Does a macrobiotic diet work? Yes, it works — there are a few conditions before starting any diet. First, you need to have your plans regarding any radical changes with a knowledgeable health practitioner. Second, you must stick to the diet and not jump if everything does not work for you as fast as you would like to.
What does it mean to be healthy?
Health is a complex system that depends on many factors. These factors influence our ability to be well or be thrown off balance.

Genetics, environment, and lifestyle can be influential and enormously impact us.
The food is the source of nutrients. We must consume rich food with vitamins, enzymes, proteins, amino acids, minerals, and so on. The body is a complex mechanism. It is not a car. It requires more like a change of fuel or pierced tire. Hundreds of enzymes participate in the body’s metabolism. Minerals are co-factors in many enzyme systems.
We can not live productive lives if we do not give the body enough nutritious food.
Why are people sick?
According to Katsuzo Nishi, creator of the Nishi System of Health Engineering, people are sick because they do not live according to the laws of the Universe. I wonder if you thought about it? There is no reason to bring numbers of unhealthy and unhappy people. Only in the United States of America do people use staggering amounts of pills. What does it tell us? Something is wrong. Look around and tell me how many people laugh just without reason as children do.
I do not know the primary cause, but I am aware that our lifestyle influences our quality of life. Take an in-depth look at yourself. When were you last time happy? When you tell yourself that everything is alright and you do well. If it happened, congratulations. However, there are not many positive examples.
I wish that all people would be content with their lives forever. How to do it? Start from ourselves.
Consider what you put in your mouth, how long, and how healthy you sleep. Do you exercise? You do not need to run in the Boston Marathon, but the movement is the foundation of the flexible body.
Why a macrobiotic diet?
A macrobiotic diet provides you with energy and all vital nutrients. You do not need to stuff yourself with the food, as the turkey was loaded on Thanksgiving day. Moderation is a requirement if you want to feel well.
Bad food poisons you. Processed food does not have life energy. Look at animals. Elephants and horses are potent animals because they consume fresh food.
It is known that it is enough for one generation to become obese if they consume unhealthy food.
How does macrobiotic diet work?
A macrobiotic diet provides energy and all vital nutrients. You get all power from plants, seeds, and nuts when you eat unprocessed, raw, or slightly steamed food. Organic meat works for us, too, because it does not have toxins and antibiotics.
A macrobiotic diet makes our minds sharp and bodies light. A macrobiotic diet does not tell us what meat is wrong. A macrobiotic diet points us to balance products and how to get the most of the profit from them.
Requirements of the macrobiotic diet
Healthy food has energy inside. Preparation and balance of ingredients are vital for the quality of food.
Katsuzo Nishi recommends these rules of macrobiotic diet:
- Do not use processed products. Prepare food at home using organic and natural ingredients
- Grain and rice must take 50-60 percent of your diet
- Fruits and vegetables must be on your menu, making 25-30 percent
- Beans, legumes, and peas can take 5-10 percent of your daily food intake
- Soups with grains and vegetables must take off 5 to 10 percent of the regular menu
- Fish, nuts, and seeds can have 5-10 percent on your daily list
- Meat, dairy products, and eggs must be eaten just on special occasions
- Soda drinks, coffee, and black tea must be used in consideration. Green tea, coffee from grains, and herb tea are advisable and recommended to drink
- When you prepare food, do not fry it. Use steam or boiling methods to preserve vital nutrients.
- Limit the usage of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants,
- Bake the bread from whole grain. Do not eat white food.
- Chew consistently. Every bite of food must be eaten at least 50 times
- Get up from the table when you are still hungry. You will feel fulfillment later because the stomach gives signals to the brain after the half-hour when digestion starts.
You see that the macrobiotic diet is not a complicated thing. There are no fancy ingredients or expensive tools to prepare food. I think that everything simple is genial and works for us.
Ingredients of a macrobiotic diet do not cost a lot. You can save money along the way by being balanced and well because you will have the energy for your projects or just for your everyday life.
If you have questions, please leave a comment below.
Ah dieting. The never ending battle. It’s always a struggle to eat healthy. I swear I have the pallet of a nine-year-old. It’s hare to stay in shape on a steady diet of mac and cheese and chicken nuggets.
Anyway, I’ve been trying to find a diet that’s sustainable that I don’t want to slit my wrists on. This is some good information. I don’t know if the macrobiotic diet is for me, but there are definitely some principles that I would like to incorporate into my life. Especially stopping eating before you feel full. I feel like over eating is half of my battle.
Hello, Dustin, you not alone because I agree with the authors of macrobiotic diet but know how it is difficult to rid of nasty habits. I am not meat fun, except cold smoked ham, but at these days it is not easy to keep up with the healthy routine. From another side, why to wait till we will have some problems associated with processed food?