Losing weight is easy if we follow some rules. How to lose weight? There are many promises about doing it, but who has the best answers? If we look back a few decades ago, we did not have this problem as we have it now.
Quality and quantity of food, exercises, and keeping out of stress help to manage weight and escape adding additional waste when solving problems with the help of food.
How to lose weight?
People are not active anymore. If we look at individuals who work physically, we will not find anybody who is obese. Humankind accomplished so much, but it has forgotten that we are part of Nature. Why?
You do not see obese rabbits or bears, horses or dogs that have abilities to run free. All living beings who have restrictions to move become fat. There are consequences, such as problems with health, sexuality, and self-esteem.
How about calories?
Calories are these days traditional to count. It isn’t enjoyable. The food does not give pleasure when we need to check all calories and feel guilty if we overeat before bed. Who does not like ice cream or chocolate? Of course, some individuals are okay without sweets. However, we must pay attention to what we eat.
The quality of food
Our ancestors did not have many chances to enjoy processed food. They eat homemade dishes such as soup and meat or fish with vegetables. Sometimes for dessert, fruits were from the garden.
The nutrition of food
Most of us know about depleted soil, hormones, antibiotics, and chemicals. These things trigger various problems in our bodies.
Antibiotics harm good bacteria in our digestive system. Hormones interfere with human bodies and can act as carcinogens. No fun, yes? Depleted soil cannot grow vegetables and grains full of nutrients. Nutrients such as minerals and vitamins are vital to us. They participate in the metabolism and help function of organs. Thankfully, we can get nutrients from nutraceutical food such as Spirulina.
The amount of food
I think that everybody who lives in modern life and has a job consumes more food than they need. The stress and lack of time create an environment where we get pleasure and relaxation from food.
Plenty of people eat late. It happens because people work; some have duties that do not allow them to have time for the proper meal. Snacking is a common habit too. Nobody wants to have the snack of a carrot. They choose chips, candies, or granola bars to hide hunger until dinner.
Dinner is the biggest meal. It is eaten mainly before bed and in front of the TV. This combination leads to calories, which are deposited as fat in our bodies. Why? Calories must be burned and used during metabolic processes in our body. When we do not move, the body does not need so many calories. They become fatty deposits in the most critical areas, such as the belly or thighs.
How much do we need to eat?
Our stomach is a small, elastic organ. Its capacity is 350-450 cm2 or a little more than a quart. It can consist of 0,5 liter to 1,7 liter of liquid. It means that food will be digested well if we do not overeat.
The stomach has muscles. They churn food and push it around to expose it to the gastric juices. If we overeat food, our stomach muscles become weak. They can move food around. Food sits in the stomach, half indigested. All problems occurred from it, such as lousy protein digestion, intestinal gas, and loss of nutritional value from food.
We know that fresh food has nutrients. When food stays undigested, it can be spoiled pretty soon. It is the same with the stomach. If the food stays too long and unprocessed, we have problems because it can not be covered enough with gastric juices.
If we want to know how to lose weight and be in the shape Mother Nature created us, we must follow some rules.
How to lose weight?
These rules are:
Walking, exercise, and sports will help burn calories. The business supports the body to stay young, flexible, and healthy.
The quality of food
We must skip processed foods. These foods do not have nutrients that are vital for our bodies. More nutrients, fewer calories we need to consume. Spirulina is an excellent solution to get all essential nutrients with a minimum of calories.
The quantity of food
We must get up from the table when we feel slightly hungry. The sense of fulfillment will come after a few minutes. We must control how much vegetables, protein, and carbohydrates are consumed during the day. Plants must take the most significant part of the food ration.
The eating schedule
Breakfast is essential as the source of energy for the day. According to MD, ND Carolyn Dean is advisable to eat every four hours. In this way, the liver can rest. The last meal is supposed to be before sunset. The stomach needs to have time to digest food until we sleep.
Do you have some thoughts about how to be slim faster and feel good? Do you know how to lose weight? I would be delighted to hear from you.
lynnsamuelson says
It’s a sad reality that far more people are overweight than need to be and I agree with you about the underlying reasons for this. I live in the US (New York) but have traveled to other countries in Europe primarily. and have noticed how much smaller the portions served in restaurants are compared to here. No one needs to eat as much as many Americans consistently do at every meal. i am not too familiar with Spirulina but would love to learn more about it. I’ve heard its an algae and contains many health benefits. Does it come in pill form? the idea of eating algae doesn’t sound like it would be tasty.
Nemira says
Hello, Erica, thanks for the comment. The Spirulina comes in the various forms such as tablets, pills, powder or hardened cakes, called dihe from the Lake Chad in Africa.This nutraceutical food is so valuable because it has all vitamins, amino acids, minerals and proteins for body. What I like about Spirulina that it is easily digested. Spirulina does not have any side effects.
Spirulina does not have a pleasant taste compare with other algae. However, her qualities are so valuable, that I do not care about slightly metallic taste. When you take pills or tablets, you do not feel any taste. The powder has the metalic taste but if you put the powder into the smoothie, the drink will be healthy and tasty one. I prefer smoothies over juice because they have all fiber intact and it does not contain so much sugar as compare smoothie with the juice from fruits.
All the best, take care, Nemira.
Misty Marchione says
I am a huge health nut, so I greatly appreciate this post! I like how straight forward your writing is. So true that people are getting seriously over weight. I am a huge proponent of getting kids outdoors and out of the habit of viewing electronics all day. I also agree that with the increase of fast food and processed food, it had contributed to an obese population. Continue the great work and voicing your true opinion!
Nemira says
I wrote this article as I would do for myself. I like when somebody tells truth. It does not matter how harsh it sounds but when we know real situation, we can help themselves. The life is short but great one. We can rid from bad habits. Sooner we will do it, sooner we can live joyful life.
All the best, Nemira.