The immune system’s Alpha importance means it is a perfect defense system if we do not screw it up. Nature provided us with tools and abilities to live long and balanced lives. When the immune system is healthy, we are strong too. How do I know it? Personal experience and digging into books written by doctors and scientists let me assume that we do not care enough about ourselves.
A strong immune system stands out against all invaders. It does swallow, crush, digest, and swipe away from the body, depending on the nature of the foes.
A cliche about important things
A poisoned environment, junk food, and stress weaken our immune system. We heard about it on TV; we read in various blogs about the importance of exercising and eating well. We know that junk food makes us fat and that stress shortens life. So what? If people thought and cared about it, their habits would change. Unfortunately, as we know too, changes are so annoying. Difficult too.
We can be tired of a cliche because we understand what is wrong and right for us. If we thought about our bodies as friends or dear family members, we would better care for them. Nobody abandons their children or parents. However, we surrender our bodies — most of us.
The immune system’s alpha importance works for you
Our body can fight any infection. It works as the armed forces in real life. We have antibodies which are the army. Antibodies detect different microorganisms and destroy them.
Granulocytes are the Navy. These white blood cells patrol the body looking for invaders. When granulocytes find different microbes, they mobilize millions of cells to attack and ultimately destroy them. You do not need to do anything. You sleep peacefully or watch TV when your immune system takes care of your body’s well-being.

When a dangerous invader shows up, macrophages take charge. They are larger, more potent white blood cells. Macrophages fight until the end, when the last intruder is destroyed.
The third defense system is a complement system. The complement system consists of nine proteins. The liver manufactures these proteins. The complement system would destroy everything that cannot differentiate as a friend or foe. It can be compared with the Air Force.
Relax, the immune system works for you
The lymph system performs the role of the commander center. It analyzes and decides where to send troops, ships, and air force. Lymphocytes float in blood and travel along with other cells. They work as inspection patrols. When lymphocytes meet the invader, they make a “print” of antigens marker and run to the nearest lymph node with the information. The antigen is a foreign intruder with a marker different from the body’s cells.
The lymph node alerts all immune systems. Everybody is mobilized and ready to attack foes. Besides, antibodies, granulocytes, and macrophages participate in battle till the immune system wins. The immune system’s Alpha importance is the value of the body’s protector.
The conclusion about the immune system’s Alpha importance
The immune system is well-equipped to fight and win. Our bodies are created to protect themselves. However, cliche factors interfere and make it difficult for our immune system to withstand the battle. If we take care of ourselves, our immune system will take care of our bodies at any time. We know what we do wrong. Let’s act and help bodies function in the best way possible.
We can excuse ourselves that bad habits such as smoking, laziness, or drugs are little things. Unfortunately, it can destroy the immune system’s ability to fight against invaders. It leads to not-so-hilarious consequences such as chronic diseases and more: peace forever. It is better to live conscious lives because life is one, and it is yours. Not mine, not your friends or moms. Yours. The immune system’s Alpha importance lets us be safe.
An update
Following doctors who help humans stay safe, you can find brilliant research pieces of information that help you understand your body better.
I knew that our bodies have excellent protection for cells against various intruders. However, sometimes sinister things happen that lead to harmful consequences.
For example, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph., pointed out in the article that there are technologies that can go through the evolutionary cell’s barrier created millions of years ago.

Here comes a question. If our immune system is so strong that it protects us from various intruders, why do we need special techniques to interfere with that defense system?

Very good points on how important the immune system is. I have a very strong immune system because I take care of it by getting the proper sleep and the right nutrition. I like your description of the immune system as the army. If your army is not well rested and well fed, they cannot possibly fight for you. I heard 80 percent of immunity lies in the gut. Is that true?
Hello, Linda. I am glad that you can show others with your lifestyle how is important for us the nutrition and right habits. Most of us are slaves of habits. It would be great if we would have family or friends who lead healthy lives. We live at the times where food is plentiful. We do not starve as in undeveloped countries. Unfortunately, we choose what is tasty for us. We do not think about nutrition. I feel by myself guilty because I constantly reach for chocolate. It is dark, over 75% of cacao. I try to assure myself that the rest of my food is healthy. It means that that I do not eat in fast food chains, I do not drink soda, I skip meat.
Our bodies are powerful. They can withstand any invaders if we do not interfere with the mechanism of body. The lack of nutrients, smoking, drinking, suppressed anger weakens the defence systems. Why some of people catch cold or some of them not? Of course, genes play important role but our lifestyle is a big player in the body’s well-being.
The gut plays important role. Beneficial bacteria help process food and deliver it through blood stream to cells. Bacteria act to prevent leaky gut. Bacteria in gut manufacture vitamins and neurochemicals. Walls of intestine have blood vessels. The mesentery contains nerves, blood vessels and lymphatic system. The mesentery is a fold of tissue which holds small intestine attached to abdominal wall. The immune system reacts if something wrong and sends warriors to the problematic area using blood vessels and lymphatic system. You see that everything is connected. When everything in the body functions well, immune system is balanced too.
All the best, Nemira.
What a good article! It is very important to build up our immune system from young. I remember when we used to eat things from the ground and my mum didn’t bat an eyelid because that’s a way to let our bodies come in contact with bacteria and then combat it, not sure I would adopt this method but maybe it works for me since I rarely fall sick!
Hello here. I think that you know about helicopter parents who constantly supervise their children. It is nothing similar to childhood what is was few decades ago. We can not live in sterile world because our bodies will be easily hurt by simple encounter with bacteria or simple change of weather. Unfortunately many of children do not have enough contacts with nature.
Overall, the immune system is unexplored world. Scientists discover new abilities of immune system how to fight against intruders. There is so much to learn and discover.
I am glad that you experienced a real life and you are in the good shape. So it be likes this all the time. All the best, Nemira
Hi there, thanks for your article I found it really interesting. Eating the right food, getting enough sleep and trying to control your stress levels are so important I agree. Can eating a diet high in sugar create stress on your Immune system to and is it better to eat organic food?
Cheers Joanne
Hello, Joanne. I wish that your immune system would always strong and ready to protect from nasty invaders. When you consume plenty of sugar, your body goes of the balance and can be resistant to insulin. When to much glucose in the blood, you can get diabetes with all consequences from it. When you weaken one part of the body, the immune system weakens too because plenty of inflammation pops out.
Try Stevia extract. It works well and without side effects.
All the best, Nemira.
Thank you for this piece on the importance of the immune system. I like the fact that you included so much information on the anatomy here. The role of antibodies, granulocytes, and macrophages is a complicated coordination but you’ve shed some light on the mystery. Where can I learn more about the different players in the immune system?
Hello, Victoria, thanks for the comment. Individuals forget about importance of health and sometimes this forgetfulness pays back in bad dividends. Habits such as drinking, smoking, overeating and laziness show consequences later. The immune system is great as protector but if we do not help her, body resistance mechanisms can be weakened. I read that most of chronic diseases are caused by environmental factors. It horrible, but sometimes people do not evaluate potential risks. We must help our immune system stay strong . It is better to have less worries, especially if it is about wellbeing.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.