The liver is a vital organ. When we lead a healthy life, we know how to keep the liver safe. Liver functions are detoxification, metabolism participation, glycogen storage, protein synthesis, hormone production, and decomposition of red blood cells.
Spirulina is the source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, Vitamin A and E, and essential GLA. These nutrients can help cleanse human bodies and provide radical scavenging, antiviral, anti-inflammation, and hepatoprotection capabilities.
Liver detoxifies pollutants
The liver continually detoxifies harmful substances—drugs, junk food, full of chemicals, and alcohol filtrated through the liver. The liver cleans blood coming from the intestines and sends it back to the cells. When the liver stops, the body shuts down quickly. Dirty blood toxifies the body. Organs and tissues suffer.
The alcohol makes liver fat
Fatty liver is the consequence of chronic liver disease. The fat in the liver can exceed more than 5 percent. Additionally, insulin resistance and enormous alcohol consumption lead to fatty liver. Alcohol intake can lead to liver inflammation and alcoholic cirrhosis. No fun, yes?
How to keep the liver safe?
The liver is capable of disposing of alcohol without harm. The amount of consumed alcohol must be 3 ounces per hour. The liver filters the alcohol, breaking it down into substances. The liver uses enzymes to break down alcohol. The supply of proteins helps the liver to process alcohol. Proteins participate in the process of breaking down alcohol.
The methionine, the amino acid, constitutes protein. Amino acids take part in cell structure and protect liver cells from poisoning by alcohol.
One way to protect the liver is to eat plenty of proteins. The next move is to avoid junk food, unnecessary chemicals, and overconsumption of alcohol.
The fatty liver
The fatty liver accumulates an excess of fat. Unfortunately, a fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis. We can keep the liver safe by taking proteins. Fortunately, the Spirulina is a rich source of proteins. The algae are the source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, Vitamin A and E, and essential GLA. These nutrients can help cleanse human bodies and provide radical scavenging, antiviral, anti-inflammation, and hepatoprotection capabilities.
Why are proteins important?
Entirely 70 percent of the liver is protein. Enzymes that participate in metabolism and detoxification are derived from protein. Analytic functions happen smoothly when the liver has a supply of proteins.
Spirulina influences the outcome of fatty liver
Christopher Hills, Ph.D., S.D. wrote about the positive effects of Spirulina a few decades ago. He cited the jobs of scientists from Japan. C. Hills advised taking Spirulina when somebody drank too much alcohol.
In the book Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health, researchers point out that.
Spirulina also attenuates alcohol-induced fatty liver through ALDH activity, which is inactive in subjects intoxicated by alcohol, especially in Asian populations.
Apparently, Spirulina facilitates alcohol metabolism through enhanced clearance of accumulated aldehyde, which may increase susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease (ALD), such as fatty liver and fibrosis.(133)
ALDH is an aldehyde dehydrogenase. ALDH is the enzyme derived from proteins, which helps break down alcohol.
The aldehyde is a product of alcohol oxidation. Aldehyde is a harmful substance. When the liver can not filter alcohol, the aldehyde poisons the body. Headaches occur, and vomiting and stomach pain bother drunk individuals.
How to keep the liver safe?
According to Christopher Hills, P.H. D, S.D., if fatty liver is not appropriately treated, it can turn into cirrhosis.
Poor diet, viral infections, and excessive drinking are common causes of liver diseases.
Spirulina is a perfect source of proteins and vital nutrients that keep the body in good shape. If you are interested in Spirulina supplements, you can look here. We can learn how to keep the liver safe by reading books written by doctors and scientists. The breathtaking book is Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health, edited by M.E.Gershwin and Amha Belay. This book is a comprehensive source of scientific data about the importance of Spirulina. Scientists show how to keep the liver safe using the nutraceutical product Spirulina.
mizra says
hi Nemira
wow this website is really helpful. it talks about how to keep liver safe and healthy. a lot of people needs to know about this stuff. my moms liver is damaged cuz of some bad stuff and foods. this website is really healthy for people who is suffering with liver disease. I am definitely going to let my mom know about all this.
Nemira says
Hello here. Thank you for the nice comment. I present here information from doctors and scientists. They are heroes because they look for the ways how to help people. Imagine spending countless hours in laboratories, checking and repeating results, reading peers sudies and publications, constantly thinking why this virus is so bad or why this mineral makes big difference in our lives.
There are plenty of information which opens eyes for us. Wmust ask ourselves why it happened in this way? How I can change it?
