Angina is a pain in the area of the chest. It can happen in short periods. It feels like the pressure or the sense of fullness. Sometimes the pain can go down the left arm.
Why does it happen?

Angina can happen; the lack of oxygen creates the buildup of carbon dioxide in the heart’s muscles. It is a frightening situation. The pain can be mild or acute. People can experience it after or during exercise, especially in the cold, having intense emotional stress or vivid dreams.
Angina passes after a few minutes or after taking nitroglycerine.
The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to organs in the body. The heart needs supplies too. If blood vessels constrict and oxygen does not reach the heart fully, people experience angina.
If this situation happens often, the angina is called unstable. Angina can lead to a heart attack.
Magnesium helps relax the muscles of the heart and relieve inflammation.
The importance of magnesium
Dr. James B. Pierce, Ph.D., states that almost fifty percent of sudden heart attacks happen when the body lacks magnesium. If you think about magnesium’s ability to relax muscles everywhere, you will see that the blood rich with oxygen can easily reach the heart when magnesium is sufficient.
The prevention is the best aid
Most of us start to think about health after something scary happens, such as a heart attack or high blood pressure.
We can prevent disorders by taking measures and changing bad habits. The elimination of sugar, alcohol, and junk food could help prevent heart disease. Taking absorbable magnesium supplements will provide the body with minerals vital for the body’s metabolism.
Angina is a scary situation. We can prevent it by taking dietary supplements such as magnesium, and ReMag, having plenty of rest, and looking after our diet. It is nothing complicated. We must remember that health is the most crucial asset besides time.