Nutrients from diet give the body energy, building substances, and tools to protect from invaders. A critical nutrient diet is a diet that is full of essential nutrients. Without the proper nutrients, the body would starve, be sluggish, and be unable to function at its full potential.
The Western diet is full of processed and missing substances. Sugar, heated oils, white flour, meat with antibiotics, and the lack of vegetables, minerals, proteins, and vitamins throw the body out the balance.
We see results in the street or airplanes when people cannot fit in the seat.
We may miss these nutrients in our diet
Individuals who consume a typical American diet can miss these vital nutrients:
I read that calcium is abundant in a modern diet. However, we do not get calcium from authentic sources such as almonds, bok choy, canned salmon with bones, broccoli rabe, broccoli, white beans, and tofu. Most of us choose fast food, such as pizza or hamburgers, where calcium does not absorb efficiently.
Eating calcium-rich vegetables gives us a full array of vitamins, enzymes, and fibers. Processed calcium does not benefit the body because it is synthetic, not as Nature created.

Fiber comes from raw food or is slightly cooked. The body benefits from fiber because it stimulates the immune system, lowers blood pressure, helps lose weight, helps move bowels, and fights inflammation.
Good sources of fiber are legumes, nuts, whole grains, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Getting at least 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily is recommended.
Over eighty percent of American people are deficient in magnesium. It means plenty of problems with the nervous system, heart, muscle, energy production, and body metabolism. Over sixty-five conditions require magnesium.
Why do we not get enough magnesium from food? The soil is depleted. Farmers do not mineralize it. Plants and animals do not get magnesium from the land. The human being who stands at the end of a chain is left without vital minerals, not just magnesium.
Potassium is a missing nutrient in the diet of Americans. Only 2 percent get the required dosage of potassium: 4700 mg per day.
Bananas, leafy greens, potatoes, legumes, and salmon are rich in potassium.
Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 diminishes with age. People can sense fatigue, anemia, loss of appetite, constipation, and weight loss.
Excellent sources of vitamin B12 are fish, beef, cheese, milk, eggs, and yogurt.
The Western diet is poorly equipped with nutrients such as enzymes, vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fiber. It means that individuals will experience the consequences of deficiencies. Do we need to wait for it?
It is better to find the right prevention tools and use them to protect the most precious assets: health and peace of mind.
You can read more about supplementation here. We do not get nutrients from food. What we get is only a part of the whole balanced diet. We need to give all the essential nutrients to the body. It is possible with the help of dietary supplements.