The liver is a vital organ. When we lead a healthy life, we know how to keep the liver safe. Liver functions are detoxification, metabolism participation, glycogen storage, protein synthesis, hormone production, and decomposition of red blood cells.
Spirulina is the source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, Vitamin A and E, and essential GLA. These nutrients can help cleanse human bodies and provide radical scavenging, antiviral, anti-inflammation, and hepatoprotection capabilities.
Liver detoxifies pollutants
The liver continually detoxifies harmful substances—drugs, junk food, full of chemicals, and alcohol filtrated through the liver. The liver cleans blood coming from the intestines and sends it back to the cells. When the liver stops, the body shuts down quickly. Dirty blood toxifies the body. Organs and tissues suffer.
The alcohol makes liver fat
Fatty liver is the consequence of chronic liver disease. The fat in the liver can exceed more than 5 percent. Additionally, insulin resistance and enormous alcohol consumption lead to fatty liver. Alcohol intake can lead to liver inflammation and alcoholic cirrhosis. No fun, yes?
How to keep the liver safe?
The liver is capable of disposing of alcohol without harm. The amount of consumed alcohol must be 3 ounces per hour. The liver filters the alcohol, breaking it down into substances. The liver uses enzymes to break down alcohol. The supply of proteins helps the liver to process alcohol. Proteins participate in the process of breaking down alcohol.
The methionine, the amino acid, constitutes protein. Amino acids take part in cell structure and protect liver cells from poisoning by alcohol.
One way to protect the liver is to eat plenty of proteins. The next move is to avoid junk food, unnecessary chemicals, and overconsumption of alcohol.
The fatty liver
The fatty liver accumulates an excess of fat. Unfortunately, a fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis. We can keep the liver safe by taking proteins. Fortunately, the Spirulina is a rich source of proteins. The algae are the source of antioxidants, phytonutrients, Vitamin A and E, and essential GLA. These nutrients can help cleanse human bodies and provide radical scavenging, antiviral, anti-inflammation, and hepatoprotection capabilities.
Why are proteins important?
Entirely 70 percent of the liver is protein. Enzymes that participate in metabolism and detoxification are derived from protein. Analytic functions happen smoothly when the liver has a supply of proteins.
Spirulina influences the outcome of fatty liver
Christopher Hills, Ph.D., S.D. wrote about the positive effects of Spirulina a few decades ago. He cited the jobs of scientists from Japan. C. Hills advised taking Spirulina when somebody drank too much alcohol.
In the book Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health, researchers point out that.
Spirulina also attenuates alcohol-induced fatty liver through ALDH activity, which is inactive in subjects intoxicated by alcohol, especially in Asian populations.
Apparently, Spirulina facilitates alcohol metabolism through enhanced clearance of accumulated aldehyde, which may increase susceptibility to alcoholic liver disease (ALD), such as fatty liver and fibrosis.(133)
ALDH is an aldehyde dehydrogenase. ALDH is the enzyme derived from proteins, which helps break down alcohol.
The aldehyde is a product of alcohol oxidation. Aldehyde is a harmful substance. When the liver can not filter alcohol, the aldehyde poisons the body. Headaches occur, and vomiting and stomach pain bother drunk individuals.
How to keep the liver safe?
According to Christopher Hills, P.H. D, S.D., if fatty liver is not appropriately treated, it can turn into cirrhosis.
Poor diet, viral infections, and excessive drinking are common causes of liver diseases.
Spirulina is a perfect source of proteins and vital nutrients that keep the body in good shape. If you are interested in Spirulina supplements, you can look here. We can learn how to keep the liver safe by reading books written by doctors and scientists. The breathtaking book is Spirulina in Human Nutrition and Health, edited by M.E.Gershwin and Amha Belay. This book is a comprehensive source of scientific data about the importance of Spirulina. Scientists show how to keep the liver safe using the nutraceutical product Spirulina.