Ways to be mentally healthy and sound are insanely simple. Mental health is a hidden topic because we see the consequences of neglect. Shootings and attacks on innocent people happen around the whole world. Do you think that sane people could harm others? Scientists say that evil people who hurt others have badly developed front lobes. They do not have emotions and empathy for living beings.
All ages had their crazy people. However, nowadays, we see more of them thanks to the fast-spreading news. Reasons for suffering from mental health problems can be various.
- Social boundaries are when people are lonely and do not know how to contact others without harming them.
- Abuse from childhood and the lack of positivity in their lives.
- Overuse of drugs
- Family history
- Harmful habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, or consumption of processed food and soda drinks.
- Poor nutrition
Social connections, understanding who you are, wholesome nutrition, exercises, and education may help to stay mentally balanced, sharp, and able to help others.
Social interactions play a vital role. When people are poor but feel safe and loved, surrounded by family, friends, or community, they can face many challenges. Some of them benefit from it. You would like to ask how?
Difficulties in life prepare for more significant tasks and challenges. It is nothing new. It can be different, but you know that you dealt with one problem successfully, and the second one will be conquered too.
Of course, difficulties can be different. I do not talk about wars when people cannot escape and make their own decisions.
Nutrition’s influence on mental health
Leaving aside social aspects and so-called problems from childhood, let’s check how inadequate food affects mental health.
The newsletter from the leading supplements company for mental health gives information about the importance of vitamins, microelements, and enzymes.
Irish scientists found out that the lack of vitamin B can disrupt mental health, especially for older people. Individuals do not get enough vitamins from food. Processed and refined food lacks all vitamins, not just the B complex. Food affected by temperature loses all enzymes.
Enzymes are proteins that participate in the body’s metabolism. Vitamins take part in organism functions too. B vitamins which are vitally important to brain health, are
- B2
- B6
- B9
- B12
Irish scientists gathered the data from 5 thousand adults. They found out that food does not have enough vitamins to keep vitamin biomarkers high. Low vitamin B biomarkers showed increased depression by 78 percent.
Young people need nutrition too
You heard about mental problems in young adults. Most of them are students who leave scars on others’ lives. Shootings, bullying, the creation of tension, and disruption of balance in classes do not benefit a healthy emotional environment. Who wants to go to school when they know that difficulties and troubles wait ahead?
The conversation and blogging about the harm of sugar, processed food, and drugs are annoying, and it does not create any excitement. When somebody tells you that this and this thing is terrible, you want to do everything oppositely, don’t you? On another side, how can it be hard for these people in the constant cycle of rage, disappointment, and misery?
All young adults who committed crimes were from different levels of human society. Unfortunately, mental health must be questionable because if you are in good shape, how can you harm others? Of course, there are cases in some countries that happen unbelievable things. However, in powerful countries such as the U.S.A., the quality of nutritional education is questionable.
You can check comments under TED talks, where people express their opinions about nutrition. Plenty of them thinks that doctors and scientists talk nonsense. It shows how people are addicted to junk food which makes them happy for a while but, in the long run, creates problems such as mental and physical disorders.
Okay, where are ways to be mentally healthy?
Exercises. It does not matter how boring it sounds; practices change the quality of mental health. Individuals who exercise are stronger physically. The body is healthier because muscles, tissues, and organs receive more oxygen and nutrients from the blood. When we move, blood vessels cater to nutrients faster and further to all places in the body.
Nutrition. Vitamins, enzymes, minerals, proteins, and fats keep bodies in good shape. We do not get enough nutrients from food. It does not matter if you consume organic food or eat plenty of vegetables; you lack some vital nutrients. For example, you can get plenty of vitamin D, but you can contact many problems if you require magnesium. Why? Because magnesium interacts with vitamin D. Without sufficient magnesium, vitamins A and K, you will not get balanced vitamin D.
Remember, in the body, everything is connected. When you miss one tiny detail, all functions can suffer. It happens not at once but slowly degrading and disempowering bodily functions.
Social Connections. Loneliness can drive you crazy, especially if you do not have a confidant or you do not read books. How it can be strange, especially at these times when your self-esteem is measured by the number of likes or admiration from peers, books can be real saviors. Fiction is a light and entertaining feast. However, the insights and experiences of exciting people can overturn your world upside down and opposite. Maybe you, at this time, are so low that you do not want anything.
A consultation with an excellent and knowledgeable health practitioner could help. On another side, maybe it is the case, as happened to Anthony Stephan, who created the company called True Hope. You can read about his products here.
It is fascinating that TrueHope products helped many people from the whole world. You read testimonials and research papers from doctors and scientists about the impact and importance of nutrients on mental health.
Can you imagine that people like Natalie can forget schizophrenia using TrueHope products? Her mother, Theresa, made everything so that her daughter would be healthy. They came to a long path of recovery, and now they both can enjoy the benefits of life. There are words of grateful mother Theresa from TrueHope Winter 2018 volume 10, issue 1:
My daughter did not have a mental illness. My daughter had a nutritional deficiency, nothing more. It concluded what I learned with my cancer diagnosis: that these foods we eat today are not enough to give the brain the essential nutrition it needs daily. When we started replenishing her body with the deficiencies it cried for; her health was restored.
Can you imagine the joy of being healthy again and leading a complete life? Ways to be mentally healthy are simple. When you do not have an emergency case such as tumors or trauma, you will benefit from changing your lifestyle and giving the body what it needs: proper nutrition, exercise, and vibrant social life.
Do you have experience with mental problems? It would be nice to hear from you. Please, leave a comment below.
An update
Scientists and researchers are finding correlations between mental health and electromagnetic fields that surround us immensely. It is and mind blowing interview with a British James Bond. You can watch it here.