All the best, Nemira
Margaret says
We don’t give nearly enough consideration to our liver and I think your post is great because it gives some timely warnings. Without a liver we do not survive so we all need to take care of it. It does have a lot of important functions including the metabolization of drugs. I know it is related to cholesterol levels in the blood. Do you know how it works to keep our cholesterol down?
Nemira says
Hello, Margaret. When our bodies are in shape, all vital signs are in order too. Yes, the liver as the rest of our body is important. Of course people make miracles when they are injured but if it us possible, let keep our body in a good shape.
You asked about cholesterol. Dr. Carolyn Dean in her book The Magnesium Miracle describes the significance of magnesium for cholesterol. Organic food, exercise, good mood would keep you in good condition too. Of course, if something is wrong, you must to consult with smart health practitioners.
All the best, Nemira
Leo says
I always believed in drinking in moderation! Excessive drinking can be so damaging for the liver and I have friends who were admitted in the hospital before because of excessive drinking! And there are news and reports that people suffer from alcohol poisoning. So be careful all you alcoholics! Thank you for sharing how to keep the liver safe which is very important for everyone’s well being.
Nemira says
Hello, Leo, thanks for the comment. You never know who will read this article. Maybe somebody could make easier for liver taking proteins at the time of the drinking? We know from stories as with Steve Jobs what the transplantation of liver is a difficult procedure which does not work. Famous man was not drinker but he had problems with this organ. I think that the prevention is a best thing. A glass of wine during dinner time never made harm. Drinking excessively can attract fatal consequences. Let,s take care of our bodies and take advice from doctors and scientists. They know for sure what is goof for our organs.
All the best, Nemira
Simon says
I didn’t realize the liver consisted of 70% protein however it is common knowledge to maintain a healthy liver is to consume protein to keep it working efficiently.
The liver is a vital part of our body’s engine and it’s imperative to look after it to accomplish a healthy lifestyle.
We have many friends and family members who have abused their liver through over consumption of alcohol whilst far too many kids have an addiction to junk food yet the education is there nowadays to resist such habits but how many of us take this information on board?
Spirulina is a filtered, dried and prepared food additive containing vitamins and minerals sourced from warm climate lakes in Africa, Central and South America. I have heard the benefits of this super source of protein to keep the liver in good shape.
Thanks for reminding me,
Nemira says
Hello, Simon. In this website I want to spread a message about foods which help us staying in shape and performing well. Plenty Japanese scientists and ordinary citizens consume Spirulina. Look at them. They are skinny, flexible and live long lives. Polynesians ate Noni fruit thousands years ago. Mayans, Aztecs consumed Spirulina hundreds years ago. We do not need back in the time and hunt wild animals but take care of our precious lives is a good thing. The liver is laboratory fot the body. It is a detoxification center. It is nice to enjoy glass of wine ir whiskey, but we need to limits. In other way, the Mother Nature will show our limits giving chronic diseases. Who needs them? Lets take care of our wellbeing.
All the best, Nemira
nelsonrosa777 says
Hello, Nemira.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge about keeping the liver save.
We have only one liver and if it doesn’t work properly we will get in trouble.
I myself didn’t know that spirulina is such a good product and that it’s one of the best product to protect the liver.
Are there others products, which you know, which can do the same as Spirulina?
Nemira, keep on doing the good work.
Nemira says
Hello here. Yes, besides Spirulina are herbs which help the liver deal with toxins and be prepared for further challenges. Milk whistle is herb which is valuable plant which benefits liver. Green tea, grape seed extracts give benefits for liver too.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira.
Tommy Tedesco says
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Liz says
Wow I have herd of Spirulina before but never learning or understanding why it is so important especially for the liver. I have a friend who is on dialysis now and she really wants to work on improving the health of her liver and kidneys. Have you heard of anyone using this when they are on other medications? Is Spirulina something we can naturally get from foods?
Nemira says
Hello, Liz. Thanks for the comment. Your friend must consult with dependable health practitioners because humans are different. Cases are different. Maybe her kidneys are so weak that they can not remove toxins from the body. She on dialysis. It means that she needs constant supervision from doctors. Sorry to hear about it.
Spirulina is an algae. Flamingoes eat Spirulina and other algae. Humans can consume Spirulina which is produced in farms where strict regulations and supervision of the production process is involved.
Some of people ad Spirulina in their smoothies. People who live in Africa, by the lake Chad consume Spirulina harvested from lake. They dry Spirulina on hot stones and form pieces, which ere sold in the markets as food.
All the best, be healthy and wealthy, Nemira