works best between short transfers from one safe and the protective place from EMF to another. It does mean that it cannot replace more robust and protective devices such as Premium Ultra and all types of Cubes.
Customer experience
- Fatigues disappeared
- The mind becomes clear, without fog
- Anxiety disappears
- Effects of electrosensitivity go away
- People feel relaxed
- Muscle aches disappeared
- Increased awareness and energy levels
B1 Premium Cube

B1 Premium Cube offers protection for homes and offices with high EMF. If you reside or work at home or in an office that is a half-mile or in sight of a telecommunication tower, smart meters, and plenty of Wi-Fi routers, please consider B1 Premium Cube for protection from EMF. The coverage is 90 meters or 295 feet in all directions.
B1 Premium Cube sits in a carbon blue and silver alloy case. This Blushield device emits additional scalar waveforms. It helps the body to regain strength and recover from harmful EMF influence.
Customer experience
- Customers experience deep, relaxed sleep
- B1 Premium Cube protects from microwave radiation
- The device helps with electrosensitivity
- Children stop grinding their teeth
- People feel rested
- Chronic, severe insomnia disappears for customer
- Anxiety disappears after using B1 Premium Cube
- People have dreams again
- People have detox and relief after that
- Customers feel positive changes in their well-being, such as the disappearance of cough, joint improvement, mental clarity, balance, and ability to handle various situations
- Stress levels go down for costumers
Blushield Premium Ultra device

Premium Ultra protects from high-powered microwave radiation. The device covers an area up to 90 meters or 295 feet in every direction.
The sources of high-powered radiation are cell phones, cell towers, or smart meter grids.
Premium Ultra is an excellent choice for offices, factories, large homes, and hospitals.
This device helps faster recover from EMF damage thanks to additional scalar waveforms. The red light is solid at the back end of the device. It means Premium Ultra emits one of the waveforms constantly sets without interruption.
This type of scalar wave configuration helps the body repair and regenerate faster constantly.
Premium Ultra is twice stronger than Premium Cube.
Customer experience
- People experience the disappearance of fuzzy minds
- Using Premium Ultra, people experience detox and health benefits after that
- People feel the energy shift and increased vitality
- Spasms, irritation, and stress disappeared
- Trees and birds flourish in backyards
- Customers sleep better and have vivid dreams
- Disappearance of anxiety
- Customers experience peace, mental clarity, and a sense of calm
- Some customers mention the disappearance of health issues for the whole family
- Electrosensitivity is gone
- Customers experience the disappearance of pain from EMF and RF
- People living in 5G tower dense areas feel the difference in their well-being
- Children sleep without issues after using the Premium Ultra device
- People feel rested
Personal experience
I have Premium Ultra one for myself because I previously lived close to the 5G tower. Additionally, this tower sits nicely by a rehabilitation facility. Senior housing is approximately 300 meters away.
Is it a coincidence?
Anyway, I did not want to take a risk and experience EMF side effects. I got a few devices: Premium Ultra and U1 Portable.
Premium Ultra

You see a red light that does not flash and emits permanent red light. The words “made in China” do not mean lousy production. Apple produces laptops and iPhones in China too.
Close to the Premium Ultra device is one of the plug options. You can change it depending on which country you are in. Plugs in Europe differ from the USA. Australia has different connections too.
Blushield provides all plugs if you are in a different country with different electricity and connection parameters.
There is Premium Ultra from a different angle.

You can hang this device on the wall or lay it down somewhere in the middle of your office or house.
An update
After a few days, this device fell when I attached it to the wall. Anyway, it can be placed on a shelf or floor.
Blushield U1 Portable
Blushield U1 Portable is a valuable asset to your health. This little device protects you from harmful EMF when you leave a safe house or office.
U1 Portable is made of an aircraft-grade alloy that is most durable and resistant. Inside it, a highly efficient 500 mAh battery sits.
U1 Portable contains a dual-band circuit found in C1 Cube, Premium Ultra, and B1 Premium Cube. The signal from the dual-band circuit delivers the best portable protection against 5G radiation.

At the top left of the U1 Portable is a red light that, at this time, is blank. When I switch on the device, this light becomes permanently red. At the top right side are four lights. After switching on the U1 Portable device, lights flash and disappear when little light shows a consistent red on the left side.
It means that the device is on and protects you wherever you go.
U1 Portable is suitable after charging fully for five days of continual use.
Blushield U1 Portable
U1 Portable device backside:

I bought these devices more than a year ago. These Blushield devices help me stay sane in these turbulent times and not worry about popping out as mushrooms 5G towers, the high EMF impact for us humans. My sleep is deep, mixed up with vivid dreams.
C1 Ultimate Cube

C1 Ultimate Cube is one of the newest Blushield devices. It offers protection to people who reside or work in densely populated areas. The device provides maximum protection from EMF. It uses multiple scalar waveform outputs with a new dual-band waveform format.
The device provides 120 meters or 393 feet of area coverage in all directions. C1 Ultimate Cube is best for those who work or live in highly populated areas full of smart devices and 5G towers.
C1 Ultimate Cube is 20% more potent than Premium Ultra. It provides the best protection from microwave radiation.
Customer experience
- Good sleep
- Good mood
- People lose weight after using C1 Ultimate Cube
- Clear focus and mind
- Disappearance of stress
- Increased levels of energy
- Improved health conditions

Blushield accessories are made of high-quality materials and serve their purpose well.
Blushield radiation cap
The cap’s exterior is 100% cotton twill exterior or ultra-durable recycled poly/nylon material(Black Camo version). Inside the cap are two layers of anti-microbial silver cloth. This feature reduces radio frequency and may help electro-sensitive people close to mobile phone tower masts.
The cap comes in a few colors: black (Black Camo version), made from ultra-durable recycled poly/nylon material, gray, blue, and light coral.
The cap fits everybody thanks to a fully adjustable metal catch. The wide brim protects your eyes from the bright sun—the genuine leather Blushield logo adds a nice touch to the whole cap’s design.
Blushield T-Shirt
Blushield T-Shirt made of cotton/ CVC poly fabric. Side seam construction and shoulder-to-shoulder tape create an athletic fit. The shirt material is soft and durable after many washes.
Artificial electromagnetic fields pose a significant danger to humans. Expansion of telecommunication towers, satellites, Wi-Fi routers, cellphones, and the Internet of Things development puts people at risk.
Scientists present studies that show the dangers of EMF. Unfortunately, lobbyists use their power to influence bills that give telecommunication companies a free way to use technologies without protecting people.
Thankfully, Blushield company uses state-of-the-art technologies that give people the joy of living. Health is our most precious gift; without it, we will not reach our potential. Let’s take care of ourselves, our families, and our friends. The solution to how to escape the harm of EMF is here. We are not victims of circumstances.