Weight loss and blood pressure correlation is actual and proven by researchers and doctors. The deficiency of magnesium in the diet leads to higher blood pressure. The Alturas, famous scientists, and doctors pointed out that the lack of magnesium triggers hypertension in lab animals.
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., the author of The Magnesium Miracle,
Diet may lower blood pressure successfully due to a combination of weight loss and increased intake of the vitamin and mineral cofactors such as magnesium necessary for blood pressure control.
Dr. Carolyn Dean, The Magnesium Miracle
The weight loss problems
Everyone who tried to lose weight knows how it can be devastating when, after losing twenty pounds, you gain twenty-five. The struggle is constant and exhausting. There are exciting stories, such as losing 525 pounds as Rafael Zuniga did. However, plenty of us can not reach results and keep them in the same place. The weight usually comes back.
Diet may lower blood pressure successfully due to a combination of weight loss and increased intake of the vitamin and mineral cofactors such as magnesium necessary for blood pressure control.
Why does it happen?
Many factors include genetics, diet, consistency to keep up with exercises, proper nutrition, and the lack of vital nutrients. It can be challenging to lose weight when encountering the rooster, as Randy did in Sylvia Tara’s book The Secret Life of Fat.
Blood pressure problems
Individuals who have already damaged arteries in the body from atherosclerotic injury and scars m can feel the effect of magnesium. Kidney diseases can interfere with the possibility of lowering blood pressure with magnesium. When the physical damage is done, people must keep up with medications to keep their blood pressure in check.
Why do medical people not pay attention to weight loss and blood pressure correlation?
Dr. Carolyn Dean, in her book The Magnesium Miracle, points out that doctors did not receive adequate nutrition education. Besides, the insurance does not pay for nutritional advice and counseling or prevention of disease. The insurance pays when an illness occurs, and it has an identification code and a condition code.
I read that Eastern medicine has a different approach to the patient. The actual medical person is someone who does not have sick people. The prevention is in the first place. Of course, there are some cases where diseases occur, but opinions are different between Eastern and Western medicine.
Do we have a choice?
Yes, we have plenty of options. These choices are:
- Love yourself
- Do not harm your body with junk food and a sedentary lifestyle
- Be informed
- Ask questions about your problems. Look for solutions, and do not give up.
- Look at your diet
Dr. Carolyn Dean’s Total Body Reset bundle is a perfect solution for getting back on track and going after your weight and blood pressure. All formulas are balanced and work synergically with each other. You will have full support for your body from these formulas.
Of course, you must consult with a knowledgeable health practitioner. Maybe you have serious problems, and chemicals must be involved.
Dr.Carolyn Dean has a perfect support team that answers all questions and gives advice regarding your issues. Weight loss and blood pressure correlation are actual because researchers proved that losing weight will lower blood pressure.
Do you have any thoughts or questions regarding this topic? I would be glad to answer you.
Diana says
Diet and nutrition don’t always result in lower blood pressure. I lost 20 lbs, gradually over 10 months and with a plant based diet. While thinner, I have shown no measurable results regarding blood pressure. In fact, it’s higher. All the information online implies an improvement or reversal of blood pressure and heart disease with lifestyle changes, but that did not happen for me. I’m not saying it won’t, but it’s not magic. I’m heading to a cardiologist for a full workup, but only after seeing consistently high readings over several months. Because I look healthy and my lipids are within range , my doctors never really called out my high readings(over 140) as a big concern, but I did. Is this considered resistant HB, or do I need to go on meds first?
Nemira says
Hi, Happy New Year and congrats on taking care of yourself! I agree with you particularly because of having experienced it on myself. I have low blood pressure from childhood and it does not change when I gain an additional 15 pounds. However, this particular information based on Dr.Carolyn Dean’s books and blogs. You could check her website wwww.drcarolyndean.com and see blogs full of information. I do not give advice regarding decisions about health or finances. I gather information from doctors or scientists and present here, on this website. It is up to individuals to make own conclusions.
Sorry for the late response, I traveled overseas without the laptop. Be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.