The top ways to lose belly fat are presented here in this blog, because of that nobody likes belly fat, and plenty of people would like to do that. Santa Claus looks good, but belly fat is a problem for us. First, it does not seem right. Second, it is associated with the risk of being sick sooner or later.
Skinny people seldom have belly fat. Obese people gain weight in all areas, mainly around the abdomen. Additional pounds press hard inner organs and slow their job. You will see how the top ways to lose belly fat without emptying the wallet can work and bring benefits to your well-being.
Good nutrition, the right lifestyle, and good mental and physical health will help to get rid of unnecessary belly fat.
Why does obesity happen?
Poor nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle affect everybody who does not think about the consequences of it. What is interesting is that over 800 million people do not have what to eat, but 700 million are obese. One million of these individuals are children. Plenty of people are in countries that are supposed to be beacons and examples of prosperity and wellness. The USA, the United Kingdom, and Canada have the most significant obesity rates.
Europe wants to join this company. However, with its long traditions and culture of food, France stays in shape. I hope that it will be an example for big people.
There is no fun when processed, and fast food reaches other countries such as Mexico. People become obese after NAFTA( North America Free Trade Agreement). The processed food industry has more power and resources to advertise and spread the message about fast food. Mexicans use more sugary drinks. The number of sweet drinks tripled from 1993 to 2004. Canada experienced spikes of obesity, too.
How about the regulation of unhealthy food?
There is no progress regarding public education about the consequences of consuming processed food and drinking sugary drinks. I like the thoughts of Kenneth Rogoff, Professor of Economics and Public Policy at Harvard University and recipient of the 2011 Deutsche Bank Prize in Financial Economics. He offers to tax manufacturers of fast food in the same as way tobacco companies are taxed.
What can you do to avoid belly fat?
First, you must decide that you hold on to your decision to stay healthy. Second, check out the food and drinks. Look at the labels. If the tag contains words that you do not understand, you consume plenty of chemicals.
Chemicals deplete minerals in the body. Without minerals, especially magnesium, the body’s metabolism suffers. Organs can not work with you because they do not get vital nutrients, and at the same time, they need to deal with toxins.
Belly fat does not go away with the help of a few pills. You must control and follow the top ways to lose belly fat:
- Diet
- Lifestyle
- Mindset
- Environment
These ways will help you to rid of healthy fat.
You can find nutritious food without emptying your wallet. Beans, peas, thick soups, vegetables, nuts, and seeds provide nutrients and do not contain sugar. Do you like meat? Perfect? Choose grass-fed organic beef. It does not have antibiotics and contains healthy proteins.
Add to your diet supplements such as magnesium, vitamins, and proteins. Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. Total Body ReSet bundle has all vital nutrients and helps maintain well-being. You will forget about cravings for sweets. You will wonder where your belly went.

Yes, lifestyle means a lot to everybody who wants to lose belly fat. Do you sit too much? Do you smoke or drink? Are you a couch potato? All habits lead to poor health and an increase in weight. You do not need to blame yourself for what happened. You can start from zero taking your life back.
You can find similar people in forums where they share an experience of how to lose weight. Teamwork makes miracles; you need to make up your mind.
There is plenty of advertisement to lose belly fat through week or month. Unfortunately, the stubborn fat returns. You can read this story about the man who won his battle with obesity. The positivity, mental toughness, and perseverance can lead you to success. We can not erase thoughts about fast food, but we can change them with images of ourselves on the beach, party, or everywhere where we want to look good.
Listen to music, go out with like-minded friends who wish you good, and read inspirational books about mentors and famous people. Everybody had problems. However, they created bridges on how to overcome them. You can find forums where people like you share experiences and can encourage you during the journey towards a better shape.

It means a lot where you live, and who are your friends and family. Most of the people who have belly fat, come from families where processed food and sugary drinks are everyday staples. You can not change them. You do not need to do it. However, you can help yourself by identifying the problem and starting the new regime.
The belly fat is a stubborn one. However, you can conquer this problem by consuming nutritious food and dietary supplements. Magnesium, for example, helps to ease cravings for sweets. It means that you will not reach for the refrigerator or snacks for the whole day. The ReMag is the best magnesium supplement on the market. It is 100 percent absorbable at the cellular level.
Maintaining a positive attitude, not blaming yourself but reaching for help, and changing your lifestyle will keep you on the track toward good shape and losing belly fat.
An update
Findings from scientists
You know that microbes live in your gut. These tiny creatures help digest food, control your mood and stress, and fight diseases and infections. You have more bacteria as cells in your body.
The average human being has 30 trillion human cells. Microbes win because, in our gut, we have over 40 trillion. Impressive, isn’t it?
Microbes have connections with allergies, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, and memory loss.
Different microbes, different weight
Rob Knight, a microbial ecologist at UC San Diego, says that just by looking at bacteria in the people’s gut, scientists can tell about obesity. If you are lean, you will have different bacteria. The accuracy of prediction is 90%. It is impressive, too.
Rob Knight talks about studies that took from obese mice microbes and transported them to lean mice. They did it through a fecal transplant. The lean mice become fatter. It is scary and encouraging because we can change our weight with the help of the right microbes.
Fecal transplantation is not a new thing. Scientists do it all the time. I guess people are not excited about the thought that somebody’s pop will go into their belly. However, if you have problems such as obesity or digestive tract disturbances, you would want to feel good again, would you?
We just now start to listen to our bodies. Your grandparents and generations before did not know about diets to lose weight. Yes, some people followed doctors’ advice, but it was seldom. Nowadays, obesity is an epidemic.
Thanks to scientists, the light has started to shine upon us. Why not turn everything around and see how everything works?