What has to do with the fat and chicken correlation with Randy? Randy is a man who got a spurring to his leg from a rooster a few decades ago. He was a skinny teenager, eleven years old. Now he is a big man who continually tries to outsmart the body’s fat.
In her book The Secret Life of Fat, Sylvia Tara explains why Randy got himself in a situation where nobody could understand his weight changes.
In Sylvia’s book, Indian scientist made research shows a correlation between viruses found in chickens and people who are obese.
How it did happen?
Randy is from a family where everybody is slim. Unfortunately, after the accident with the rooster, Randy started to gain weight. It did not matter how much he forced himself to eat fewer pounds added up quickly. Randy was up and down between 200 and 230 pounds. He did not remember when he last time ate bread or pizza.
Can viruses make chickens fat?
In India, doctor and scientist Nikhil Dhurandhar searched for answers: can viruses cause chicken fat? His friend, a veterinarian pathologist, finds out that the virus SMAM-1 killed thousands of chickens in India. Necropsy showed that fat was deposited in the abdomen. Nikhil thought about the influence of viruses on people. Maybe a virus can make people fat.
Nikhil Dhurandhar experimented with chicken and discovered that healthy chicken infected with SMAM-1 became fat. He thought about people because he had an obesity clinic in India. After testing for antibodies to SMAM-1, Nikhil found out that 20 percent of individuals were positive for antibodies for SMAM-1.
Fat and chicken correlation
Dr. Nikhil Dhurandhar moved to the USA to research the correlation between obesity and the virus. He used the virus Ad-36, which had similar qualities to SMAM-1. His team found out that from over five hundred subjects, 30 percent were positive for Ad-36. All the people were obese.
Endocrinologist Richard Atkinson consulted Randy about obesity. It is explained politely, without blaming. Randy heard about the virus Ad-36 and his correlation with a fat, fat defense mechanism and the strategies he would need to conquer it.
Randy introduced Nikhil Dhurandhar. Randy’s blood was examined. It tested positive for antibodies to Ad-36. Randy remembered the injury from the rooster and the change of weight after the accident.
It seemed that the virus Ad-36 helped him gain weight, plenty of it after a bloody cock attack.
How can a virus make us fat?
Atkinson explains three ways how it can happen:
It increases the uptake of glucose from the blood and converts it to fat.
It enhances the creation of fat molecules through fatty acid synthase, an enzyme that creates fat.
It enables the production of more fat cells to hold all the fat by committing stem cells, which can turn either bone or fat, into fat. So the fat cells that exist are getting bigger, and the body is creating more of them.
The direct correlation between Ad-36 in chickens and humans was not directly studied. Dhurandhar and Atkinson have researched many cases showing the Ad-36 contribution to obesity. Unfortunately, skepticism between colleagues still exists.
The assurance from scientist
Studies done in labs show that Ad-36 has correlations with obesity. At this time, there is no treatment for Ad-36.
However, Richard Atkinson assures that ” if you have had the virus, and predisposed for the gain of fat, what you eat and how much you exercise is still in your control. You may have to work harder at it.”
How is Randy doing now?
Randy has discipline and works hard towards his goals. His weight dropped from 350 pounds to 170. His calories are 1200-1500 per day. Randy says, ” I’m a clap-along jogger of sixty-two who, for the first time in his life, might have the courage to take his shirt off in gym class…My goal now is to get to 160 pounds and then get into a Speedo!”(Sylvia Tara, The Secret Life of Fat,114)
Randy is happy now because he understands his condition. It was miserable to stay in the dark and not know what was happening with your body.
As you see, fat has many secrets and many ways to make our lives miserable. The information from doctors brings clarity and explains why we can not lose fat so quickly. However, hope is real. It is doable. We can outsmart fat as Randy did. Discipline is the key to victory against fat. Fat and chicken correlation opened new paths to learning about obesity.