The best magnesium for children is ReMag, the liquid pico-ionic magnesium. Children are sensitive in the same ways as adults are. They are stressed in school, interacting with peers, feeling the pressure growing up, and thinking about body image.
The emotional tension for children
There are so many requirements for children and not so much support. Children can be more sensitive because their hormones fluctuate and react to everything more sharply.
Children react to adverse events such as violence, divorce, or bullying in school. Stressful situations deplete magnesium for children in the same way as for adults.
Besides that, children are exposed to junk food extensively. Most of the parents do not have time to prepare food. Pizza, soda drinks, and fast food are familiar dishes. Sweets accompany this diet. In this way, magnesium disappears or exists in small quantities.
Magnesium deficiency consequences
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D., the author of The Magnesium Miracle, autism, childhood depression, juvenile delinquency, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD) happen when magnesium is deficient.
She mentions the words of Dr.Sharna Olfman, the author of the book No Child Left Different, that over 10 million children are on antidepressants, and about 5 million children take stimulants such as Ritalin.
What do you think about these facts? Do children in the best, innocent years of their lives must take chemicals? Of course, there are some cases when drugs are necessary. However, millions of children taking depressants are staggering numbers.
When children are miserable at the best period of their lives, what will be later?
Magnesium deficiency leads to various disorders. Doctors and scientists provide opinions and warnings that the lack of magnesium for children can have consequences such as depression, autism, ADHD, etc
How could magnesium be helpful?
Magnesium is a simple but vital to our bodies mineral. We do not get enough magnesium from the diet. Individuals who consume plenty of magnesium-rich food can not take the total dosage for one day. Why? The soil was depleted. Plants and animals do not get minerals from the land. Human beings suffer from a lack of minerals.
ReMag, created by Dr. Carolyn Dean, is organic, the pico-ionic, stabilized liquid formula. ReMag goes straight to cells thanks to proprietary technologies. ReMag is manufactured uniquely when magnesium ions do not cluster together. These ions stabilized.
ReMag ions are 86 picometers in size. Gateways in the cells are 400-500 picometers wide. ReMag goes straight to cells without any trouble, as other magnesium supplements do. The absorption is 100 percent.
ReMag does not have a laxative effect. The body benefits from saving energy used for digestion and transportation.
Magnesium is important for serotonin
Serotonin is the brain chemical responsible for happiness. Magnesium plays a role in the activity of serotonin. It is responsible for serotonin uptake and is released by brain cells. When magnesium is deficient, the brain can not function properly.
You see that when there is no magnesium, there is no happiness.
How about dosage?
According to Dr.Carolyn Dean, recommendations from Dr. Leo Galland, author of Supperimunity for Kids, are 240 mg for 40 lbs child.
Most of all, magnesium supplements have a laxative effect. It differentiates depending on the brand. However, ReMag does not have any laxative effect.
Let wrap up
Magnesium is an essential mineral. Magnesium deficiency leads to various disorders. Doctors and scientists provide opinions and warnings that the lack of magnesium for children can have consequences such as depression, autism, ADHD, etc. The best magnesium for children is ReMag because it is the only formula that goes to the cell and does not have a laxative effect. ReMag brings benefits to children and adults, giving health and support.