Spirulina is algae used thousands of years ago. Best qualities of Spirulina prompt to choose the Spirulina as the source of vital nutrients. Spirulina is a nutraceutical food. Nutrients give the body strength, vitality, and energy. Spirulina is a perfect choice as a food supplement and nutraceutical food.
Benefits of Spirulina
Spirulina is a nutraceutical food that provides all the needed nutrients to humans. Spirulina contains GLA. Only the mother’s milk exceeds quantity and quality. Spirulina has all vitamins, proteins, trace minerals, and chlorophyll. Taking Spirulina, the body gets an alkaline food supplement. Algae helps with fasting while having a little of calories but plentiful of essential to the body nutrients.
Spirulina is the source of proteins. Essential and non-essential amino acids are found in Spirulina. These amino acids are easily digested. The liver needs amino acids. People who have problems with their liver can benefit from Spirulina. Spirulina contains 70% protein of the total material.
Spirulina contains significant amounts of potassium and vitamins. Vitamin B complex, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and inositol are abundant in Spirulina.
A pure food
Spirulina is a product of nature. No chemicals, additives, or preservatives. Spirulina is a nutraceutical food.
Spirulina is rich in chlorophyll
Spirulina is a source of chlorophyll. Chlorophyll promotes regeneration, prevents constipation, and eases inflammation. Chlorophyll is one of the coloring agents in Spirulina. Other coloring agents are phycocyanin and carotenoids. Carotenoids are so-called provitamins that are building material for vitamin A.
Alkaline balance
Spirulina is an alkali supply. Spirulina is rich in magnesium and potassium. It lets the body maintain its chemical balance. The magnesium, sodium, and potassium in Spirulina were obtained and digested quickly.
Natural digestion
Spirulina is multicellular algae. Spirulina is 100 times bigger compared with Chlorella algae. It means that Spirulina is easily harvested. It can do with a filter cloth. Chlorella requires a centrifuge operation. Costs become high.
Spirulina’s membrane is thin. Spirulina quickly digested and absorbed.
Spirulina has ten times more beta carotene than any vegetable.
Spirulina is low in calories
Light, low-calorie food. Spirulina provides stamina and energy during fasting. According to Christopher Hills, Ph.D., S.D, 100 grams of Spirulina’s plankton has only 399 calories. It means that 3.9 calories are per gram of protein.
Spirulina for seniors
Spirulina does not form mucoids in the intestine.
Spirulina is good for seniors. In Japan, seniors take Spirulina for colon health and nourishment. Spirulina has significant amounts of beta-carotene, proteins, iron, amino acids, and minerals.
Japanese take 4 grams of Spirulina every day. It is equivalent to eight 500 mg tablets. Seniors do not have a fast metabolism. Spirulina quickly digested and absorbed.
Children and mothers can benefit from Spirulina. Extra protein and iron for mothers give needed nutrients, especially for pregnant or nursing mothers.
Spirulina helps after hangovers
In Japan, business people relax after a long workday socializing with colleagues and clients. Of course, the hangover is not the best condition when somebody needs to go to work again in the morning.
Japanese take at least ten tablets of Spirulina with two glasses of water. Water is vital for rehydration after alcohol consumption. Spirulina replenishes the body with all nutrients lost after drinking.
Spirulina for athletes
Spirulina provides all nutrients for athletes. Athletes need more energy and stamina for performance.
GLA is a component in Spirulina. GLA stimulates prostaglandins. Prostaglandins are hormones that regulate cells in the body. Prostaglandins regulate heart cells, skin, and muscle cells. Appropriate prostaglandins levels are essential for the excellent performance of athletes.
Spirulina is a source of proteins. Spirulina contains over 70 % of protein. Proteins are essential for tissue regeneration and muscle building.
Spirulina provides energy for athletes during the performance. Spirulina’s proteins are easy to digest, absurd. Spirulina contains moderate amounts of fat.
Spirulina as an emergency supply
It is advisable to have unperishable food a home. Floods, earthquakes, and economic collapse could restrict movements from the house. Spirulina is a perfect choice for the food supply. It is light, nutritional, and easily digested food. I call Spirulina food because people can live years consuming just Spirulina.
Christopher Hills described one Japanese who lived 15 years eating just Spirulina. His name is Toru Matsui. The 85-year-old philosopher resided on Mt.Hakone in Japan.
Wholesome and nourishing food supplement
If you took ten grams per day of Spirulina, your body would thrive, not just survive at the time of disaster.
Spirulina kept in tightly closed plastic containers can last one year as high-quality food. It is advisable to rotate supplies because oxygen molecules penetrate through plastic bottles. Beta-carotene is sensible and can be destroyed. If you have high-quality oxygen barrier containers, you can keep Spirulina longer.
Enriched diet with Spirulina
High fat and low fiber diets increase the ability to catch chronic diseases. Beta-carotene has a positive influence on reducing risks to have conditions such as cancer. Spirulina has ten times more beta-carotene compared with other vegetables.
High-quality diet with Spirulina
Malnutrition makes people weak and prone to various problems. It weakens when the body does not get enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, and amino acids. People cannot perform tasks efficiently. They are fast tired. Spirulina has all the vital nutrients which give the body energy, stamina, and nourishment.
As you see, Spirulina is a nutraceutical food supplement that does not do any harm and does not have side effects. Spirulina is a product of nature, a source of vital nutrients. The best qualities of Spirulina give us the ability to live and perform in the best way possible.
An update
We hear about world hunger and climate crisis most of every day. I wonder why people who decide on how to save the world’s population do not feed it with Spirulina. Christopher Hills, called Father of Spirulina, offered solutions a few decades ago.