ReMag pico-ionic magnesium solution is a dietary supplement formulated by Dr. Carolyn Dean for complete absorption. Yes, ReMag is absorbed at 100 percent at the cellular level. Magnesium goes straight to cells without the laxative effect.
ReMag is an unique formula
ReMag pico-ionic magnesium solution consists of magnesium ions. These ions are tiny and do not cluster together as other particles from different magnesium supplements. ReMag ions are stabilized thanks to the proprietary technologies. The manufacturing process ensures that magnesium ions in ReMag are separate and travel alone through cell membrane gateways.
I know that it sounds confusing because we can not see cells. However, we know that they exist in biology classes. Maybe you learned about cell functions just now or many years ago, and everything seems surreal.
The science rocks
Thanks to doctors and scientists, we can find out more about processes in our bodies. Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., mentions Dr. MacKinnon. He researches trans-membrane ion transport channels. Dr. MacKinnon discovered that carrying channels for minerals out and into the cell must be a particular size and electric charge.
Other magnesium supplements are too big to fit into cell gateways. These entrance and exit ports to cells are 400-500 picometers in size. ReMag magnesium ions are only 70-86 picometer in size.
Do you see how it is easy for ReMag ions to go to the cell? It is a piece of cake.
The importance of pico-ionic magnesium
ReMag is a formula that does not have a laxative effect. Magnesium went to cells and was absorbed in 100 percent. Do you remember how it is easy for stabilized magnesium ions to reach cells?
Individuals who have problems with the digestive tract, such as IBS ( Irritable Bowels Syndrome) or Crohn’s disease, benefit immensely from ReMag. Why? There is no laxative effect as using other magnesium supplements. People get magnesium right away without reaching the digestive system.
Besides complete absorption, ReMag as the pico-ionic magnesium solution has benefits, which are, according to Dr. Carolyn Dean:
- …treats acid reflux
- adrenal fatigue
- angina
- anxiety
- atrial fibrillation
- high blood pressure
- high cholesterol
- constipation
- depression
- diabetes type 2
- fibromyalgia
- headaches
- heart attacks
- insomnia
- kidney stones
- migraines
- muscle spasms
- nerve twitches
- seizures
Dr. Carolyn Dean published the book about magnesium, The Magnesium Miracle. It is a source of information that would change everybody’s perception of the importance of minerals.
Magnesium is the mineral that is vital for over 700 hundreds of enzyme systems that participate in the body’s metabolism. Magnesium treats these conditions, as mentioned earlier.
Why is so little information about pico-ionic minerals
Society is oriented toward quick solutions without thinking about consequences. Media and health providers offer drugs as the first and do not provide answers to problems. Is it good? When I experienced the magic of ReMag, I preferred prevention over chemicals.
I know as a veterinarian when I worked with farm animals that diet and a safe environment do wonders for animals. Food with insects and traces of chemicals, the lack of space and the proper nutrition brings plenty of sick animals. Antibiotics come to the spotlight without thinking that some simple changes would make miracles.
Of course, people are not animals. They have a right to choose and learn about their precious bodies. Unfortunately, plenty of medical practitioners do not know about minerals, nutrition, and lifestyle in college. They have the best intentions to help people. However, how to do it when the time is limited for patients, and there are instructions on what to do in a particular case? Do they incorporate prevention tactics into the practice?
Numbers do not lie
Americans were addicted to pills and suffered from it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration, almost 1.3 million people visited emergency units due to adverse drug effects in 2014. About 124000 people died from it. Consumer Reports state that half of these cases were preventable.
It is scary because, according to Vinay Prasad, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine at Oregon Health&Science University, people did not invent the idea that drugs solve all problems. “They were spoon-fed that notion by the culture that we’re steeped in.”
There is plenty of information; a real one is from Dr. Dean’s book Death by Modern Medicine about roller coasters of allopathic medicine.
How are you informed about lifestyle and nutrition?
There are plenty of medical professionals who save people’s lives and improve their well-being. However, statistics are scary about various consequences when people do not analyze ways to improve their lives.
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, minerals are vital for our bodies. When bodies have all nutrients that they need, there are no worries that body systems will be thrown off balance.
Let’s wrap up
ReMag pico-ionic magnesium solution gives the body missing minerals. The soil was depleted. Plants and animals do not get from the land enough magnesium. The deficiency of magnesium leads to symptoms such as muscle pain, fatigue, heart problems, calcification in soft tissues, etc. ReMag absorbs in 100 percent and did not have the laxative effect. ReMag is safe to use and does not have side effects.
You can read more here about ReMag. If you have questions or want to share your thoughts, I would be happy to answer you.
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